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Your views on the Final Fantasy games?

Three of your favorite FF titles in the series?

  • Total voters

Astral Dog

FFVIIR, FFXII, IX and VI are my favorites. people hate much on XII but it has a gorgeous setting, good VA, and fun combat system. one of the best for sure

I didn’t like VIII because of the mechanics, og VII feels a little outdated, as 1-3,

XIII and XV are 'ok'


I’m kinda over Final Fantasy to be honest, last one I finished was FF13, but the original FF7 has a special place in my heart, it was my first JRPG, still have it sitting on the shelf. Loved to travel the over world and try finding hidden areas. Loved the mini games. And the big summon animation sequences were awesome!
L O L if you're going to play a series the worst thing you can do is ask around the "fanbase" or watch reviews of said games in the series.

Go watch gameplay on YouTube and start with what interests you the most, there's no shame in starting with any game in the franchise you happen to fancy since they're not connected in any shape or form besides the odd - 2/-3 sequals of 10 and 13 and the general motifs of the series like chocobos and crystal storyline in some of the games.


I like all of them expect the MMO's and FFXII.

The ones I like the most are

FFX - The combat is some of the best in the series, the music is great! My only complaint is most of the game forces you down one path with little room for exploration.

FFVIII - Many people don't like this one and I understand. I like the darker atmosphere, the unique combat (although easy) and the general world or story just really interest me.

FFVII - What is not ti like? A classic dystopian future, deep strategic battles, secrets and a great story!

I still have some of the earlier ones on my backlog so this list could change once I play those. The XIII series has grown on me but XV and beyond I am starting to lose interest. I like XV for what it was worth but really didn't like the combat system.


Only managed to finish some of portable releases.

Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Type-0

Tried FF4, FF10 - FF15 but I just can't finish them.
Hot take, but I consider games listed above to be absolutely superior in gameplay compared to the mainline titles.

did you play tactics for psx/psp? it's lightyears better than the gba version
Nah, the Advance/A2 iteration are lightyears better in its gameplay mechanics. It improves so much from the original.
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I love the whimsical artstyle of FFIX the most, and would really wish the series took another turn down that road in the future. FFX was great as well. I guess out of those that I played I'd rank them:
2. FFX
3. FFXII Zodiac
and a special place in my heart will always belong to FFXIV, because it is hands down the most fun I ever had losing myself in an MMO.

And the soundtrack for all those games is straight up god-tier. I guess that's what I've come to expect from a FF entry more than battle mechanics or settings - it's gotta have an amazing OST regardless.


The poll right now is pretty on-the-nose in terms of how the games have been viewed by the fanbase. 6 through 10 is often considered the "golden age" of the series, while 4 and 12 also have good reps for the most part. The rest are more mixed. And the poll reflects all of that.

In terms of starting out, it always depends on how far back you want to go, but these would be the three I would seriously look at for your first game:

  • FF6: If you like playing 2D/retro games to this day, then 6 will probably be porn for you. I've never played through this game myself, but its regarded as the best 2D RPG of all-time basically, along with Chrono Trigger.
  • FF7: This is the one that drew in many people to the series originally and I'd say it's definitely easier to get into than 6 due to the big jump to 3D visuals (while still having an amazing story and atmosphere).
  • FFX: This bumps the visuals and cinematic flair to another level, including the addition of solid voice acting. This also delivers one of the best stories, battle-systems, and musical scores in the series. It's more focused and linear than other games in the series however (but still opens up 2/3 into the story).

There are other great FF games, but I would definitely recommend picking one of the most iconic installments as your first one. FF7 and FFX have good up-to-date versions you can play on PS4. FF6 I think might be on PS3...


Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XV

I’d say XIV has the best story in the entire franchise. I love XI for what it represents and led to. It is still one of the only true hard grind MMOs where having certain items used to differentiate people on the server. There was nothing quite like going to a camp and waiting hours/days for one mob to pop then racing to out claim another LS to actually get a drop for a member.

Final Fantasy Tactics is in my top 10 games of all time. The game deserves a proper sequel or at least a serious remaster.

Final Fantasy III (us) Better story and gameplay than FFVII

Final Fantasy XV currently playing it now on new rig so far it’s amazing.

I also liked FVIII, FFIX and FFX quite a lot just not as much as the others .... for anyone that hasn’t played XIV it’s arguably the best gameplay, music and story in any final fantasy game ever and is the main reason I’m so excited about FFXVI...
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1. Final Fantasy 7 Remake : Feels like it nails what Final Fantasy series and square in general have been trying to achieve for the last decade or more
A near perfect blend of a classic turn based RPG and an exciting action game.

2. Final Fantasy tactics: Good tactical RPG, not much else to say. Love the style

3. Final Fantasy 13: May not be great story wise but I love the gameplay. I heard nothing but complaints before playing it so I did all I could to keep my level low and had a blast. Can't say others will have the same experience.


I haven't played enough of the pre-FF7 games to offer much of an opinion.

FF7: Certified banger
FF8: Underappreciated banger
FF9: Threepeat confirmed
FF12: Back to bangers
FF13 trilogy: Haven't played but why are there three of them?
FF15: How did it take like a million years to make this and then it still isn't finished on release?


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
1. FF5
2. FF7
3. FF9/FF6

4 is kind of overrated these days 5 is better in every way

8/12 were garbage

The rest are average/dated/or whatever
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°Temp. member
I feel like Tactics should have been a numbered FF release.

But from the options you've given, my favs are FF7, FF14, and FF15.
I've only played 1-5 and XIII to completion and so far, it's too ancient for me. XIII wasn't as bad as I'd heard but it wasn't great either. I did like the visuals and music though. I'm thinking back to XIII now. I heard that when it opens up, it gets better. Gran Pulse was it? I actually enjoyed it more when it was linear. It seems like Gran Pulse was just tacked on near the end and didn't really fit in with the game I had been playing all that time up until that point. V is probably the one I enjoyed the most out of 1-5. It was decent but it's just very dated. VI next at some point and I've heard nothing but good things about it.
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Tactics doesn't count, that's not a proper series game IMO. If I counted it, it would be in my top 3 with a bullet.

I don't count the MMOs at all, never played them and they seem to clearly go against what "Final Fantasy" even means.
I heard XIV is good though.

FF classic will always mean, to me, basically turn-based combat set in a massive world as you go on an epic journey with your party (with an overworld). That's my FF. They underwent that very large shift away from that starting in, what... I guess with 10 is when it really started with no overworld and that linear path, and the gimmicky combat which was just the prototype for the changes toward more action-oriented encounters. By the time 12 hit they were openly aping MMOs, and "FF" had completely evolved.

I still liked 12 quite a bit, but since then I'm just not that into it. I had my moment with square JRPGs, and it was aligned with those classic FF turn-based games. They can iterate and make a fun battle system, like FF7R... but I'll never feel the same about them. Because of that my favorites are are 6, 7, 9. That's the apex of the classic FF gameplay style matched with the technology to tell an epic cinematic story. That's the best of the brand IMO.
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V feels like a 90’s Saturday morning cartoon, not to mention the script just breaks the wall with intention. The Job system and crystals me reminds of Power Rangers, the TMNT references, Ex-death as the generic villain archetype sporting an evil laugh and iconic theme with every appearance.

Most of the characters are pretty goofy, and the whole time it just seems they’re there for the adventure. Nothing taking itself too grave, all lighthearted and whimsical.

It’s basically suppose to be the goofy, nonsensical, self-aware entry of the series. So if it ever happens to get a remake, I’d hope they execute it so fans understand that better.


I loved 7-9. FFX had great emotional/hype moments but that linear map brings it down for me. The older ps1 games faked the open world element better with you having different paths to take at times. I do love 14 but at the same time I'm one of those weird people who mainly played before the remake and loved it then. It felt more like a ff game than 13 and 15. I have really low expectations for FF16. Can't seem to get myself to finish either FF15 or the 7remake. Honestly the remake has been a complete disappointment to me


I’ve bought most over the years but haven’t beaten a single one. Not sure if that says something about Final Fantasy or whether it says something about me.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
FF in a way has fans and detractors for each game, but a bit more extreme in X onwards mainly FFI-FFIX are ATB with world overviews whereas FFX onwards changes the ATB in varying degrees (to evolve) and the world approach varies. Anyway here are my opinions and I was able to complete all the mainline titles + their attached sequels except for FFXI and FFXIV:

FFI - The very first game with the very first job class system. It’s pretty barebones so it’s hard to recommend it to the newer audiences. The PSP version is the most playable version (NES version is almost... Unplayable nowadays).

FFII - My least favorite FF game because of the leveling system (where SaGa was inspired from) but you have to give credit for actual characterizations. If you want to play it, go for the PSP version.

FFIII - Has the improved job class from FFI but removes the characterization. Also has one of the best music for a NES game. It can get pretty hard. I’d recommend the NES version.

FFIV - This is one of my favorite cozy games. This is where the long FF stories originated with lots of drama and characterizations. Lots of content but can get unbalanced (hard) when you reach the Moon. Fantastic OST. The battle system is relatively straightforward. Heavily recommend the PSP version because of the auto battle.

FFIV: TAY - If you realllllly love FFIV then you should give this a try. The game is much longer than FFIV and has an incredible amount of backtracking. I do like the final boss though.

FFV - Improved the battle system of FFIII and adds the FF story/drama. This isn’t my favorite game (in fact it’s a bit low in my FF ratings) because the story doesn’t hold compared to FFIV and FFVI. I only played the PSone version and it was pretty slow.

FFVI - Has the best story among the 3 (FFIV-FFVI), great characterization, lots of content, fantastic OST. I love the way how the game branches out to different parties. Each character is unique in terms of skills but anyone who has Ultima is already the most useful character. I think my only issue is it’s a bit of a hassle to handle a massive party. I heavily recommend the SNES version.

FFVII - The most popular FF. I really like the game and it has iconic music, Midgar, characters. For some reason I’m not a big fan of the Materia system here because I don’t like my characters blank slates and they really do feel like blank slates here. The PS4 and Switch version are the best versions due to fast forward.

FFVII:R - Somehow I’m starting to like this game more than the OG FFVII. Despite only being in Midgar, it uses the iconic music, fully fleshes out the characters we didn’t care about (Team Avalanche), and gives the Materia system more depth especially when tackling hard mode. I wasn’t a fan of the OG Materia system but this game taught me that every junctioned Materia counts to beating certain enemies.

FFVIII - I really really love the music of this game and it has some of the best battle songs, I like the summon presentation, I love the world, but I really really dislike the battle system because the drawing system can get very tedious and setting them up seems like a hassle. I guess the modern console versions are the ones that’s recommended.

FFIX - The most charming FF game and has probably the most traditional battle system before VII. Some people dislike the artwork but I’m okay with it. It’s a cozy game for me as I don’t have to customize the characters to heavily. Modern console ports are the recommended versions.

FFX - This is probably my favorite FF game (nostalgia being a factor also) because I love the characters, I love the music, I love the story, and I love the locales. The game IMO has the best summons and best summon presentation. Technically this is a blank slate game if you select the advanced sphere grid mode. The battle system is much more tactical than the previous FF games and some of the bosses can get hard if you don’t plan out properly. The issue with this game is that it can be a bit too linear for other people especially when they’re used to the older FF games. I think the Switch and PC versions are recommended because they have the modern updates + fast forward.

FFX-2 - It’s a fan-made epilogue with a great battle system because of the dressphere change during battles. Story is... fan fiction. I love the opening though.

FFXII - I used to hate this game because the world is brown and boring (and it still is boring) and Vaan is the most useless protagonist. I also dislike the job system because the characters are very blank slate and it was hard planning for the characters FFXII:TZA however fixes that up and organizes the job path for you. TZA made me appreciate FFXII, not to mention the fast forward made the grind better. I’m still not a fan of the MMO-ish battle system but I do like the auto battle customizations.

FFXIII - A lot of people don’t like this game because of how linear the game is and how convoluted the story is. Tbh I think this game has the best and flashiest ATB variation because it’s easy to get into but difficult to master when doing the side missions. I’d think this game is both easy for newcomers and hardcore. Chill because completing the main game is relatively easy for first time JRPG players whereas hardcore because doing the Cieth missions require intensive paradigm role planning.

FFXV - The first open world FF game. I’m not a fan of the battle system but I enjoyed exploring the massive world and I do like the presentation of the game. I had fun with the bleak story. This FF has the second best battle songs next to FFVIII. The Royal Edition heavily improved on the initial barebones release as it adds more content and revises the final dungeon making it feel like an actual final dungeon.


FF in a way has fans and detractors for each game, but a bit more extreme in X onwards mainly FFI-FFIX are ATB with world overviews whereas FFX onwards changes the ATB in varying degrees (to evolve) and the world approach varies. Anyway here are my opinions and I was able to complete all the mainline titles + their attached sequels except for FFXI and FFXIV:

FFI - The very first game with the very first job class system. It’s pretty barebones so it’s hard to recommend it to the newer audiences. The PSP version is the most playable version (NES version is almost... Unplayable nowadays).

FFII - My least favorite FF game because of the leveling system (where SaGa was inspired from) but you have to give credit for actual characterizations. If you want to play it, go for the PSP version.

FFIII - Has the improved job class from FFI but removes the characterization. Also has one of the best music for a NES game. It can get pretty hard. I’d recommend the NES version.

FFIV - This is one of my favorite cozy games. This is where the long FF stories originated with lots of drama and characterizations. Lots of content but can get unbalanced (hard) when you reach the Moon. Fantastic OST. The battle system is relatively straightforward. Heavily recommend the PSP version because of the auto battle.

FFIV: TAY - If you realllllly love FFIV then you should give this a try. The game is much longer than FFIV and has an incredible amount of backtracking. I do like the final boss though.

FFV - Improved the battle system of FFIII and adds the FF story/drama. This isn’t my favorite game (in fact it’s a bit low in my FF ratings) because the story doesn’t hold compared to FFIV and FFVI. I only played the PSone version and it was pretty slow.

FFVI - Has the best story among the 3 (FFIV-FFVI), great characterization, lots of content, fantastic OST. I love the way how the game branches out to different parties. Each character is unique in terms of skills but anyone who has Ultima is already the most useful character. I think my only issue is it’s a bit of a hassle to handle a massive party. I heavily recommend the SNES version.

FFVII - The most popular FF. I really like the game and it has iconic music, Midgar, characters. For some reason I’m not a big fan of the Materia system here because I don’t like my characters blank slates and they really do feel like blank slates here. The PS4 and Switch version are the best versions due to fast forward.

FFVII:R - Somehow I’m starting to like this game more than the OG FFVII. Despite only being in Midgar, it uses the iconic music, fully fleshes out the characters we didn’t care about (Team Avalanche), and gives the Materia system more depth especially when tackling hard mode. I wasn’t a fan of the OG Materia system but this game taught me that every junctioned Materia counts to beating certain enemies.

FFVIII - I really really love the music of this game and it has some of the best battle songs, I like the summon presentation, I love the world, but I really really dislike the battle system because the drawing system can get very tedious and setting them up seems like a hassle. I guess the modern console versions are the ones that’s recommended.

FFIX - The most charming FF game and has probably the most traditional battle system before VII. Some people dislike the artwork but I’m okay with it. It’s a cozy game for me as I don’t have to customize the characters to heavily. Modern console ports are the recommended versions.

FFX - This is probably my favorite FF game (nostalgia being a factor also) because I love the characters, I love the music, I love the story, and I love the locales. The game IMO has the best summons and best summon presentation. Technically this is a blank slate game if you select the advanced sphere grid mode. The battle system is much more tactical than the previous FF games and some of the bosses can get hard if you don’t plan out properly. The issue with this game is that it can be a bit too linear for other people especially when they’re used to the older FF games. I think the Switch and PC versions are recommended because they have the modern updates + fast forward.

FFX-2 - It’s a fan-made epilogue with a great battle system because of the dressphere change during battles. Story is... fan fiction. I love the opening though.

FFXII - I used to hate this game because the world is brown and boring (and it still is boring) and Vaan is the most useless protagonist. I also dislike the job system because the characters are very blank slate and it was hard planning for the characters FFXII:TZA however fixes that up and organizes the job path for you. TZA made me appreciate FFXII, not to mention the fast forward made the grind better. I’m still not a fan of the MMO-ish battle system but I do like the auto battle customizations.

FFXIII - A lot of people don’t like this game because of how linear the game is and how convoluted the story is. Tbh I think this game has the best and flashiest ATB variation because it’s easy to get into but difficult to master when doing the side missions. I’d think this game is both easy for newcomers and hardcore. Chill because completing the main game is relatively easy for first time JRPG players whereas hardcore because doing the Cieth missions require intensive paradigm role planning.

FFXV - The first open world FF game. I’m not a fan of the battle system but I enjoyed exploring the massive world and I do like the presentation of the game. I had fun with the bleak story. This FF has the second best battle songs next to FFVIII. The Royal Edition heavily improved on the initial barebones release as it adds more content and revises the final dungeon making it feel like an actual final dungeon.
Essential reading.

Bummer i don't think I've got the royal edition of XV...


you forgot 5 and 7 =o
In the spirit of friendship I'm willing to compromise and agree 5 is pretty good. I didn't think the plot was as strong as 4 or 6 but that job system was great, and so was the music, and there was a lot of memorable boss fights.

But OG 7 is rough everywhere except the materia system, which is admittedly cool as hell.


Great thread! Really enjoying seeing how many people LOVE FFVII. I honestly feel like the game's strengths are both understated and misunderstood. As revered as it is, I still think it's underrated in its excellence. Admittedly it was my first introduction to the series, but at the same time no other game in the series had held up in comparison.

My favorite 3 are Final Fantasy 7, 1, and then 2. I am probably the odd one out there who really enjoyed the mechanics of 2, as well as the plot which I feel is one of the best in the entire series.

With Final Fantasy VII, the characters are still so memorable that I can easily imagine their personalities, motivations, and quirks, and the setting and story are still top notch. But more than that, it's the game's mechanics that combine to make a positive feedback loop that keeps players engaged and addicted to it.

FFVII's materia system is brilliant because there's always a big reward right around the corner. As you get deeper into the game, you'll only have more and more materia. When you have 3 characters with 10+ equipped materia, you're sitting at 33+ different ways to level up after every battle (including character levels). Throw in materia mastery, different materia combinations, and special materia hidden throughout the world, and you've got a great recipe for player addiction.

While 7 is easily my favorite, 1 is the game that I still think best defines the entire series. Excellent tunes, a medieval fantasy, simple yet satisfying mechanics. There is still depth, and the broken mechanics are oddly endearing in a way. It is frustrating to me that we haven't had a mainline game that follows the original game since Final Fantasy 9.

The thing that bothers me most about current Final Fantasy is its move towards action RPG. XIII and XV are the least interesting in the entire series IMO, and I'd rather play/replay any other game in the series (I haven't beaten a fair amount of them due to boredom). There are other games that do it better. I'd rather see a variation of the ATB make a comeback.

Also, I don't like yeast on my toast, just butter please.
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modern hd final fantasy is simply bad. except XIV.

XIII - simplyterrible. it lack of 'proper' content but i do believe that those stuff like linear and no town etc never been part of devs intention since beginning. crystal tools is just terrible. however XIII-2 deserved some recognition since it actually pretty decent game, a step up compared to XIII. XIII-2 and LRXIII is a prove of what the devs can do once they settle down and get used to the tools they have. put aside the creative content, but those game has what an rpg should have which is missing in the first HD 720p final fantasy xiii games. town, quest, open area for example. it is sad since this, to think that i get very sceptical about wherever square capable to square output a game with proper content like open area, quest, town etc compared to other big western rpg developers. even XV feels like a failed attempt.

XV- however, doing little bit better than XIII but still left too many things to desired at. just decent game thats all, but definitely not right up in the quality that 'Final Fantasy' name should have. i wonder how the reception if the game doesnt carry the franchise name. only things that it manage to done is connect with the player but thats all. but since that game is the team first open world game with new developed engine alongside it actually kind of understandable. now they should already has the knowhow of developed open world game and the engine is finished, so with the technical aspect is ironed out they can focus more on creative stuff and for their next game, i expect some quality jump.

XIV- this is a game that return my faith in the series and perhaps save the franchise. to think that an mmo version of the mainline final fantasy game is the one that manage to do what other single player ff cannot in this past decade. you look for a game that with quality and content like those ps2 era or ps1 final fantasy? you get it in there. it even sit among the best in the series and i would rank it among the best rpg ever, despite has mmo label on it. you want multiple traversal option? i used to wonder why square cant do rpg like bethesda or cdprojekt did, where player roam big world ride a chocobo. but it is there. swim, dive? it is there. quest system like skyrim which is trend of modern rpg? it is there. even personally for me each quest of FFXIV has storyline in it, not just merely go there and kill the bland fetch quest.

the game structure despite has mmo label on it, very much has modern rpg trait in it which is missing in XIII and even badly existed in XV. strip all those online component, and FFXIV still would have no problem exist as single player game and sit as one of the best in market. mark my word. well no suprise since that game basically like single player game with multiplayer element. you want xenoblade style game? here we get. it is quest driven heavy story system.

at first like other people i also complain to those who put this game as one of mainline numbered final fantasy game, believing this game is mmo so it should never been grouped together. but ohh boy once i play by myself, i never been glad to eat my own word myself. this game has the final fantasy souls that lost this past decade. everything that ff fans wished and dreamed of nowdays it is right there. at first i tried due to i starve to play some mmo since it been awhile i played one and while being curious to those praise Heavensward get. at first i though it just 'good' on mmo standard thats all. but hoo boy... never been glad to be wrong. only regret is i wish i play it earlier.

wrong the hobbit GIF

FFVII R - this is a pleasant suprise. i never thought they nailed it. put aside XIV, after a decade, finally square enix able to ship a 'proper' and good rpg. the combat is stellar. all these years square enix is looking for new formula which is allow them goes action while without abandon the command turnbased system and they found it. it even has the 'ideal' summon formula that they been searching for all this time. it probably the best system square enix manage to create nowdays. great balance between action and command, easier to pick but has deep depth to master. you know it is good and solid once there are player did some crazy stuff like having 3 frog fighting sephiroth. for the structure, despite the linear aspect which is understandable due to ealier midgar part of original game, the content, moment to moment feels so high quality that i feels like playing a 3rd person, single player linear sony first party games. although some stuff like whispers which is i hate very-very much but the rest part of the game is cant be ignored. downside is the sidequest which is feels very low quality, cheap fetch quest but it not such a big issue since it just optional, smaller portion which is just designed to give break time for player before continue the story. this game also example of what the devs can do if they already settle down their technical aspect. using good and complete engine like UE4 surely helped and give lot more room to the developers. i do worry about how they tackle next open area part but hopefully they can pull it of especially considering next gen console has fast ssd to utilize at. but overall, the game has solid foundation for next part.

looking back, it not these developers not capable, but they get held back, struggled on technology standpoint. during ps3 era, lot of japanese devs including square enix struggle to develop game in hd. this is even affecting big name franchise like FF. things might be different if they never has the issue. imagine is Crystal Tools is great engine, easier to work or they use UE3 instead since beginning. FFXIII might not end up linear no town game with better story and character exposure. we might get Versus 13. we might get KH3 much earlier. but however we might never get current XIV.
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XIV is the only one I've played extensively but it's friggin' awesome, especially once you progress past the base game's story. It's so good in so many ways that I think it's safe to assume that people ITT who aren't mentioning it have not played it.

I played about halfway through VI and enjoyed it, probably would have finished it if I didn't get distracted by other games.

Cutty Flam

There are some excellent posts ITT, thanks for all the insight

Nintendo Switch has more FF titles than I thought. It’s probably not the ideal way to experience these games but I never cared much about FPS or graphics a whole lot so it wont affect me at all. This is what they have:

FF VII, FF VIII Remastered, FF IX, FF Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition, FF X/X-2 HD Remaster, Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age

I was pretty surprised to see all of them tbh. I thought FF VII was the only mainline addition in the series that was offered for Switch

Still contemplating which one to play first but a lot is pointing towards FF VII or FF IX, it could be either one. I think I also heard some good things about FF X/X-2. I know Fushitsusha Fushitsusha was talking about it to me one day, and a coworker of mine was playing it a lot the year it came out. Is that game the same as FF X except is has an additional DLC (X-2) that is basically like a second game?


I don't count the MMOs at all, never played them and they seem to clearly go against what "Final Fantasy" even means.

FFXIV is the FF most close to what a FF should be that we got since the PS2 generation. I don't speak about XI because never played but It even had ATB combat. The MMO's Story is 99% single player and you are only matched with other players for the big boss fights (Ifrit, Shiva, Alexander, Knights of the Round...you get the idea).



While FF has given me many amazing experiences, particularly while growing up, I must say I prefer CRPGs overall. That said I've always admired the FF series for the writing, they manage to write pretty ok dialogue without succumbing to the JRPG curse of bloated, awful dialogue. For me FFX is the best one, even though I'm 34 and more nostalgic about the PSX era of FF games.
I count FFVII and IX as among the very best RPGS of all time. VIII is underrated, but suffers from a very poorly developed cast. It actually has a great off-beat atmosphere and has some quite interesting story ideas that were never properly explored. Rinoa might not be Ultimacia according to Square but it's a much better idea than the one they went with.

FFX is the sort of grotesque abomination Lovecraft spoke of.

FFXI bored the hell out of me back in the day. Empty and lifeless.

XII has a fantastic premise but is let down by dull characters and a forgettable protagonist.

XIII ushered in a second dark-age.

I only played XIV until fighting weapon. I made the mistake of watching the cutscenes and got locked out of the final battle. These MMO's are literally broken and should be relegated to the trash-piles of history. That said, it had more interesting characters than most of the franchise.

FFXV is unfairly maligned for dispensing with too many sacred tenets of the genre (all-male cast, no thousand year old loli and a subversive message about fulfilling fate rather than fighting against destiny like every RPG since forever.)

That's my take for now. Cautiously optimistic about XVI but I'm sensing some of the same tired tropes already (fight against fate, Gods are bad etc).
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I only played XIV until fighting weapon. I made the mistake of watching the cutscenes and got locked out of the final battle. These MMO's are literally broken and should be relegated to the trash-piles of history. That said, it had more interesting characters than most of the franchise.

That was corrected a few years ago. Now EVERY player has to watch the whole thing as the cutscenes of that particular dungeon are unskipable. The thing is that for that dungeon people gets a fuckton of exp for the alters as a compensation for waiting so long.

That said, they NEVER again did that for a final boss. Now all the cutscenes happen before you can queue to the battle and after the battle everybody gets their own cutscene.
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FFXV is unfairly maligned for
FFXV was released as an incompleted piece of trash. The story made no sense, everything happens for no reason. The starscourge appears from literally nowhere, for no reason Ifrit is allied with the bad guy, for no reason your bodyguard that swore not to abandon you abandons you to do his own sidequest (BUY MY DLC!), for no reason your dad's bodyguard swears to protect you and disappears from the story, for no reason one of Noctis's best friends gets blind for life and for no reason he never tells how the fuck that happened (BUY MY DLC!!), for no reason Noctis and Luna are in love (they met as 9 years old kids and didn't see eachother for 10 years), for no reason the group stops searching for the legendary weapons (getting the 12 of them was the main goal the 1st hours...and after getting 4 this quest is forgotten).

All the game is a "for no reason" and the sidequests are the worst kind of sidequests on the industry. Literally FedEX simulator. Man searching tomatoes so the vegetables seller could sell them back to me was the most retarded thing ever....till I had to search some weapons and give them to the weapons seller so he could sell them to me.
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