GAF...I just scored the pre-order bonus watch after bidding on eBay!
I payed US $140.00 for it including the shipping.Don't judge me! ;_;
Huh. I knew that. I thought he was talking about the 999 watch, which I heard was somewhat rare now.
This probably has to do with how Amazon's internal software calculates ship dates. When they don't actually have the product in their warehouses, it guesstimates with a pretty wide margin (a week or two, I think), so you can get weird dates. Our releases generally have ship dates, which are distinct from the more traditional release date: The ship date (the 23rd, in this case) is the date that the game will leave our warehouse, on its way to whatever retailers have ordered it. Once they receive it, they ship it out. So you won't be getting the game on the 23rd unless you come down to our office (please don't), but you should be getting it long before the 29th.
Didn't the watch go back in stock after awhile on the Aksys store for the first game? That's how I got mine. Not that this new watch will ever go back in stock but just saying. > >
So you're saying that the October 24th release date on Amazon is technically correct, since they won't be shipping the game to any of us until then? Ugh... The sad thing is that I seriously considered getting a ticket to fly across the country and pick the game up directly from your office.
That thought will be even more tempting if I don't get an estimated delivery date on my preorder by Monday. >.>
Just to clarify, Im talking about the VLR watch.
Yes it did, but they only ship to America. I live in Australia. eBay was my last resort - I was going to ignore it but I caved in. I just couldn't resist. I am so weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak!
So you won't be getting the game on the 23rd unless you come down to our office (please don't), but you should be getting it long before the 29th.
I have 40$ on my US PSN account.
I ordered the game from amazon and it should come to me 26th-30th October.
I will summon all of my mental stabilty while I wait. I can wait, I won't buy the PSN version.
I keep repeating this to myself. Will I be able to resist one week?
I have 40$ on my US PSN account.
I ordered the game from amazon and it should come to me 26th-30th October.
I will summon all of my mental stabilty while I wait. I can wait, I won't buy the PSN version.
I keep repeating this to myself. Will I be able to resist one week?
No, it should be on PSN on the 23rd. I can double-check tomorrow, but Akselziys should know for sure. Why would you think it wouldn't be on PSN until the 30th?Wait, so will the game not be appearing on PSN until the 30th?
No, it should be on PSN on the 23rd. I can double-check tomorrow, but Akselziys should know for sure. Why would you think it wouldn't be on PSN until the 30th?
This probably has to do with how Amazon's internal software calculates ship dates. When they don't actually have the product in their warehouses, it guestimates with a pretty wide margin (a week or two, I think), so you can get weird dates. Our releases generally have ship dates, which are distinct from the more traditional release date: The ship date (the 23rd, in this case) is the date that the game will leave our warehouse, on its way to whatever retailers have ordered it. Once they receive it, they ship it out. So you won't be getting the game on the 23rd unless you come down to our office (please don't), but you should be getting it long before the 29th.
Wait, so will the game not be appearing on PSN until the 30th?
I'm easily confused
So, there's only a "delay" for the physical copy?
The game will be available on PSN on Tuesday, 10/23, at Grace Chen o'clock XD
Only 6 days left~
Yeah, because it has to physically get from one place to another. Games from other companies with release date delivery have already been shipped to retailers prior to their release date, so Amazon or whoever has them on had to ship out immediately. We don't do that: We ship out to retailers on our ship date—the "release" date of the 23rd—so Amazon doesn't have them on hand to ship out immediately. Because of the way game releases are looked at, the 23rd is considered to be our release date for purposes of things like the PSN release, announcements, etc, but nobody will actually be getting it on that date.
It is a little confusing, I understand.
The short version is:
-Physical copy, you won't be able to get it on the 23rd.
-Digital copy, you'll be able to get it on the 23rd.
This probably has to do with how Amazon's internal software calculates ship dates. When they don't actually have the product in their warehouses, it guestimates with a pretty wide margin (a week or two, I think), so you can get weird dates. Our releases generally have ship dates, which are distinct from the more traditional release date: The ship date (the 23rd, in this case) is the date that the game will leave our warehouse, on its way to whatever retailers have ordered it. Once they receive it, they ship it out. So you won't be getting the game on the 23rd unless you come down to our office (please don't), but you should be getting it long before the 29th.
Hm is someone from aksys / a reviewer already ebaying off their VLR watch? I'm seeing actual pictures of it on an ebay listing. Quality seems pretty decent though.
Hm is someone from aksys / a reviewer already ebaying off their VLR watch? I'm seeing actual pictures of it on an ebay listing. Quality seems pretty decent though.
IGN put up a preview of their hands on impressions of Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
May have some small spoilers regarding game mechanics~
The game will be available on PSN on Tuesday, 10/23, at Grace Chen o'clock XD
Only 6 days left~
This is actually pretty spoilery; wish I didn't read it. Doesn't spoil specifics, but now I kind of know what to expect going into the game and now am sad. I'm not talking about the game mechanics either, those are cool as hell.
That is true. There are some spoilers, but I wouldn't think much of them. It's not too much that isn't obvious from the trailers, if you've seen them, or from even the (Japanese) title of the game. And at most, the article spoiled minor details on one or two of the 24 endings. There's still sooooo much more to enjoy! ^_^
But if you're that weary of spoilers, and this goes for everyone (including myself), stay away from any trailers, articles and reviews from here on out. Heck, you might even want to stay away from anything even remotely related to this on the internet!
I know I'm cutting down on my exposure as much as possible. The only thing I'll still follow is the official website and this topic (maybe). And then once I have the game, full blackout on the internet.![]()
I don't think I can go full blackout on this game after release. I just know this game is going to have some completely ridiculous puzzles in it and I would need GAF for help on solving.![]()
How similar is this to 999?
I mean if I felt burned out from the format after blasting through 999 all of it earlier this year, should I wait for a sale later?
That's assuming the puzzles are harder than 999's (which I'm guessing is the case). I'm hoping either Easy mode will hold my hand enough through the difficult puzzles, or that the puzzles will be like 999s where I can solve them if I wander the room clicking on everything in sight and gather all the clues.
There are difficulties?
How does that even work for the type of puzzles I assume this game has?
Basically, Easy mode will give you hints about the puzzles, Hard will be without the hints. If you played 999, I think those puzzles would be kind of like Easy mode, where after a while of failing to do something, you get a hint to push you in the right direction.
It's kind of hard to explain exactly, since I haven't played the game, but I'm just going off of what I've heard from people who have played it.
It's going to be very hard to keep my mouth shut for the next several days...
So if you play Easy mode first, wouldn't that make Hard Mode....not hard on another playthrough?
I might just do Hard Mode + GameFAQs first so I can see more of the game.
Akselziys said there would be something in "the latter half of the week". Let's hope it's indeed the OVA. I can't imagine anything else.
You should definitely do so, because only in hard mode you can unlock certain secret files.So yeah I think I'll go for hard mode in VLR.
How many endings do you have?How much left do I have in 999? PLEASE DONT SPOIL ANYTHING FOR ME
I just finished the boiler room puzzle.. 10 hours in
How many endings do you have?
Quite a bit then. Better get playingnone, first time through. Really enjoying it but play time has been limited
Akselziys said there would be something in "the latter half of the week". Let's hope it's indeed the OVA. I can't imagine anything else.
Birdy said:Good things come to those who wait~
Today should be a good day for fans of VLR, but since I just woke up from a long Soporil induced nap, I gotta take a bird bath and get something to eat first and foremost *chirp*