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Sony E3 2014 Conference Thread


El Capitan Todd
that's not my opinion.
first, the services were what they blamed to Xbone for a year; the games were similarly in quantity to Xbone conf and it's just a matter of tastes to prefer one offer over another (sunset and platinum games, the indie titles, phantom dust, Spark, Fable, Forza H2..are those "flat fps"? not really) and if anything it seems that there are more exclusive on Xbone than on PS4...plus everything seems 2015 for both, so...this year Infamous, TLOU remastered and LBP could be the only first party effort on the console from Sony..no Vita show, no TLG confirmation...don't know...
Good to see them confirming that Nintendo is not attending E3 this year LOL


they're right. barring "powers" (who cares about that tripe?), the conference steamrolled what came before.

Sony has a knack for presenting their games in a compelling way. MS did a good job with a solid, game focused presser, but it wasn't nearly as lively or interesting as sony's.


It's funny how you can read one group of GAFers saying this is Sony's worst conference in years and that it was a snore-fest, and another group of GAFers saying it was amazing, 10/10! I think it just proves has wishy washy and underwhelming all of the conferences were.

Overall, every conference was pretty 'okay'. I think the leaks had a big impact on deflating my exciting, but overall I don't think any conference stands out (well, except for the fact that EAs was easily the worst).

Feeling that way, I have no fucking clue how EDGE can 'confidently seal the victory' to Sony. Both conferences were B- at best, and seems more of a 'different strokes for different folks' situation.

coz edge have zero reputation..os they have the trolls clue

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I think they both had very solid presentations, none of them exactly leaving me breathless. MS had the Platinum game, and Sony had the FROM game, so both get the thumb up from me. On the other hand, everything was 2015.

This article... I don't really know what to say about it, the author seems to be heavily emotionally invested in the matter, that's certain.

edit: the thread I posted in got nuked or merged or whatever, but this is referring to the Edge article that Bundy made a thread about


As a PC gamer it was nice to see lots of games that will be coming to PC..

From the outside I dont understand how either are winning when there is hardly any actual exclusive content. Both conferences only had a few were as most the big stuff they showed was multiplatform or console/PC.

I feel like the MS show was better streamlined. They introduced everyone and such, where as I feel like Sony's was a mess when it came to that. They show one thing and then boom theres someone else on the stage and they dont even introduce them and some segments went way to long like the little big planet.. I was bored to death through that then they had the whole Heros section which was like wtf?! why did they think that was a good idea? I got up and went to the bathroom and grabbed some snacks and the fucker was still talking when i got back.

In the end though neither made me want to buy a console still. Just showed me lots of games to look forward to on PC ;P
I think if Microsoft did what Sony did and started talking about Netflix and TV they would be getting A LOT more shit than Sony is now.

But I thought both conferences were very average. Sure both conferences had cool games but they were (almost) all CG trailers.

I think it could have been done . . as long as their was something good to say. They could have showed off some of the Halo TV show and been fine (well if it is actually good). They could have announced YouTube and some other good apps that people want. I think MS would have benefited from taking a little more and explaining their vision and what sets them apart from Sony.

I wouldn't have a problem with nongame stuff if it was something I actually wanted. Not here's a new way to change the channel or switch inputs. And definitely not what that Power guy did. He didn't seem prepared at all and provided nothing interesting. Don't tell me I want it. Show me why I want it.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
MS's was pretty mediocre but it would have at least been a little more interesting if there was a single game that hadn't been leaked. Can we have a fucking moratorium on leakers please?

I can't believe that after a Sony presser the 2014 games I'm most excited for are Assassins Creed and a remake of GTAV. What kind of a flop.
"Sonys money hats, tvtvtv shit no one cares about, cg trailers, and multiplatform games were definitely better than MS because reasons"
I can see all of this except the CG trailers part. Sure, there were some, but we got a ton of gameplay. That's one area I thought the Sony conference clearly shined on, whereas Microsoft provided very little actual gameplay.


I agree that Sony edged out a victory, but that's a very one sided article from Edge with plenty of language carefully chosen to elicit a heated response. I guess since they're closing down the website soon they've stopped trying.
I don't agree. I thought they were both pretty meh. I own only an XBO right now so I'm more partial to what they're offering but a lot of what Sony showed is going to be on XBO eventually.

Seemed more like Sony took a page out of Microsoft's 2013 press conference, talking about other stuff besides the games.
Or every other conference Sony ever had.


Yep. Gamers win, and Edge just continues to be disappointingly sensational with their headlines. It's fine to have that perspective; just remember that not everyone really wants a clear "winner" from E3 now. It's alright to want everyone - including the Big N - to do well.

Did gamers win though? Not only were most of the announcements underwhelming -- the bulk of either conference was timed exclusives or exclusive content. Seems like these companies only want to pay to keep content away from the competing platform.


Gold Member
I thought Sony had a slightly better conference than MS, but nothing to write home about. They really need to slim things down though. It dragged a lot at times. Also, their first party showing was weak.


I stopped reading after the first 3 sentences, seriously?

If i would not have seen the conference i would think that they blew everyone away, while in fact both conferences were equal at best.

Fox Mulder

Both had good conferences, I feel like leaks took the bite out of some of the MS stuff.

I personally get more excited for non cg trailers of games due this year than showing stuff that's way down the pipe.


lol Jesus. The idea that Sony might have actually had a better conference to the media and other people really have some of you foaming at the mouth. Continue!


yea next media will be N4G mods givin the victory to sony conference?


I can see all of this except the CG trailers part. Sure, there were some, but we got a ton of gameplay. That's one area I thought the Sony conference clearly shined on, whereas Microsoft provided very little actual gameplay.
MS' presser had a lot of gameplay demos.....
Meh, both were strong, game-filled conferences. Microsoft had too much pre-rendered CGI and Sony spent too much time on Powers.

As far as actual gameplay demos go, I have to give it to The Witcher 3 and Arkham Knight, but was really happy about stuff like Grim Fandango, R&C coming in first half 2015, and No Man's Sky.

I feel like this is the first set of conferences in a while where I can just judge the games and their presentations themselves rather than just saying Microsoft was better than Sony or vice versa.
I think most of the shine off the MS event was due to the leaks...if the stuff didn't leak months beforehand they would of been some pretty good announcements

instead Sony announced a heap of multi-plat stuff...and a couple of first party titles you probably wont be playing until after the next E3 and that godawful Free to play segment
it was a shit sandwich with sprinkles if you ask me

E3 on the whole so far has been pretty crap
the only game which look interesting was the co-op Assassins creed demo but im sure its some watered down game mode in the final product

Fingers crossed Nintendo comes out firing and i can dust off my WiiU


I also think Sony showed a much better line up, but that's not the same thing as having a good conference.

A conference needs energy, and to be well formed, paced tightly. MS outclassed them.
I don't get what's so "rad" about that Uncharted 4 reveal. We heard Sully and Drake talk, and then Drake stood up. Am I supposed to be any more excited about that than when they showed an Uncharted logo last year?

I love all the talk about how Microsoft showed so much of 2015 and beyond. Their entire first half was games coming out before the end of this year. Well, what exactly do you think Sony has coming down the pipe before the end of 2014? They have a remaster of The Last of Us, which came out a year ago and Little Big Planet 3, which is a franchise I tired of 6 years ago. Even The Order 1886 got a release date of Feb, 2015.

Sony's press conference to me was a total snoozer. The Order doesn't look like it's any fun to play, most of that indie stuff will probably also be released on Steam and eventually come to Xbox, Destiny/Batman/MK/Metal Gear are all multi-platform, and there's no evidence that we'll see Uncharted or Bloodborne in reality before the end of 2015.

The only news that made me perk up was Grim Fandango, and that is really, really cool. Beyond that, Sony's next 6 months aren't any better looking than Microsoft's.


Sony's show was a trainwreck. The only thing that saved it was the Arkham Demo and the Uncharted teaser right at the end. Oh, and Abzu. That game looks amazing.


I did not see this much commented but the last of us cameo in Diablo 3 seems quite odd. We have more details about this? or is just infected characters on the game and nothing more?


Sony is really in a strong strong position. They have some great new IP coming, plus the timed exclusives are some of the best indie games but the real big quiver in their bow is just the graphic superiority. Your going to see them continue to outpace X1 to a large degree and especially when the most exciting looking games right now are mostly 3rd party that is a huge deal.

Batman will look best on PS4
Far Cry will look best on PS4
Assassins Creed will look best on PS4
Witcher will look best on PS4

On and on and on and on.

As the gen continues that will only continue. It's why MS really really need a exclusive IP that blew our socks off because they start at a disadvantage.

I really dont think the general public cares much about this stuff.
I think most of the shine off the MS event was due to the leaks...if the stuff didn't leak months beforehand they would of been some pretty good announcements

instead Sony announced a heap of multi-plat stuff...and a couple of first party titles you probably wont be playing until after the next E3 and that godawful Free to play segment
it was a shit sandwich with sprinkles if you ask me

E3 on the whole so far has been pretty crap
the only game which look interesting was the co-op Assassins creed demo but im sure its some watered down game mode in the final product

Fingers crossed Nintendo comes out firing and i can dust off my WiiU

I'm absolutely baffled how someone can say E3 has been crap. There are so many fucking games I want to play that I saw in action yesterday.
if they woud be honest would not call a win for sony or ms...
but as we see from 1 year and more...edge isnt something to take too serious...

Someone has to win. We just do that at e3. Let's be honest at the end of the day it comes down to the games you like.

What I don't get is the people outraged over the idea that Sony had a better confrence.

It's all opinions
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