So I actually ended up buying an Xbox One S after E3. I wanted to see what the Scorpio was going to be and like the PS4 Pro I don't really see myself paying the price for either. Not when I have a gaming PC. The system was on sale. Was the Forza Horizon 3 bundle with a media controller for $260 at Best Buy. I figured why not at the price. At the time anyway.
I'm curious if anyone else has found or did find themselves in the position I'm about to describe?
Sorry if this is long winded.
My issue is commitment with this purchase though. I got it Friday and it's still in the box unopened. This is been bothering me the most. I've been trying to find reasons to keep the purchase or something or someone to convince me to keep it.
One of the major reasons I wanted it was backwards compatibility. My Xbox 360 no longer works. Hasn't for over a year, maybe 2. All but one of my 360 games (Tales of Vesperia) is now on the list of the games. The addition of original Xbox games was another plus in favor of a purchase since I don't have the space to reconnect that thing. So half the purchase is mainly so I can pay my old games that I can no longer play.
I guess what's stopping me is everything else Xbox One related on the game front. I have a gaming PC. If I wanted Horizons 3 I could buy it there and not pay for online. So many other games as well that would be on the PS4/XBO last year are now getting PC versions for their sequels, same with newer games. Things like Anthem, Destiny 2, Forza 7 of all things in addition to stuff I would have gotten on PC anyway like Wolfenstein. The PS4 is no better on this front I feel since I've never been that attached to Sony's exclusives. No that's wrong. I'm not attached to any of Sony's current exclusives. The games I loved and enjoyed on the PlayStation brand are games from the PS1 and PS2 era that haven't exist since then. It's reason why my PS3 (gotten after a lot of price drops) was ultimately a blu-ray player with me owning maybe 5 games max. So really nothing is really pushing me to PS4 as an alternative. I mainly game on Nintendo hardware as far as consoles go so I'm good there. I can see very likely finally picking up Halo 5, the next Halo as well, indie games that end up being exclusives, and a few others depending if the PC version turns out bad or not but not sure if that's enough.
So has anyone found themselves in this place?
Does one just try to track down a refurbished or maybe new if lucky Xbox 360 and call it a day?
Or future proof that with that with the higher priced Xbox One and maybe run the risk getting only a few games on it?
Is there anyone in that position where they use it for BC and a few games but game more on other platforms?
Do you regret that or learned to be okay with it because you wanted that BC access?