Diseased Yak
Gold Member
Mine just arrived from Amazon!
They look so cute together, awwwww:
They look so cute together, awwwww:

ULTROS! said:The 3rd boss in Ys 1:
ULTROS! said:Ys 1 done, next Ys 2.
Ys 1 is will be sort of difficult if you don't have a guide.
dvolovets said:Not to hijack a PSP game thread, but are the DS remakes any good? I don't have a PSP and am not interested enough in the series to justify a new portable/console purchase.
rainking187 said:Anyone know where I can find the characters that are numbered 45-48? I swear I've talked to everyone , but I'm missing those four.
dvolovets said:Not to hijack a PSP game thread, but are the DS remakes any good? I don't have a PSP and am not interested enough in the series to justify a new portable/console purchase.
Yuterald said:I played the Legacy of Ys on DS that Atlus published and was not impressed at all. I believe these were also developed by someone other than Falcom, right? Ys I & II on DS is not the worst thing ever or anything, but pretty much every other version available for these classics is better. I'd say they are decent supplemental versions if you are Ys crazy and need more.
The PSP versions I feel are the definitive versions. I'd advise investing in a PSP soon (as they have just dropped price) or plan on playing them in the future on an NGP if you are interested in one of those. If you have just a passing interest in these games I'd highly suggest finding some way to play them in the end, the games are fantastic! =)
outunderthestars said:OK. That's it. I'm getting into this series. 1,2, 6 and 7 are out?
Anything I should know before diving in? Do they look ok on the psp-3000 screen?
Are they all available on the PSN store?
Teknoman said:1,2,3,6, and 7. Dunno if 6 is.
dvolovets said:Not to hijack a PSP game thread, but are the DS remakes any good? I don't have a PSP and am not interested enough in the series to justify a new portable/console purchase.
Teknoman said:Man...is it just me, or is the third boss harder in this version? Had a little trouble with the first, but that was due to being under leveled. Breezed right by the second boss...but hit a wall at the third boss. Still up trying to kill the thing, and it seems to be taking alot of hits, compared to the last two.
Oh and on the soundtrack, Chronicles seems much closer to the TurboCD version, especially the mines theme. So fitting for that environment.
Too bad the manual is not availale if you buy the game off of PSN. At least I couldn't find it anywhere.JeFfRey said:It's included in the manual, good for that.
LOVE & TRUTH said:Too bad the manual is not availale if you buy the game off of PSN. At least I couldn't find it anywhere.
Mejilan said:Can someone please remind me who (and where) characters 57 and 58 are? Too lazy to install the PC version and load up my old cleared files. I'd imagine that the last two are Dogi and Fact. These are the only 4 I'm missing.
Thanks in advance!
Ys I, btw.
Mejilan said:No one?![]()
Nope - it says "No software manual found for this game". I have a European version though, maybe it's not included there.GrumpyAlien said:Its there, just checked. Press triangle over the animated icon for the game and select the game manual. Can't access from in the actual game though, like PS1 games.
LOVE & TRUTH said:Nope - it says "No software manual found for this game". I have a European version though, maybe it's not included there.
ULTROS! said:I'm assuming that's Ys 1 right?
Did you get the Silver Sword? You can only damage it with the Silver Sword.
Diseased Yak said:Mine just arrived from Amazon!
They look so cute together, awwwww:
Yuterald said:I just fought that dude on Nightmare and it was a mess! I had 26 HP left when I finished him off. I was even LV10 (which is the max in this version?) and had all silver equipment. I used the defense ring so my damage output was horrible, it became an endurance battle.
I played the turbo graphix versions years ago so I can't remember, but are you not allowed to use the healing item during boss fights in this version? Has it always been like this? I seem to recall using items during boss fights in the other Ys 1 versions, but I could be wrong. It would have REALLY helped if I could use that stupid red potion!
Teknoman said:Crap, thats what I forgot to find, the defense ring. Eh I havent had any trouble with enemies while having the power ring equipped. Sucks to have a random empty spot though.
Does anything carry over to II?
RoboGeorgeForeman said:Do the rings even do anything during the boss fights? I brought the health restoring ring and it didn't seem to do anything.
Also Hard is bad enough, I couldn't imagine trying to fight him on Nightmare.
RoboGeorgeForeman said:Do the rings even do anything during the boss fights? I brought the health restoring ring and it didn't seem to do anything.
Also Hard is bad enough, I couldn't imagine trying to fight him on Nightmare.
Yuterald said:I believe the regen ring only works in "safe spots". It will never work in a boss fight and I am pretty sure it will not work in rooms with enemies. The ring does work well in places like the outside balconies in Darm Tower. This is actually a great spot to get HP back between floors if enemies become a problem.
You also can't switch rings during boss battles. Whatever you have on your quick select as you initiate the boss if what you are stuck with. I really hate the way this works too. Same with the healing item on quick select, you can't use it in boss battles! It's probably my biggest and only problem with Ys I.
Mejilan said:The heal ring works anywhere save for during boss fights.
In 'safe spots' (mostly outdoors), you can heal even without the ring.
The ring was specifically included for healing even in monster-infested dungeons. It just won't trigger until you're stand unmoving for 2 or 3 seconds.
Mejilan said:The heal ring works anywhere save for during boss fights.
In 'safe spots' (mostly outdoors), you can heal even without the ring.
The ring was specifically included for healing even in monster-infested dungeons. It just won't trigger until you're stand unmoving for 2 or 3 seconds.