During my train rides this week I still managed to take my time exploring and I'm now in the desert city after the forest (that's already 2 SD towns right at the beginning of the game.. and a worldmap!

Thoughts from a person playing this for the first time and with today's games in mind (= no nostalgia bonus):
- The 3D environments surprisingly hold up well, kinda unusual for a PS1 game. They are detailed and have a nice style (natural color palette etc.). By default you turn the camera with L1/R1 so playing the game on the PSP feels natural.
I like the detail work they did, like making some sprite effects to mimic the reflecting light of the fire on the fireplace itself or the lightbeams in the forest.
- due to the free camera and the ability to jump/fall, you have an high level of exploration (jump over a gap to reach a secret treasure chest etc.)
- game is quite easy so far (which I consider a plus here)
- Story is interesting, you also get regularly some anime cutscenes with (english) voiceover which hold up better than any CGI from back then (though they didn't even try to lip sync

). Not really impressed by the writing/translation (nor the emo phases of the characters), but it's very solid. Text speed is actually not that slow, but I'm not a native speaker either.
- fighting system is probably a bit more fun than your usual classic turn based JRPG as you basically click attack but then you enter whatever combo you want (plus of course specials abilities, magic etc.).
oh and yet another JRPG that gives stuff German names. "Weltall" ^^