I don't get this picture at all.Congrats!
I don't get this picture at all.Congrats!
We got eager, probably myself most of all and almost threw, but still...
That game was a mess though. We had a triple DC for a while and they had a double. They couldn't capitalize on the numbers advantage, so we snowballed.
Omg I almost forgot that today's the day
O so I tried E first on Yasuo and ya it is pretty nice. I could only imagine how it was with the 100% dmg increase.
Anyone still use gold quints on supports?
Anyone still use gold quints on supports?
I have been for Nami. I just bought them and tried them out. Felt pretty good, but I dunno.
No, don't. You need the health/armor/ap for the lane.
I'm playing really awful as ADC now. Even with someone safe like Trist and teammates like Alistar and Braum, I went 8/15. I somehow manage to keep getting caught by their Yasuo. They also had Lee and Fizz who kept diving me. There was one WTF moment where I actually avoided Yasuo's ult, but somehow get caught in it because Lee Q2R'd me into it while Yasuo's ult was playing.
Gold quints aren't worth the trouble anymore since global gold got increased and you get extra money from the gold items anyways.
Fasten all seatbelts, seal all entrances and exits, close all shops in the mall, cancel the three ring circus, secure all animals in the zoo![17:10:22] Phillip Costigan: the second one could be "Bronze at the speed of light"
[17:10:24] Phillip Costigan: or something
[17:10:44] Dobkeratops: ludicrous speed
[17:10:46] Dobkeratops: is faster
[17:10:49] Dobkeratops: than lightspeed
[17:10:55] Phillip Costigan: no it's not lol
Costy's pop culture levels are Unranked as fuck.
[17:10:22] Phillip Costigan: the second one could be "Bronze at the speed of light"
[17:10:24] Phillip Costigan: or something
[17:10:44] Dobkeratops: ludicrous speed
[17:10:46] Dobkeratops: is faster
[17:10:49] Dobkeratops: than lightspeed
[17:10:55] Phillip Costigan: no it's not lol
Costy's pop culture levels are Unranked as fuck.
Anyone still use gold quints on supports?
Taric rekt him. 1v1If anything goes wrong in ranked, it's automatically Fallen's fault.
Ever since he lost to a top taric.
welcome to silver, jeff-dsa
you will like it slightly more than bronze
Good bye thread, we'll miss you, time to transfer all the waifu picture to the new thread.
you will like the new thread
Also AP for like Karma or Zyra.Hmm, alright. Maybe i'll pick up some armor quints and see how it feels.
Also AP for like Karma or Zyra.
That alone should put me somewhere high silver I would think at least.