This is a bit different for a number of reason.
The main one is that Nioh came out in 2017 and the climate was not anywhere near as virulent as it is now. Another one is that Nioh never many any pretense about being historically accurate. Finally, AC games have always had someone representative of the setting as the main character. However, there was outrage the moment we learned that Yasuke would star in the game, before anything was even known, so it's hard to tell how much of the criticism was genuine (a lot of it isn't and is blatant racism, let's not lie). If I'm going to be fair, I don't think there would have been much controversy if Nioh starred Yasuke instead of Williams Adams. That Nioh was made by a Japanese studio also made it immune to accusations of DEI. Who will tell Japanese people who they can or cannot have as a samurai in their games?