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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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if you want her to deal more with her autos you'll want either nashor's tooth or lich bane (or both). nashor tooth gives her more sustained damage with the attack speed which lets her proc her passive more often. lich bane gives her more burst since it adds good damage to her combos (but she has no many reliable ways of constantly be proccing its passive).

i think that with the passive buff jungle diana might be pretty decent.

Just fooling around in a custom game the passive is pretty damn big. Once I picked even an amp tome clearing times and sustain (w/ spirit stone) were excellent.


Hey, zkylon are you, or anyone else, getting this error?

I get this (sometimes it just doesn't load) since Saturday...
It's the home page of the client.

I think it has something to do with me changing the language of the game.

I was getting something like that on both NA and LAN (btw my LAN account is Ocho 2) . I think it's related to the server failure ddos etc.


cool, seems like they didn't cave to the whiners and they're still nerfing his early game

i wonder why rito hasn't moved his damage into flurry (like basic attacks while the flurry buff is active inflict X more physical damage) if they're going with the scaling attack speed thing.

Hey, zkylon are you, or anyone else, getting this error?

I get this (sometimes it just doesn't load) since Saturday...
It's the home page of the client.
i played a bit yesterday and yea, it was looking like that

dunno about hte other days, wasn't paying attention/playing much

true detective too stronk

Just fooling around in a custom game the passive is pretty damn big. Once I picked even an amp tome clearing times and sustain (w/ spirit stone) were excellent.
i think that going nashors into tankiness might work pretty well. i've tried it on custom games with friends and on arams a bunch of times and it was really fun

like straight damage diana out of the jungle prolly wouldn't work since she'll be behind in levels unless super fed



I feed on r/lol's tears. Nom nom nom.

dimb said:
i really don't think they are going to put more power into his e, or that it would make a big difference.

Scruffy asked whether people wanted the skill as-is but stronger or change it so it interacts with AAs or Qs at the expense of making the initial slow weaker. The resounding answer in the boards was the latter option with the most popular change being that E applies a lower duration slow and a mark, pop the mark with an AA to extend the slow. Obviously nothing's come out of it (yet).

I don't really miss the permaslow, but right now that line slow E is just unbelievably bland and unsatisfying to use. I'm hopeful for changes.
cool, seems like they didn't cave to the whiners and they're still nerfing his early game
The whiners don't understand the reasoning behind the retune at all

He's getting nerfed period. Riot obviously doesn't like his early game so they're shifting some of the power of it into his late to compensate. But people somehow don't seem to understand while chanting LEAVE LEE ALONE that if they don't change his kit then he's next on the chopping block to get Olaf'd.
The whiners don't understand the reasoning behind the retune at all

He's getting nerfed period. Riot obviously doesn't like his early game so they're shifting some of the power of it into his late to compensate. But people somehow don't seem to understand while chanting LEAVE LEE ALONE that if they don't change his kit then he's next on the chopping block to get Olaf'd.

But... Olaf's still completely terrifying. I actually have no valid reason I can think of he isn't getting played more, other than no one wants to be associated with Zuna.


The whiners don't understand the reasoning behind the retune at all

He's getting nerfed period. Riot obviously doesn't like his early game so they're shifting some of the power of it into his late to compensate. But people somehow don't seem to understand while chanting LEAVE LEE ALONE that if they don't change his kit then he's next on the chopping block to get Olaf'd.
i still wish rito would take a less drastic approach to nerfing/buffing champions, since it almost always seems to be off the mark. like the way rito does things always feels a bit half-baked, like they haven't been testing it long enough, and even if i usually agree with their decisions it feels to me like they could smooth these things over a lot better

probably doesn't apply to lee since i think it's a lot more about his kit being pretty bullshitty on top of his numbers being pretty cray. i'm just happy some people will drop him or stop playing the game and i might get to have a chill early game for once T_T


The whiners don't understand the reasoning behind the retune at all

He's getting nerfed period. Riot obviously doesn't like his early game so they're shifting some of the power of it into his late to compensate. But people somehow don't seem to understand while chanting LEAVE LEE ALONE that if they don't change his kit then he's next on the chopping block to get Olaf'd.
i still wish rito would take a less drastic approach to nerfing/buffing champions, since it almost always seems to be off the mark. like the way rito does things always feels a bit half-baked, like they haven't been testing it long enough, and even if i usually agree with their decisions it feels to me like they could smooth these things over a lot better

probably doesn't apply to lee since i think it's a lot more about his kit being pretty bullshitty on top of his numbers being pretty cray. i'm just happy some people will drop him or stop playing the game and i might get to have a chill early game for once T_T


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Scruffy asked whether people wanted the skill as-is but stronger or change it so it interacts with AAs or Qs at the expense of making the initial slow weaker. The resounding answer in the boards was the latter option with the most popular change being that E applies a lower duration slow and a mark, pop the mark with an AA to extend the slow. Obviously nothing's come out of it (yet).

I don't really miss the permaslow, but right now that line slow E is just unbelievably bland and unsatisfying to use. I'm hopeful for changes.
The problem is that Fracture got augmented instead of overhauled. As an ability Fracture doesn't carry much feedback, even if it's actually kind of useful right now. Nothing about it is interesting or unique, and it mostly just interrupts play on Skarner. Before you could at least ignore it, but now it's baked into being a big part of his kit. I would guess this would be the hard part of working as a designer. Changing Fracture too much requires resources that take longer to implement, assuming they're even feasible to begin with.
Considering Lee players are basically the Vayne players of the jungle, they won't be missed
He's referring to what they did to Olaf pre- rework.
Yep. Getting Olaf'd came from the Olaf nerfs that pretty much erased him after Voyboy started wrecking with him in Season 2
Well, okay, but if "getting Olaf'd" means "eventually ending up a pretty good champion people can use", I'm not sure that carries the same weight anymore.

Maybe the lingo needs to be updated to "getting Corki'd".


The problem is that Fracture got augmented instead of overhauled. As an ability Fracture doesn't carry much feedback, even if it's actually kind of useful right now. Nothing about it is interesting or unique, and it mostly just interrupts play on Skarner. Before you could at least ignore it, but now it's baked into being a big part of his kit. I would guess this would be the hard part of working as a designer. Changing Fracture too much requires resources that take longer to implement, assuming they're even feasible to begin with.

Agreed on all counts, but the feedback in general has been so bad for Skarner (I actually do still like him, for the record) that I'm hoping they're going to go back an revise the E despite it requiring additional resources.

I think my favorite part of the expression "Olaf'ed" is that even Riot uses it regularly.

On a side note, I've decide to add Diana, Gragas, and maybe Cho'Gath and Kha'Zix to my jungle tests. So at least another 20 games to go before I finally set my jungle picks. Crap.
their reasoning is dumb for the Lee changes.

"we want to reduce his early game damage, and we feel he doesn't do enough late game"

Chops 150 damage off his rank 3 ult at level 16. ok bud.

Attack speed on his passive is practically useless.

14 second cooldown on shield for self shielding, i.e. not ward-hopping but shielding yourself in fights/when doing camps. Why?

Q change means he loses a heap of baron and dragon control.

This is all so dumb.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Attack speed on his passive is practically useless.
do you have any idea just how good a 100% attack speed bonus is? they are taking damage away from his abilities and making it so lee sin has to auto-attack to do damage. now there is risk to his play because he actually has to put himself in a position where he is vulnerable instead of just skirting around fights tossing out abilities.
On a side note, I've decide to add Diana, Gragas, and maybe Cho'Gath and Kha'Zix to my jungle tests. So at least another 20 games to go before I finally set my jungle picks. Crap.

Out of the junglers I've tested this season, Diana's still one of my favorites, along with Aatrox. I'm having a lot of fun with Fiora and Yasuo, too, though with the obvious caveat that they suck at conventional ganks and become borderline non-functional without red buff.

The only carry jungler who's really disappointed me is Zed. He just really doesn't roll right anymore, the jungle items don't work on him, and the timing to when you get a BotRK is just not conductive to good Zed-ing.


Chops 150 damage off his rank 3 ult at level 16. ok bud.

Possibly the one change I don't agree with.[/QUOTE]

Attack speed on his passive is practically useless.

Potentially near 100% uptime on a 100% attack speed steroid during his spell rotation is useless?

14 seconds shield for self shielding, i.e. not ward-hopping but shielding yourself in fights/when doing camps. Why?

Because a good chunk of his dueling power early on is contained in his self-shield + Iron Will buffs. Letting Lee Sin self shield w/o penalty means he can engage, and if things turn sour because he underestimated the opponent, he can zip right out with a ward hop even easier than he does now (7 second CD from 9).

Q change means he loses a heap of baron and dragon control.

You really shouldn't discredit the damage autos do, specially when Lee has been buying Elder Lizard lately

And yeah, I'd like to be able to outsmite Lee, thanks.


Neo Member
You will all probably think this is stupid. No matter, I just need some advice on something. Been playing more top, and using a lot of Renekton since I bought him. Being on EUW, I have been facing a lot more Garen lately.

I have really been struggling. I know Renekton is all about the early game, but I can never seem to go in on Garen. I try to dive in, stun him, q and get out. Often he will silence me, speed boost and spin to win which normally results in me losing the trade. If we get to six and I try and get into him on even health he will likely execute me. I have a similar issue with Darius but I have learnt to just not go in on him. Do I follow the same advice for Garen?


Twitch seems good, can he work at mid? Only issue I see with him is that he's like wet paper =P
Diana seems good, just need to find a proper balance in her item build.


I'll be home in 30 and try to get some games going.

Try twitch jungle if you want to have fun. It's hilarious in normals.


Considering Lee players are basically the Vayne players of the jungle, they won't be missed

Yep. Getting Olaf'd came from the Olaf nerfs that pretty much erased him after Voyboy started wrecking with him in Season 2
yup, that's my exact line of thinking

godspeed you fuckerssss

their reasoning is dumb for the Lee changes.

"we want to reduce his early game damage, and we feel he doesn't do enough late game"

Chops 150 damage off his rank 3 ult at level 16. ok bud.

Attack speed on his passive is practically useless.

14 second cooldown on shield for self shielding, i.e. not ward-hopping but shielding yourself in fights/when doing camps. Why?

Q change means he loses a heap of baron and dragon control.

This is all so dumb.
i dunno why so many lee sin players are so upset over the passive changes. most lee sin players were probably ignoring the passive since he's got stupid numbers in the first place, now with the 100% as buff you might get the two autos which is adding a 200% total ad ratio to your spell rotations for each spell.

being realistic you won't probably get too many but having that super attack speed will very likely make getting one off a lot easier than now and will probably end up in a good amount of damage that is not displayed on his spell numbers

that seems to be rito's reasoning to me, and looks like it's raising his ceiling even more but more importantly his skill floor which imo is pretty low as hell right now

Twitch seems good, can he work at mid? Only issue I see with him is that he's like wet paper =P
i think froggen used him a couple times.

still don't understand how he made it work
do you have any idea just how good a 100% attack speed bonus is? they are taking damage away from his abilities and making it so lee sin has to auto-attack to do damage. now there is risk to his play because he actually has to put himself in a position where he is vulnerable instead of just skirting around fights tossing out abilities.

Yes, 100% attack speed is great. But not on Lee Sin. How often do you get to sit in an enemy team and make use of the attack speed he currently has? He is all about his spell rotations. You're not going to be able to make use of all that attack speed on Lee. It's wasted stats.

Potentially near 100% uptime on a 100% attack speed steroid during his spell rotation is useless?

As I said to dimb, it's practically useless on Lee Sin. He has a very hard time ever making use of that attack speed. You're simply not allowed, as a melee champion, to utilise that attack speed very well. League doesn't work like that. Lee Sin especially doesn't work like that. They're throwing power into wasted stats.

Because a good chunk of his dueling power early on is contained in his self-shield + Iron Will buffs. Letting Lee Sin self shield w/o penalty means he can engage, and if things turn sour because he underestimated the opponent, he can zip right out with a ward hop even easier than he does now (7 second CD from 9).

This is simply false. Ward hopping does not halve the cooldown. Only jumping to an allied champion halves the cooldown. They're also removing the self-shield if he jumps to a ward or minion. So it's now the shittiest version of a Jax Q you could imagine. It's a 14 second, ally targeted jump that only gives you a shield if you cast it on yourself or allied champion. Casting it on a minion or ward means you've used a 14 second cooldown jump with 0 utility or shield. A 14 second cooldown is too long for just shielding yourself. It's a fucking ridiculous change.


i dunno bro lee seen has a shit ton of mobility and a pretty decent slow on top of his "IM ON YOU" button so i don't think getting a couple autos off in your spell rotations with a million attack speed will be that much of a trouble for him
Well, if it radically changes his passage of play in team fights and his priorities in ability usage, isn't that the point?

Like, instead of being a carry-seeking, fire-and-forget missile you launch into the enemy team and then write off as dead/useless, maybe he actually tries to navigate around the fight and get on someone. Maybe instead of goofy triangle kicks he tries to do some actual positioning, and does R -> Qx2 to remove someone from the periphery of the fight and solo them off to the side with his huge attack speed?

Maybe Lee Sin players will have to do more than one money shot and fucking off to go have a smoke. World's tiniest violin over here.


This is simply false. Ward hopping does not halve the cooldown. Only jumping to an allied champion halves the cooldown. They're also removing the self-shield if he jumps to a ward or minion. So it's now the shittiest version of a Jax Q you could imagine. It's a 14 second, ally targeted jump that only gives you a shield if you cast it on yourself or allied champion. Casting it on a minion or ward means you've used a 14 second cooldown jump with 0 utility or shield. A 14 second cooldown is too long for just shielding yourself. It's a fucking ridiculous change.

Not the point I was making at all. You asked why the shield goes to 14 seconds when used on self, I gave you the reason. If it didn't you could self shield and 7 seconds later disengage. I'd be even more obnoxious to deal with than now.

Phillip said:
it's pretty good in game. I like the model, and all the spell effects and stuff are cool.

Hell, I love it just with the pics. Def gonna pick this up. Void Fizz on the other hand looks ugly as hell.
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