Even though Orton winning was telegraphed because dirtsheets, I thought Lesnar was going to win after Owens retained. I believed whoever the winner is would actually main event WrestleMania this year, so Rumble winner Lesnar vs champ Goldberg made sense in my mind, as Orton/Wyatt will never main event WM.
Got thrown for a loop with the Reigns booking.
- Strowman interferes -> "OK, Reigns/Strowman at Mania"
- Strowman dominant in the Rumble -> "Reigns next entrant to take them both out or sneak attack"
- Strowman eliminated -> "Oh, I guess they didn't want Reigns revenge immediately"
- Reigns enters & eliminates Taker -> "ffs"
The 'surprise' entrants were abysmal and really damaged my interest. Particularly when I think 3 of them were in the first 6 guys. Enzo was kind of a breaking point. If they really needed a Cena win (absolutely awful decision if he's dropping it in two weeks), Joe debuting, wining the Rumble and going on to face Cena would've been BIG.
this was the 30th anniversary.
Don't be Vince