I'd expect them to have something in place for SO.. this gets me thinking - FH2 ?
Hopefully with digital preorder we will get preloading as well.
Missed this earlier in the week, but Crabitron is coming to XB1 via ID@Xbox. It's a Kinect game, heres a quick vid on what to expect.
You can follow the dev here, he tweets about dev with some cool Kinect stuff:
Hmmm, seems like this is going to require some serious finger tracking... It will be nice to see as a test of how good kinect v2 is at reading finer finger movements.
Ya, it will need to track pretty well. Here is a sample of the work the dev has been doing with hand tracking, including writing his own algorithm to determine positions for the thumb and index fingers to form the claw:
Pretty cool stuff imo.
Nerd? Big Bang Theory: The Game?
Please be a new bomberman.... It won't
Nerd? Big Bang Theory: The Game?
Please be a new bomberman.... It won't
Nerd? Big Bang Theory: The Game?
Please be a new bomberman.... It won't
From Comic-Con, unlikely a retail option though.
Good, dont own them both!Crimson Dragon and Strike Suit Zero are the free Games with Gold of august.
Mike "Thomas Was Alone/Volume" Bithell has just applied to id@xbox programme.
People are already keeping an eye on it as there is a backlog of developers, so if he gets a kit before them I am sure there will be some kind of hell to pay, on all ends.
Mike "Thomas Was Alone/Volume" Bithell has just applied to id@xbox programme.
People are already keeping an eye on it as there is a backlog of developers, so if he gets a kit before them I am sure there will be some kind of hell to pay, on all ends.
From Comic-Con, unlikely a retail option though.
Mike "Thomas Was Alone/Volume" Bithell has just applied to id@xbox programme.
People are already keeping an eye on it as there is a backlog of developers, so if he gets a kit before them I am sure there will be some kind of hell to pay, on all ends.
They've freely admitted they prioritise people based on past products.
but I thought every box was a dev console? #E32013
It was Gamescom not E3 they said it... if you're going to hashtag it at least use the right one.
Fuck i would want this, controller not so much.
On all ends? That sounds uncomfortable.
Hello everyone.
We're working hard to squash all the remaining bugs in Pier Solar. It's been a long road but we're finally getting there. Also we're not in full certification mode from all companies, which means, that once we've passed and we're approved, I can finally set a definitive release date for the game, which is something that I've been wanting to do much more than you can imagine.
As most of you are aware, we haven't been able to reach an agreement to get the Xbox 360 version published, and it's making it impossible to be released. So we sent a survey to all 360 backers giving the option to switch to another platform. If you're a 360 backer, check your email. It's probably there.
Fuck i would want this, controller not so much.
My apologies, I really haven't expressed myself clearly enough.
By "on all ends" I meant that ID@Xbox will take flak for it in some way, smaller developers will kick off and feel like they are not being fully supported, and you will also take flak for it as an already successful developer. I understand how MS prioritise development kits but not everybody else understands this and that is what I was trying to point out, albeit badly.
I was a bit disappointed and upset to see that you took it to Twitter, screengrabbed my quote and read it as "threatening behaviour". I wish you had allowed me to respond on here and provide clarification on my comment.
You're the one apologizing to him? You're intent was perfectly clear even if not explained on point word by word, nobody with a bit of sense could interpret it as threatening behaviour (lol).
What he did was really, really lame. Some people just love attention, I guess.
Agreed. The fact that he dismissed the poster on Twitter as being "passive aggressive" was hypocritical.
Where is this crazy Twitter conversation you guys keep referencing?
Bad news: PinballFX is delayed to August on Xbox One.
Good news: that is because they made a real with MS to allow tables transfer from the 360 version for free.
Bad news: PinballFX is delayed to August on Xbox One.
Good news: that is because they made a real with MS to allow tables transfer from the 360 version for free.
Bad news: PinballFX is delayed to August on Xbox One.
Good news: that is because they made a real with MS to allow tables transfer from the 360 version for free.
"made a deal" - aka MS didn't want to give away the game for free so the devs probably now get less of a cut.
Fuck i would want this, controller not so much.
Eh? Pinball FX2 is still a free game? If anything they might get less money this way as people are re-buying tables on XB1 they already bought on 360
yes, to all of that. That's what I was talking about. Free = MS not getting money from consumers from the boards they get to carry over.
Wouldn't it be Zen Studios getting no money for the carry over tables? I'm not sure I'm following your logic on this one.