In one playthrough, or all 3? I'm doing those too :lolBeezy said:You'll get enough gold to buy all the weapons just from doing the sidequests in the 2nd half of the game.
Believe me. There will be a point in this game where gold becomes irrelevant.shintoki said:In one playthrough, or all 3? I'm doing those too :lol
I just want to get them all for the endings.
In one playthrough or over the course of all 3 playthroughs. You can't do the sidequests more than once.shintoki said:In one playthrough, or all 3? I'm doing those too :lol
I just want to get them all for the endings.
Unless you're going for that shitty achievement...Believe me. There will be a point in this game where gold becomes irrelevant.
Manaka said:So, if I'm not a huge graphic whore could this possibly be the most awesome game this gen for me? (missed the sale where it cost 15 euro, now it would be 22)
Ordered serveral times from and Sometimes both retailers sell used games as new. But most of the time the games are very cheap, so I don't really care.Manaka said:Great.
What's a good reliable site to order it? (all the shops I normally buy at have it at a much higher price, currently I'd order it at, shipping to mainland Europe btw)
noReknoc said:Do any of the playthroughs start you before the 2nd half?
I initially thought this as well, but you know what? The first half of the game is pretty boring. I guess it would be nice to view the cutscenes again, but the real meat of the game is in its second half.Reknoc said:Oh damn, that's gonna drive me alittle crazy :lol
Yeah, but lets face it, only losers would commit themselves to achieving such a thing.Beezy said:Unless you're going for that shitty achievement...
Easy_D said:After spending some time with it, Nier is definitely my favourite RPG in a long time, gameplay is fun, characters are awesome and the music and VA is really good too.
1stStrike said:We need to make NIER the next Demon's Souls.
jetsetfluken said:I agree. I really need to finish Replicant, the game is beautiful. The atmosphere, the art, the world, the music, the gameplay, I love it all. Easily going to place in one of the top 5 games of 2010 for me.
thetrin said:I was tempted to get Replicant, but so far everything I've seen of it makes it look inferior to Gestalt.
Which parts exactly makes it look inferior, unless you're referring to the main character?thetrin said:I was tempted to get Replicant, but so far everything I've seen of it makes it look inferior to Gestalt.
MoxManiac said:Which one is Gestalt? Ugly old man version or Emo Douche version?
I want to get this game but I have the usual backlog. For the right price I guess. It really sounds good.
Sash said:Which parts exactly makes it look inferior, unless you're referring to the main character?
jetsetfluken said:I don't know much Japanese so I'm lost with the intricate plot details and such, but I like it this way; it gives a real "natural" feel to me where you have to decipher what is going on through actions and events and tones rather than being overloaded with text. And I understand the basics just fine.
The world and atmosphere is engrossing enough that language is not a barrier.
I just found the Replicant protagonist to be more suited towards the atmosphere and goes better with the art design of all the other characters. The game has a dreary, "beautiful" yet quaint atmosphere that I find he resonates more with. And I'll admit, the typical "bishounen" JRPG male protagonist is actually for once refreshing to see after just playing through the entire God of War series (Collection+III) and Dante's Inferno in my case. In a generation where masterpiece JRPG's are a rarity if anything, it's welcome for once.
The way they blended the music together in the village for example, when you enter the library or the girl singing at the fountain, is seamless and the melody is unforgettable. An incredible OST.
There may also be different music tracks in places, but I'm not sure on that.
Of course, I'm going to replay it on Gestalt version (PS3 US) afterwards.
I think Nier was released in the wrong generation. I think this game would have gotten much more praise and attention in the PS1 or PS2 generation, but especially here, it was released at a time where there were other titles on most people's minds as well (the March-May 2010 craze). The style of the gameplay and overall game is a PS1/PS2 RPG lover's dream come true, and doesn't try too many outrageous new novelties, instead expands and has very large overworld areas and lush towns.
It's definitely a game that people who aren't seasoned in JRPG's won't really appreciate, and in this generation of JRPG's not being the masterpieces they once were, it's easy to imagine this gem being overlooked. Some may have been curious, but read sub-par reviews; thus brainwashed themselves into thinking they can save some money and buy the next mainstream raved title instead, and just ignore Nier.
thetrin said:Better voice acting (comparitive, english vs. japanese.), they changed the grimoire names to inferior names, there are cutscenes that make a lot less sense in the context of Replicant's character vs. Gestalt's.
To be honest, I wanted Replicant over Gestalt. I like the design of the character more. That said, Gestalt is a better overall game from what I've seen.
thetrin said:Gestalt has better voice acting, better dialogue, and some of the name changes they made in Replicant are inferior.
In general, Gestalt is a better version. If you REALLY want to play with the young dude (which I wanted to do), the DLC has him.
Better voice acting (comparitive, english vs. japanese.), they changed the grimoire names to inferior names, there are cutscenes that make a lot less sense in the context of Replicant's character vs. Gestalt's.
vocab said:Hmm. I might buy this game. I need a deal on it though. I'm either gonna pick up Resonance of Fate or this as my next game purchase.
vocab said:Hmm. I might buy this game. I need a deal on it though. I'm either gonna pick up Resonance of Fate or this as my next game purchase.
Game really is quite brilliant.
Why are you laughing at his opinion? I think it's great too, it's obvious that the game isn't for everyone though.ram said:just finished it - and yeah, mediocre experiance overall with awesome music and good vo. i really hate the story though, because it doesnt make sense - at least not in the game and not in the western version and maybe not in the german translation. but maan...just like the drakengard games...kaine is a hermaphrodite and emil is gay??? WTF?
I'm afraid you're swimming against the current in this threadram said:because its not brilliant in ANY way.
BlazingDarkness said:I'm afraid you're swimming against the current in this thread
many of us love it, deal with it![]()
ram said:because its not brilliant in ANY way.
ram said:sure i am okay with this, opinions are like... you know what i mean. maybe you should check out WET too. its the same in green.
ram said:because its not brilliant in ANY way.
DigitalDevil said:I AM LOVING NIER! There is really only one thing that irks me about it:
I missed one quest in the first half of the game (that stupid guy in seafront near the lighthouse that wants a gift for his materialistic gf) and now I can never get it DONEEEEEEEEEEEEEARTGHHHHHHHHHHHH
Other than that, I am loving it. Nearing the end of my first playthrough, I'm just wrapping up a few loose ends so I can focus on trophies/endings in my future playthroughs. Those pink moonflower seeds are a BITCH to get :lol
I've finally moved on to DAO:Awakening and just check Nier every few hours to see if my crops have died :lol
At this point I would definitely say NIER is my 2010 GOTY.
:lolram said:because its not brilliant in ANY way. you know, sometimes people tend to hype games, which arent worth all the fame. NIER is - just like the drakengard games - one of them. they are okay, not bad, but not exactly great. i dont regret my purchase (10), but i wouldnt have paid 60. maybe we should be thankful, that square enix brought that game over the sea. but on the other hand, they didnt release front mission 4 / 5, parasite eve 1, legend of mana and countless other games in europe...
ram said:sure i am okay with this, opinions are like... you know what i mean. maybe you should check out WET too. its the same in green.
Santiako said:I'm going to start this game today or tomorrow. Any advices before I start?