What time is it?
Fucking Ninja Gaiden sequel looking like Warframe and starring anime dipshit...
Platinum Games quality of output is like playing Russian Roulette with five bullets instead of one.
Fucking Ninja Gaiden sequel looking like Warframe and starring anime dipshit...
Agreed, that group is getting my moneyGame Pass is tempting, but I think this game deserves a buy.
100% buying this and Ninja Gaiden 4.Game Pass is tempting, but I think this game deserves a buy.
Expedition 33 is not on PC??? DAFUQ???????????
sent to die on GamePass
My Game Pass will expire in April. It is a buy for me.Game Pass is tempting, but I think this game deserves a buy.
Which one of you was this?no female? im out LOL, we need representation
SIMILAR TO THE MINI NAIL GUN IN QUAKE?!was that a dual plasma gun?
Not gonna lie, I’ve played the last two and didn’t even realise there was a story.No one plays Doom for the story, lmao. Who gives a shit if it is a prequel or a sequel or whatever.