The most telling thing is the complete silence from Dyack. If this game had any kind of promise, you know he'd be out in front of it, trying to get some buzz. There has to be some kind of C team explanation.
That Wolv-y pic never fails to get a laugh out of me.Showmeyamoves said:![]()
I had to because they go so well with each other.
I played a whole hour of Too Human, and I endorse SK hate threads.Captain N said:I don't understand why everyone is allowed to come in here and bash the game. I can understand if they played it, but most of the people have yet to have played it. Just lots of SK hate. Silly. Get it out of this thread.
This is one of the hallmarks of the entire gaming community. But hearing the impressions, seeing the screens, and watching the footage is probably going to be enough to convince people that it is a bad game (and it is).Captain N said:I don't understand why everyone is allowed to come in here and bash the game. I can understand if they played it, but most of the people have yet to have played it. Just lots of SK hate. Silly. Get it out of this thread.
Anyone seen this yet?GamesRadar Review said:There are even times where the lack of polish bleeds into the games custscenes and makes the story harder to follow. Certain animations are missing entirely, and we were sometimes confused by what characters were talking about as they stood motionless and described things we couldnt see. Other times theyd talk over each other, making important plot details hard to follow. We were eventually able to figure it out, but it took us out of the moment and represents a level of shoddiness that shouldnt exist in modern games.
Captain N said:I don't understand why everyone is allowed to come in here and bash the game. I can understand if they played it, but most of the people have yet to have played it. Just lots of SK hate. Silly. Get it out of this thread.
Lactose_Intolerant said:Anyone seen this yet?
Lactose_Intolerant said:Anyone seen this yet?
Ok, now I'm thinking of renting it again, love playing alphas.MG310 said:Yes, there's a cutscene with Gambit where you bring him a package. Its sitting on the table in front of him and he goes "let me see what you brought me" then he immediately acts as if it has been opened even though its still sitting there closed.
Also saw Emma Frost get stuck on geometry and stutter through an opening in a fence in one of the early cutscenes.
B_Rik_Schitthaus said:
Could they fix such massive problems with a patch? if so I'll have to make sure to play off line.MG310 said:Another fun glitch - when you die after the screen fades apparently you get back up because you can still hear yourself fighting until it loads the load screen.
But now you can start everything over from the start!!MG310 said:Oh jeez... (I hate to keep making a bunch of quick posts like this) but...
Okay so it goes...
Boss Fight
Challenge Room - These are sections where you can fail but the story will keep going. I get killed here and the game starts up the next sequence and lets me run forward a bit, then a save triggers and the loading screen comes up. It dumps me back at the start of that sequence. The 2nd time it didn't do this. Also the Purifiers in the post challenge room are all piled together and twitching in place.
Then - once I beat all of those enemies I notice that the NPC with me is trapped behind one of the electric barriers that blocks you in with the enemies - had to quit out to the menu and reload. Thankfully it loaded back up to the room I was trapped in though with the NPC on the right side of the wall this time.
EDIT - Now that I finished that room another cutscene started and the system locked up. No XMB or anything. Great job SK.
Now it keeps happening - I believe its trying to load up a Colossus model in the custscene and its not happening. I can hear him talk and Surge is having a conversation with him but he doesn't appear. Then the system hard locks. I'm going to try again and take a video of it. Kept happening after deleting/reinstalling the game data..so...guess this is how X-Men Destiny ends for me.
Nairume said:Here's more shots of the Wii version. Still phone cam pics.
I think I've officially uploaded more media of this version than Activision has.
Captain N said:I don't understand why everyone is allowed to come in here and bash the game. I can understand if they played it, but most of the people have yet to have played it. Just lots of SK hate. Silly. Get it out of this thread.
There are parts in the Wii version that are actually kind of cheap and you can get killed pretty quickly if you fuck up.Xander51 said:Dying 100 times in the game would be extraordinarily difficult. I made it through on normal dying about 4 times, and now I'm playing on the hardest difficulty on my new game plus and it's super-easy. Sucks that it's a zero point achievement, funny that it's in there though.
Kifimbo said:People are mostly bashing what they are seeing. Which is videos and screens. We are also experienced enough to know a licenced game (a huge licence) with little promotion is probably a bad game. See Captain America, Thor, both Iron Man, etc.
B_Rik_Schitthaus said:![]()
This is the 360 version, not the PSP version.
I am amazed any publisher works with SK any more, its not like they push game play and player choice so far that its somewhat understandable that their games look like they are running on broken hardware.
DrBo42 said:Someone get a screengrab of the "Things look so bad everywhere" achievement. Needs to be the first thing people see in this thread. Never agreed with an achievement title more.
Great post, seeing the game look slightly better is a bit of a shame, would have loved to play something that looked that mercilessly bad.eek5 said:found this spot
Cmagus said:Wow i thought someone just took a screen when the textures haven't popped in then I watched the video the entire area is like that the whole time.![]()
Captain N said:I don't understand why everyone is allowed to come in here and bash the game. I can understand if they played it, but most of the people have yet to have played it. Just lots of SK hate. Silly. Get it out of this thread.
HahaZenith said:People should have known this was going to be a bad game when their expertly crafted reveal trailer consisted of zooming in on people's armpits.
X-Men Destiny is five hours long because someone wanted a line item in a fall release schedule and didn't want to wait to finish it. It's a careless, cynical, opportunistic mess that Silicon Knights and Activision should be ashamed to release. In fact, its concision almost comes back around to being a virtue, because at least you can quickly move onto something more pleasurable, like selling X-Men Destiny to a stupid friend you hate, or burying a beloved family pet.
In years past, Silicon Knights boss Denis Dyack has railed against critics writing "previews" that feel more like reviews of what's still a half-finished product. How ironic that his company and Activision have just forced me to do exactly that.
There's a big difference between bad licensed comic game writing andZuhzuhzombie!! said:People complaining about the writing in a comic book game is like complaining about corn syrup at a Chinese restaurant.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Don't like the random main characters they made up. Why can you not play as the xmen in an xmen game? I think that bothers me too much to get any hype but apparently it's terrible anyhow.
Cmagus said:At the very least they should have allowed you to create your own hero.It would have been better if they had the three story scenarios that you could have chosen from with your own character.
B_Rik_Schitthaus said:![]()
This is the 360 version, not the PSP version.
I am amazed any publisher works with SK any more, its not like they push game play and player choice so far that its somewhat understandable that their games look like they are running on broken hardware.
UE3 confirmed?General Shank-a-snatch said:![]()