The cabaret management is really fun
What is the "battle bonus reward" section for?
Mine says Weapons 1.0, Shakedown 1.0, Equipment 1.0, CP 1.0
Now that I unlocked thei should try again. I haven't been able to beat him at level 4.Dragon of Dojima style
All of them were pretty easy for me, managed to get all of them done fairly quick, but for the couple that did take longer (baseball and bowling) I really enjoyed the challenges in each mini game. I just cheesed Cat Fighting by saving directly before starting it, betting the max amount possible, then if I won I'd clear all the CP challenges at once, if I lost I just reloaded my save and nothing was lost.
Finished it last night. Unfortunately I'm stuck on mobile so I can't say much, but not only it became my favorite Yakuza game but it also became one of my top 5 games of all time.
An absolutely incredible title. As a long time Yakuza fan, I knew certain things wouldn't happen, but the ending was still playing with my emotions.
Now back to finishing substories and getting closer to that plat trophy.
Fucking FINALLY .. Moon club battle was absolute HORSESHIT. Their bar starts filling extremely quick as soon as the fight starts and their special attack kicks out 4 guests at once .. absolute horseshit.
Also, the 'fade out' when you unlock both K and M's Yakuza 1 fighting stances are absolutely amazing.
I'm in Premium Adventure, and I have been wondering, can I only save by creating a new cleared data save? I was too scared to simply save at the phone box outside the CF Arena.
How you did the gambling games quick I have no idea. Blackjack and Poker were easy (and fun), but Roulette and the games with the homeless guys are so tedious.
You can create Premium Adventure saves, but you can't carry anything forward you unlock in Premium Adventure to a new game I believe. You can only use you cleared save game file for Premium New Game (I think they started doing this in either 5 or Ishin, which was annoying as I grinded the crap out of Ishin to get Amons sword to full strength in Adventure mode then couldn't carry it forward! (always keep separate clear save files for this reason!)
As for gambling - its easiest and quickest to play a single hand of whatever your playing. So for the Japanese gambling do one round of whatever and if you win money, you quit. This adds to your winning score, while sticking with a losing game won't (as you'd need to make up the defisit and then win more money on top of that. It'd take far longer and its all down to luck on a few of these games).
For Roulette, mix up your bets and choose a few different high payout options rather than just doing red/black. Again its based on luck, and only play one round and then quit either way but you should clear these pretty quick (or I was insanely lucky!). Funnily enough it was probably Poker that screwed me over the most, try as I might I just can't get the hands down properly, every time I feel I have a good hand the AI always got something better or ignored my hand completely for some bizarre reason.
So I'm in the end of Chapter 10 andI'm about to leave Kamurocho with Kiryu and head to Sotenbori. Will I be able to come back later before the end of the game? Should I bring huge amounts of money or any essencial item before leaving?
A little something fun for folks that came with the Japanese preorder booklet. They actually had a little article on hostess etiquette and hand signs. Thought it was kind of neat. Also yay first post ever.
So with the hostess training, Hibiki,
She talks about video games and I thought i'm going to be cool so I mention I know the Megadrive. But its a wrong answer! She says its too new still, and the other one is more popular. Did she mean the master system, or in fact the Famicom since they don't mention it by name?
And then Majima says something like 'the Megadrive will be a Genesis' or something.
Fucking awesome.
Oh those handsigns, you will learn them. They've become muscle memory. Beat that whole activity. I might put down my thumb and pinky finger when I want to order ice next time.
That's how I've been handling Roulette thus far.
So just to confirm, I can save by using phone boxes in Premium Adventure, instead of only the one in Kiryu/Majima's office?
The next play through I'll be doing will be legend difficulty so I don't need a new clear data save I guess.
The Megadrive was released in 1988?
Some of these stumped me when I first started the Cabaret stuff on Majima lol. Like the refill ice one. I'm like "what, you want a phone??"A little something fun for folks that came with the Japanese preorder booklet. They actually had a little article on hostess etiquette and hand signs. Thought it was kind of neat. Also yay first post ever.
Yeah, you can use any save you want. I'd just advise to create a brand new save file as opposed to overwriting any existing clear save file you have just to be on the safe side and you'll be fine.
i'll give that a try thanksProtip for the batting cages... Don't pay attention to the pitch at all really. Aim the target where you want to hit the ball, then just pay attention to the characters stance. When his animation starts to ease down, that's when you wanna press the button. You will hit the ball every time.
A little something fun for folks that came with the Japanese preorder booklet. They actually had a little article on hostess etiquette and hand signs. Thought it was kind of neat. Also yay first post ever.
so, still in chapter 6 - working on media king!
still have disco substories (man, fuck disco) and the 3rd one for the punchy guy in the parking lot - anyone have any advice? i don't know when to dash away and went to just hold L, guy keeps hitting me from the side and its frustrating
haha ive been farming dude lately so i get the opposite, keep trying to start shit and some scrubs chasing me catch up first
Also, the 'fade out' when you unlockboth K and M's Yakuza 1 fighting stances are absolutely amazing.
maybe spoiler images .. click the link.
You'll be able to go back, there's a definitive point of no return that you'll know.
"Shooreh pippi with me instead!"
"Shooreh pippi with me instead!"
so, still in chapter 6 - working on media king!
still have disco substories (man, fuck disco) and the 3rd one for the punchy guy in the parking lot - anyone have any advice? i don't know when to dash away and went to just hold L, guy keeps hitting me from the side and its frustrating
mileS said:"Shooreh pippi with me instead!"
Fucking loved that
FUCK Kamoji and his bullshit Rush training.
Its already some bullshit that the weaving DOESN'T FUCKING WORK against certain attacks (the katana stab breaks it every time) but having to sit through the same unskippable chatter EVERY time has made me just give up.
Fuck Rush style and its shitty poor camera tiny area one hit wonder bullshit.
At least Tatsu's training was just tedious.
Venting over.Don't feel any better though
EDIT: And done. The anger definitely helped. >=|
so, still in chapter 6 - working on media king!
still have disco substories (man, fuck disco) and the 3rd one for the punchy guy in the parking lot - anyone have any advice? i don't know when to dash away and went to just hold L, guy keeps hitting me from the side and its frustrating
Don't ever use weaving, too unreliable for training sessions, just run around like a beheaded chicken, spam X and you should be good for future lessons.
You're never gonna reach your top potential with that kind of attitude! What would guru think?Shooreh what what? Is there a dictionary for this type of shit....?
I just ran in circles.
I don't remember if it's an ability you have to unlock, but if you press R1 + X two or three times quickly you dash away from him twice or thrice in a row, enough to avoid his whole combo
Just started playing last night.
So I get to the first real fighting part - where youand it seems kinda tough? I mean, I didn't max out my yen on skills or anything and I didn't bring any items since the game was very easy to this point. But it seems that the game doesn't give you many healing items in a "dungeon."go to the HQ to quit the yakuza
Any tips? Should I just load up on healing items from the store?
I just finished that first boss fight yesterday. I had to use some stamina pots. I didn't buy any and I just used the ones that I picked up along the way. It was a challenging fight for sure, as I'm still not technically competent with the game mechanics.
I'm using the Rush style - so which one is the dodge button? X or L1? How and when do I use them? Does dodge button changes with different fight stance?