Current list of Xbox One X Enhanced games that are available right now. 41 of them & that number should grow to around 70 by the 7th.
AC: Origins not showing up on mine. Even though it's only a 1.8 gb patch.
Current list of Xbox One X Enhanced games that are available right now. 41 of them & that number should grow to around 70 by the 7th.
So watching this video they try Daytona USA Xbox 360 on the Xbox One X and it now has 16x AF! No longer do we have blurry road textures!!
I cant tell if it is running higher then 720p though as I dont speak German, here is the youtube link:
Can Daytona still be purchased digitally?
For some reason Diablo just won't show up as Xbox one X enhanced on my console. 😣
Patch isn't out despite the post earlier
Patch isn't out despite the post earlier
this event normally crawls with all this activity on the Xbox One S. this was posted on reddit playing on One X
Ghost Recon:Wildlands will that be getting a patch?
One of the reasons I had little interest in backwards compatibility was that the games just looked like shit.
With the enhancements they have given older games new life.
I can't wait to see how good Fallout 3 looks.
A resolution boost goes a long way for me.
Yes it's in the OP of this thread homie.
AC Unity unpatched is getting almost double the FPS! wow!
Can't watch right now. Is it a side by side?
No it's footage after the 4k patch dropped. First vid of it ive seen. It has vastly improved and quite the looker now much more than even the pro footage
Current list of Xbox One X Enhanced games that are available right now. 41 of them & that number should grow to around 70 by the 7th.
Ive no idea who produced this list, but it absolutely is not accurate. Most of the titles on the list do not have Xbox One X patches available. Eg ACO, COD etc etc etc.
Ive no idea who produced this list, but it absolutely is not accurate. Most of the titles on the list do not have Xbox One X patches available. Eg ACO, COD etc etc etc.
There is also killer instinct in the video but hard to compare. The gears footage with the new 4k textures and lighting make the x1x footage superior to even pc now
When did the patch drop?
I wonder how Red Dead Redemption BC will run on this?
Can i ask a clarifying question?
Games that aren't receiving an enhanced patch will still receive some kind of improvement in quality?
Apologies if this is a stupid question
Patch isn't out despite the post earlier
Ive no idea who produced this list, but it absolutely is not accurate. Most of the titles on the list do not have Xbox One X patches available. Eg ACO, COD etc etc etc.
God damn those install sizes lol
Nah. It is. I have a 4TB external and it was half full before 4K.external hdd / ssd is almost mandatory for 4k lol
external hdd / ssd is almost mandatory for 4k lol
Is there a date on the MCC patch?
Current list of Xbox One X Enhanced games that are available right now. 41 of them & that number should grow to around 70 by the 7th.