Frank Serpico
I recommend Halo MCC at this price, it's cool to have the entire (except Reach) Halo saga on the HD, since Xbox is a Halo machine. Also, the excellent ODST is only $5
Man, Rockstar is really not going out of their way to discount GTA V in any significant fashion. Just been a series of Shark Card pack ins with modest discounts. Crying shame given the slashing they've done on Steam and PSN.
ni thought lasers were kinda cool. Even if OP. And I'm talking about the stream lasersDoes the Pre-Sequel add anything interesting the Borderlands formula or is it more of the same?
I enjoyed my time with the first 2 games, but got really burnt out once I hit the DLC for BL2. That being said, it's been over 2 years since I've touched a BL game so I might just be ready to jump back in.
My Microsoft $ account balance is set to expire on 7/7/2015. Does it mean I can use it tomorrow or does it mean I have to use it today?
How are UK peeps buying these deals? Not showing up on store/website for me.
Sorry for the dumb question, but is the Microsoft store linked in any way to the Xbox marketplace? I have $50 in credit with the former, but don't know if it's strictly usable there and nowhere else.
Do any tables exist with links and the prices for each?
edit: found this on Reddit
Does anyone know if the limit was taken off usb flash drives for 360? I thought I remember it being upped from 16 gb to 32 gb a while back, but now it seems to be unlimited/2TB (?). Was thinking of buying a 64gb or 128gb usb, i hate splitting ny game saves between 2 usbs and a 20gb hdd. I want to buy some Games On Demand...
Don't make the mistake I did. Luckily it was $12. If it says it expires at 7/7/2015 your $ will be gone 7/7/2015 spend them today!
Up to 40-50%. Not at least.Why is Ori only 25% off? I thought it was suppose to be 40%-50% with an extra 10% for Gold members?
Why is Ori only 25% off? I thought it was suppose to be 40%-50% with an extra 10% for Gold members?
*up to 40-50% offWhy is Ori only 25% off? I thought it was suppose to be 40%-50% with an extra 10% for Gold members?
It's Xbox One sale only?
Sleeping Dogs was my second favorite TPS sandbox game last gen, after RDR (and yes that includes GTA 5, and I am serious). I am very picky about sandboxes, tho.
Watchdogs for 15 is tempting but I feel 8 I've waiting this long might as well wait till I can get it for 2 or 3 bucks or it hits gwg or ps+
Because of stupid prices in the UK I love how middle earth at £35 is classed as a deal lolOther sales I found
Terraria: $8
Halo the Master chief collection: $35.99
Dragon Age Inquisition Deluxe edition: $35.00 (I don't know about standard as I already purchased one)
The legend of Korra: $7.50
Need for speed rivals Complete edition: $30 (No sales for standard)
Walking dead season one and two each: $12.50
Sleeping dogs DE: $15
Middle earth Shadow of mordor: $20 (No sales for Goty edition)
Diablo 3 Reaper of souls Ultimate Evil Edition: $30
I would tell anyone not to get Halo collection at 35, it's not worth it at that and will probably be on sale for cheaper in the fall plus I am sure you would be able to find a code on ebay for it from someone that bought the bundle for cheaper than 35.
Was hoping Jaws of Hakkon would be cheaper. Not sure if it's worth it at $10 or not.
Wow... Microsoft has the gall to put Ori and the Blind Forest on sale on Xbox One for 25% off, while it just went on sale on Steam for 75% off. Thanks a lot, asshats.
Pretty weird tbh, you'd think they'd be consistent since they both launched at the same time.. But then again it's the first time it's been on sale of XB1 while Ori has been on sale during steams summer sale for a lower % off... Maybe we just have to wait 3 weeks to get a 75% off sale?Wow... Microsoft has the gall to put Ori and the Blind Forest on sale on Xbox One for 25% off, while it just went on sale on Steam for 75% off. Thanks a lot, asshats.
Meh not really I haven't had a good experience with it and I still think it's more expensive than it should be.MCC for $35 is definitely worth it for the campaign alone.
It just feels like more side quest content. Pretty disappointing, IMO.
Two questions:
Is the Shadow of Mordor DLC any good, or is it fine to skip it?
If I get Lego Batman from the US store will the season pass still work?
Could anyone answer this please?