Well it was obvious.Why was she boasting about her french cooking skills?
I was at first suspicious of
her saying her job at the inn takes up so much of her time yet she was still able to practice dancing.
Well it was obvious.Why was she boasting about her french cooking skills?
I was planning on platinuming this game, but I'm gonna need a god damn guide for some of these minigames. Mahjong in particular, but the some of the gambling ones, too. I mean, what the fuck is Koi Koi even?
Do the "activated when drinking alcohol" skills work in every stance, or just brawler?
I have the same but the other way around.After spending so long doing the real estate quest, I don't think I have the energy to do the cabaret club.
I was planning on platinuming this game, but I'm gonna need a god damn guide for some of these minigames. Mahjong in particular, but the some of the gambling ones, too. I mean, what the fuck is Koi Koi even?
Is there anything I should be doing specifically to ensure I find/do side quests? Right now I am on Chapter 2 and my objective is to.find the homeless men
I don't want to be speeding through the story too quickly if there's lots of side content that I could be easily missing, and from checking the map I can see that there's no icons/indicators on where the side quests are. Is it just a case of running around and exploring? I sorta just stumbled in to theside quest by accident, due to me just running down the street that it is on. I just want to soak up as much of this game as possible!Producer
I am in the exact same boat.
The skill based games like bowling and batting are fine but the Japanese games like Shogi and shit have me stumped big style
Holy fuck, I really didn't expect (BIG spoiler Chapter 10)Tachibana to be the man with the bat tatoo :O This story keeps delivering, cannot wait to see how Majima and Kiryu's plot are interconnected at the end
Well, I straight up can't beat Mr Shakedown any more. He's powered up to what I assume is the final stage, where his health bar starts at purple and he can do his charge and leaping grab moves any time he likes, and I just can't do it. One hit from him when he's in his Heat mode knocks me down, and then he stomps on me and it's all over. I can dodge everything he has, but I just can't do it for several minutes without ever screwing up once. I always end up getting backed into a corner so the camera goes a little weird and I try to dodge sideways but end up dodging backwards and eating a charge move.
I've spent the last ninety minutes just failing over and over, so I'm just going to avoid him from now on. It would have been much more lucrative to just stand in the real estate office letting my money build up for all that time. Ugh, time to go back to the fun part of this game, I think. Stop torturing myself.
Well, I straight up can't beat Mr Shakedown any more. He's powered up to what I assume is the final stage, where his health bar starts at purple and he can do his charge and leaping grab moves any time he likes, and I just can't do it. One hit from him when he's in his Heat mode knocks me down, and then he stomps on me and it's all over. I can dodge everything he has, but I just can't do it for several minutes without ever screwing up once. I always end up getting backed into a corner so the camera goes a little weird and I try to dodge sideways but end up dodging backwards and eating a charge move.
I've spent the last ninety minutes just failing over and over, so I'm just going to avoid him from now on. It would have been much more lucrative to just stand in the real estate office letting my money build up for all that time. Ugh, time to go back to the fun part of this game, I think. Stop torturing myself.
Use weapons. My personal picks would be the iron bar/ballbuster and the slime gun. Make sure you have a lot of heat regenerating items, and abuse heat actions. Once he gets to his Yellow Heat mode, swtich to the slime gun and kite him. The slime gun does HUGE damage on him for some reason.
Well, I straight up can't beat Mr Shakedown any more. He's powered up to what I assume is the final stage, where his health bar starts at purple and he can do his charge and leaping grab moves any time he likes, and I just can't do it. One hit from him when he's in his Heat mode knocks me down, and then he stomps on me and it's all over. I can dodge everything he has, but I just can't do it for several minutes without ever screwing up once. I always end up getting backed into a corner so the camera goes a little weird and I try to dodge sideways but end up dodging backwards and eating a charge move.
I've spent the last ninety minutes just failing over and over, so I'm just going to avoid him from now on. It would have been much more lucrative to just stand in the real estate office letting my money build up for all that time. Ugh, time to go back to the fun part of this game, I think. Stop torturing myself.
Use weapons. My personal picks would be the iron bar/ballbuster and the slime gun. Make sure you have a lot of heat regenerating items, and abuse heat actions. Once he gets to his Yellow Heat mode, swtich to the slime gun and kite him. The slime gun does HUGE damage on him for some reason.
Youve been able to access it for quite a while. As kiryu, check the bottom right side of the map for a telephone club. It's marked purple on the map.how do i get the telephone minigame? i´m already chapter.13
You should already have access to it? I already did a lot of it as Kiryu in chapter 5, you need to go to the telephone club shop, take a look on your map, it's in the pleasure king district in the bottom right as Kiryu.how do i get the telephone minigame? i´m already chapter.13
likely they will not announce any new games regarding the franchise this year. which is finally a good decision and a step forward for the team.Good news indeed. Hopefully we get a new Yakuza announcement this year around TGS then (not bothered if they decide to skip a year though to give them more time to continue building on the new engine, I've got 0 and Kiwami to play through in English this year to get my fix on the series!)
I totally understand the cabaret club game for the most part, but I don't really get how to make progress in the real estate one, is there a basic guide of sorts for that?
I totally understand the cabaret club game for the most part, but I don't really get how to make progress in the real estate one, is there a basic guide of sorts for that?
I guess if I were to come up with a complaint not just about this game but the series in general, it doesn't do a good job of letting me know when I'm coming up on a boss battle, or rather I don't do a good job of figuring out when a boss battle is coming.
Like you have these missions you have to do and you're doing them but I can't tell when it'll end with an opponent with an extended life bar.
Check this guide over here, is really useful:
Basically, you just have to buy properties in a specific area to gain territory. Once you own 90% of the area (by buying properties and upgrading them), the King of the area will challenge you and you have to defeat him to take full control of that area (there are for of them in total)
it's surprisingly straightforward. Just keep buying up properties and investing in them. You'll get scripted events at certain percentage levels, I forget exactly when but I think it's 60% when they send you a challenge to bet 10% of your area. But even if you don't beat them it's no big deal as you'll recoup a 10% loss quickly. At 90% they challenge you to a fight and then you can move on to the next area. It may also be gated behind story progression, I spent a ton of time in chapter 6 and I think I had to move on a bit to unlock everything past gambling king.
The hardest part was just finding all the properties. I had to look up a map of where they all are. (Fake edit: above poster just linked the one I used)
It's crazy how popular this thread is, I've never seen a yakuza thread so active.
omfg the whole intro to Majima.
This game is a masterpiece.
likely they will not announce any new games regarding the franchise this year. which is finally a good decision and a step forward for the team.
now they can concentrate on their new IP this year while giving more time for the other half of the team to craft the next reboot in the franchise.
this should be their strategy going forward, enough with this yearly releases it's not doing the franchise any good + it's killing the creativity of the team by not allowing them to work on something new!
The two I'm struggling with are the batting (sinkers wreck me) and the disco dancing. The colours are so poorly chosen I struggle to actually see them against the background.
The trouble I feel like I'm running into is getting more advisors. I'm guessing I just have to run around and do a ton of side stories to recruit more dudes, but I really wish there was a list of what side stories correspond to which advisor. I could really use more than three people, particularly since the far right building type I have two Xs and a triangle for my options. Would appreciate a circle or double circle.
omfg the whole intro to Majima.
This game is a masterpiece.
Yeah, if you are not really into sidequests and substories it's gonna be difficult to have a good number of managers/security stuff/advisors for the real estate activity, as most of them are unlocked that way.
Don't forget to complete the Miracle Johson substories to get a really special advisor(and maybe the most expensive one)
Beat it. Really good Yakuza game, maybe even my favorite. The final boss fights were top tier, although I feel the story peaked a bit before the finale.
I liked the plot, but I feel like they really blundered on Majima from a series perspective, in a few ways. They could have just as easily given him a goofy/playful side that sometimes surfaces to balance off his somber moods (as it is with the other games, at least 3 and on), at the very least for substories, but they really wanted him to be a slightly ruder Kiryu (which is perfectly fine within the game itself, it works well for his cute cabaret club scenes). At most his zaniness it only hinted at in the smallest ways, like "the customer is king" stuff. It becomes really obvious when you run into a character who basically is Majima in a lot of ways, but horny for girls, not just good fights.
Putting aside series continuity, I think it causes his character development to be all over place in the ending scenes where they go on to link 0 and 1. I think at some point I got completely lost when it came to his relationship with. Focusing on series continuity, it's almost unbelievable how much 5 was ignored; I would even say it took me a bit out of the game whenever subjects likeSagawa. It just made no sense for them to be that friendly all of the sudden. A part of me wishes he was actually another, slightly more antagonistic character - perhaps a certain someone from 5 who shares a striking resemblanceand whatnot would appear in a substories or hostess interactions and get no personal comment at all from Majima.marriage
It's still its own game, so not the biggest complaint, outside some awkward characterization in the epilogue moments and 5's character details haunting me when the discrepancy became painfully apparent. This just ended up being more of a ramble than I intended since my brain is fried some binging on Yakuza (this effect has happened to me on virtually all the games lol).
EDIT: It wasn't necessary, but I did wish they went a little more into Yumi and Yuko. Their physical absence is really felt. Could have made Y1 all the more devastating for Yuko if they made her fit a Haruka-like role, at least for post-game adventuring.
As a first time player, a lot of this didn't make sense to me either. Before going in to 0, the two people I was most aware of were Kiryu and Majima and I knew Majima was this pretty unique, crazy character.
To me, the turning point felt like it was coming afterhis meeting with Shimano and Sagawa before he gets the shit beaten out of him by punks. I was thinking "Oh, this is it. He's going to turn." - Then, it didn't really realise itself. He goes kinda crazy by raiding the Dojima HQ but to be fair, Kiryu does that for much less at the beginning of the game?
Then in the epilogue, he's like "yeah, this is the new me." and it's such a huge departure, I'm not really sure in which way they wanted to develop his character.
The Sagawa thing didn't make sense to me as all I wanted to do for him during the game was hand his ass to him.
I can't unlock the last sexy video. Mr libido is telling me it's the girl from club Vincent but how? I've bought all drinks and won in pool.
I'm in Chapter 4 and can someone explain to me why I like (to hate) Sagawa? He's obviouslyan asshole to Majima, but something about them sitting together over a drink while he passively feels out and mocks Majima's goals just feels right from an antagonist POV.
While despicable, he comes off as more of a realist and even has familial bonds that Majima can parallel to, but doesn't mirror. Regardless, if he gets his or otherwise, I think the character has the potential to have a satisfying conclusion. Sagawa comes off unreasonably manipulative and demanding towards Majima, but it just as inquisitive to his absolute resolution. His speech about never washing the blood from your hands with murder comes to mind.
Maybe I'm thinking too much about it. They'll likely be disposable in the narrative.
I try to make it a point not drop in on these threads usually, but this is the beginning of a great character analysis. Me and Mr. Sam Mullen, Chairman of the Sega Clan, have two very different opinions on the character. After you beat the game, please do share your thoughts so one of us can have gloating rights.
Yes, theRegarding Sagawa,it's not like Majima liked the guy by the end. It's more like he respected him because Sagawa was a Yakuza that saw his task through the end despite everything that happened. Majima said that he learned from that, which does fit his personality on future games. He gets things done, one way or another.
Regarding Y5,the game never quite explained the circumstances regarding Majima's marriage. Park left Majima to become a producer and Majima went to the Yakuza after both split ways. There were never many details on their relationship while married or how that changed Majima.
I don't even remember when exactly it was, but I think it was before Y0 and even Y4 flashbacks happened. It's possible that after the first marriage, he doesn't want to think about that again.
Hmm, I think I've cleared that but I'll try again. Maybe I need to clear puzzle pool as I've only done that with Majima.Doesn't Vincent also have darts ?
Don't think there are any heat moves here. Just good ol' fashioned Yakuza.Glad to see so many new players enjoying Yakuza.
Became a fan with Yakuza 3 and has been my favorite series ever since.
Does anyone know if there are climax heat moves from Y5 in this?
I am only at chapter 3 and Majima is definitely my favorite so far.
Also can anyone tell me where I can get the Charismatic Autobiography item since playing on hard seem little easy for me?