The Tribe Has Spoken
It sounds like Xenoblade 2 is right up your alley in the combat department. I am 300 hours in and still haven’t mastered it. It’s deep. I’m not a big JRPG player though.So I'm looking for some new RPG and am really undecided if I should get this.
My experience with the franchise is limited to the first Xenobalde which I liked but didn't love.
I liked the main quest, I enjoyed the story and I really liked the world with all its cool locations and awesome art direction .
I didn't really care for the combat . Felt very basic and monotonous. It would have been better if you could use several characters at once but since you are limited to one it felt like you just needed to figure out the basics of the character and then input the same commands in 90% of the rights.
I also didn't care for the F2P MMO style sidequests and found the optional content really lacking . Even the missions to unlock new skills for your team were boring fetch quests.
So...with that in mind. Would you recommend this one
The sidequests I’m not sure. The rare blade quests are interesting, but the majority of sidequests are fetch quests really.