Was it known before today that Kerbal Space Program is coming to the Xbox One?
Was it known before today that Kerbal Space Program is coming to the Xbox One?
Is there some way to unlock game in Poland on NA date of launch?
Gears have it's launch date set on 25 in NA and 28 in EU and I would love to play it earlier![]()
I might be wrong but I think if you buy a game from US store it should unlock for you at the US release date, doesn't matter where you live. Not sure what to do or how to switch it to US store, cause I've never done it but I think it should work.
You might want to wait for more people to confirm or deny if it works or not, since I'm not 100% sure, never bough a digital game from other regions on Xbox One.
Yeah buy the game in the US store.
Thanks. I already bought it from xbox.com on PL marketplace.
I have USA xbox live account though so maybe this counts for something!
It's only 3 days so it's not a big deal but I would really like to play it.
Call MS and cancel the pre-order. They can do it without a problem and then you can buy from the US store. Cheaper and you get to play earlier.
Adventures of Pip is relevant to my interests....
Like Binding of Isaac, prolly have to change regions again to get it, I might as well stay on USA at this point. >_>
Annoying because all my credit is on my NZ one.
Super Toy Cars is...meh :/
Not sure, but both of those things mentioned are DLC on STEAM. MMO was free and Goat Z was $5.
The press release isn't entirely clear if it is a whole new game or if it is DLC.
I just....don't get Goat Simulator...at all.
Nope, meant what I said. It's meh. Story mode is boring, minefield races are cheap and crappy, Quick race is decent enough and co-op is mildly fun. It's not shit but it's also not great.You misspelled the word "shit."
It's riddled with bugs and inaccuracies. Seen the way you unlock car parts for the actual cars that they've based the mini-vehicles on? I unlocked parts for a Ford GT and a Marussia. They're going to be in the absolute crap if they don't fix that before launch. They don't have the licences to be using those names.
Plus it's lovely how sometimes you land off a minor jump, right in the middle of the track, and the game decides to reset you. Multiple times per race. Plus it has more screen tearing that F1 2015. And no multiplayer, other than split-screen which is limited to three tracks.
Utterly dire.
Nope, meant what I said. It's meh. Story mode is boring, minefield races are cheap and crappy, Quick race is decent enough and co-op is mildly fun. It's not shit but it's also not great.
And you wouldn't buy it, or recommend anyone else bought it?
Unless you have someone willing to do co-op races with you, probably not.
It's alright, and I think it's $10(?), but nothing I'd recommend
Certainly not shit, but also not great is my official stance
So, lady from live chat said that I will be able to play on 25th because I have US account. I hope she is right.
What? No dude unlock time is based on the store you bought it in.
I have no idea how it works so I will be sure who is right in two days
One thing is that when I click play it tells me that it is to soon and go check date on marketplace and then it takes me there and it says 25th.
But I have set my mp to US so it's obvious.
Lots of ID@Xbox sales this week: http://www.xblafans.com/silent-sale-cuts-prices-on-tons-of-xbox-one-indie-games-83229.html
Ya in strongly considering it also...have heard good things$16 for Life is Strange complete season.
Not a huge discount but screw it, I'm in.
Much to the annoyance of my kids, Frozen Freefall appears MIA, any ideas?
is Whispering Willows out this week?
Lots of ID@Xbox sales this week: http://www.xblafans.com/silent-sale-cuts-prices-on-tons-of-xbox-one-indie-games-83229.html
Lots of ID@Xbox sales this week: http://www.xblafans.com/silent-sale-cuts-prices-on-tons-of-xbox-one-indie-games-83229.html
From that list, The Swapper and Life Is Strange are must-buys. The Swapper is a must-buy if you like 2-d indie puzzle games. And Life Is Strange is a must-buy if you like games in general (but maybe more so if you are a fan of the Telltale-style point-and-click game).
EVERYONE should buy Life is Strange. It's one of the best narratives in a game I've ever played. You're sorely missing out on what will be one of the best games of the year if you skip it.
EVERYONE should buy Life is Strange. It's one of the best narratives in a game I've ever played. You're sorely missing out on what will be one of the best games of the year if you skip it.
What is Octodad like exactly? Is it like a Telltale game? Is it a puzzle game?