I think the dub will be fine. Even cold steel sounded pretty terrible in the trailers, but the end result was probably one of my favorite examples of good dubbing in localization.
What worries me is the direction, especially for Dana. While her voice is fitting, almost all we've heard of her so far sounds both flat and like her VA is constantly straining herself. They've also mispronounced Laxia's name in a previous trailer, so that's a bit concerning as well. The lack of transparency compared to stuff like
this (especially
this) from Hatsuu at XSEED doesn't do much to inspire confidence, although NISA doesn't normally do that kind of stuff anyway. I just don't get the impression they're putting quite as much thought into it, even if the VAs themselves are good and fitting choices. (though it does seem like they didn't get Dogi's VA back from Seven)
Those are far from my only grievances with NISA's handling of the localization effort so far. In fact, we learned a whole lot of stuff yesterday alone that bothers me, and some of it seems to strongly suggest that they are supplementing their translations with
Google Translate.
1) The name of a beach area in the
JP version is "Cape of White Sands", already written in English.
NISA's version is "White Sand Cape", which actually sounds less natural. Just leaving the original name as is would've been better.
They translated "zoom" (as in the camera function) as "scaling". This is the result Google Translate gives. (Also didn't capitalize "movement".)
They used <these> as quotes. Just reeks of sloppiness seeing as how these are acceptable in Japanese, but simply not used this way in English.
This boss's title is mistranslated. What they have here is, like the camera thing, the result you get when you plug the JP title (異形の獣

into Google Translate. It should be something along the lines of "bizarre", "grotesque" or "fantastic" beast, not "variant".
They translated what is normally translated as something like "item drop rate +" as "obtained items +". This one's comparatively minor, but still slightly sloppy, again. There's also the case of the armor being described as being made from "beast's bones", rather than "a beast's bones" or "beasts' bones". (Like Demon's Souls?) The aforementioned camera thing is also shown in the corner.
One of these in a vacuum wouldn't necessarily be the end of the world, but all of them together, plus past stuff, show that the E3 demo build's craptacular translation wasn't just an isolated incident that's completely, 100% divorced from the quality of the final product. And NISA hardly has the best track record with these kinds of screwups. Even now, they're working on localizing Danganronpa V3 by having four teams of one translator and editor each working to translate and edit specific
characters' dialogue, which is an utterly ludicrous and insane idea, as anyone who's worked in localization can tell you.
I want it to be good, but at this point, there are so many indications that it's going to be, at the very least, a bit rough around the edges. Ys VIII is one of the best games I've played in years, and it deserves better than just that.
Oh, also, NISA
confirmed in a tweet that the Vita steelbook holds a PS4 disc, not a Vita cartridge.