Fiiiiiiinally got the Very Large Ember. Pumped my Claymore +10 up to +15. Fools better start running when they see me. I'm strapped.
Hurray for exploration!
Fiiiiiiinally got the Very Large Ember. Pumped my Claymore +10 up to +15. Fools better start running when they see me. I'm strapped.
I've read Ornstein is harder in phase 2 but fuck it, I'm having an easier time killing Smough first. He's bigger so it's easier to get Ornstein stuck behind him to attack safely.
Had him at 1/3 health and ran behind a pillar to heal and Ornstein charged me and his spear went through the pillar to reach me arghoshgfslhgouissfkldhg
Edit: Decided it was time to move on and summoned another player, we ended up killing fatty first ^_^
Also with all those those I leveled my endurance to 40
So now I may as well just put everything into strength to eventually one hand the Demon Great Axe? And then from there just max out my vitality?
Is it worth going into magic at all for a strength build?
I wouldn't worry about it the hellkite is always like that really.Finally got him after dozens of attempts. Feels good, but still, I feel I should've killed him sooner.
Not really for an all strength build do what Ruupa mentioned. You will need 46 strength to one hand a demon great axe but it is worth the investment especially as a crystal weapon.So now I may as well just put everything into strength to eventually one hand the Demon Great Axe? And then from there just max out my vitality?
Is it worth going into magic at all for a strength build?
By my count there's now 8 areas open to me that I have barely explored or even taken a peek at: Great Hollow, Catacombs, New Londo Ruins, Darkroot Garden, Darkroot Basin, Valley of Drakes, Demon Ruins, and Sen's Fortress. But, "the cutscene shows you where to go" so I'll try that first.
Congratulations! You're at the part where I said "screw this!" and uninstalled for the first time 2 years ago..
All right, third time was the charm with Quelaag. Awareness of the AoE attack was the key for me, avoiding it entirely or at least never getting hit with it with the shield down. Second bell, finally rung.
Made it all the way to back to the Parish bonfire before I realized I missed the Crimson set that had been mentioned here. So made an immediate return trip lol. Re-entering Blighttown from the Valley of Drakes isn't bad at all. Not having to bother with the entrance from The Depths, will make return trips to Blighttown rather uneventful.
By my count there's now 8 areas open to me that I have barely explored or even taken a peek at: Great Hollow, Catacombs, New Londo Ruins, Darkroot Garden, Darkroot Basin, Valley of Drakes, Demon Ruins, and Sen's Fortress. But, "the cutscene shows you where to go" so I'll try that first.
Finally got around to the Atorias DLC. Man, it's been a super long time since I played this game.
Kinda bummed how the whole DLC kicks off. Finding a random crystal golem in the Duke's Archives, just standing there...yeah. Is there backstory that I'm missing that explains the sheer randomness of that?
Took down the Sanctuary Guardian first try, but keep getting my ass kicked by Atorias himself. Might have to change my weapon loadout, since I'm rolling a Black Knight Halbred and...it just feels too slow.
Well, after the fall of oolacile Seath took some reseach field in that place for his experiments aka Darkroot garden in the present era, thats why you can see the crystal golems and the butterfly wandering there as a sigh seath was there. He managed to obtain the art of manipulation souls into inanimated objects and the princess Dusk for later reseach by discarded her in one of his golems.
After the DLC events Seath somehow found the old pendant, Manus most precious posession and put it there inside of the golems. Since you find it and explored the darkroot garden. Manus (in the past era) somehow detected the presence of the pendant near of his chamber and pull you in his time in a last attemp to recover the pendant, simbol of his humanity and a lost love.
Thanks for the info. The cystal golem, though, still so random. It's not even in the Archives, just chilling there outside that elevator room, staring at a wall. Haha, guess I shouldn't expect too much .
Haha, why is that? How many hours did you have clocked in back then?
So I picked up with my saved game, right after picking up the Crimson set. And somehow I managed to slip off the log bridge that's right there. Respawn at Firelink, and then I'm in a rush to get back and recover my humanity. Well the elevator to New Londo Ruins was at the bottom of the elevator shaft where I left it. But I did not recognize that until it was too late and I ran right into the big hole in the floor. HahahahahahahaRe-entering Blighttown from the Valley of Drakes isn't bad at all. Not having to bother with the entrance from The Depths, will make return trips to Blighttown rather uneventful.
So I picked up with my saved game, right after picking up the Crimson set. And somehow I managed to slip off the log bridge that's right there. Respawn at Firelink, and then I'm in a rush to get back and recover my humanity. Well the elevator to New Londo Ruins was at the bottom of the elevator shaft where I left it. But I did not recognize that until it was too late and I ran right into the big hole in the floor. Hahahahahahaha
I died 4 or 5 times at the blacksmith in New Londo. He's so long-winded and to get out of conversation with him, I would keep mashing O on ps3. Pushed it too many times, back stepped off the skinny stairs. YOU DIEDThat elevator killed me at least 3 times. Lost a lot of humanity because of it.
Pinwheel could trip over and die in all honesty he's ludicrously weak. So it's pretty much par for the course to find pinwheel easy. Leeroy kills him in 2 or 3 hits.haha :lol, (catacomb boss)died with 2-3 one-hand slashes of the +15 Claymore. Was over after 2 seconds oO.Pinwheel
Ok, time to get another nice weapon and put out the Claymore only for tough enemies or bosses. That was really ridiculous. Maybe i was supposed to visit the Catacombs a bit earlier.
Pinwheel could trip over and die in all honesty he's ludicrously weak. So it's pretty much par for the course to find pinwheel easy. Leeroy kills him in 2 or 3 hits.
If you are human you will meet him in the tomb of the giants.lol good to know. (don't know who Leeroy is though. I guess a summon? Don't have summoned anyone yet)
...So this Manus character is kind of Tough.
Most of the bosses seem quite tame compared to him.
Based on his speed, maybe I should not be trying to melee him with a +14 zweihander.
Jesus fucking christ. I finally got the DLC in my NG+ and all I have left is him and then Gwyn and I've beaten every boss in NG+. I have died probably 30 times on this stupid fuck. I am a pure sorcerer and cannot catch a fucking break. I like to think my dodging has at least improved to the point where I'm not a total knob, but by christ. I have 1300 HP and it's enough to get maybe two hits. Between fumbling around with the god damn pendant and dodging and trying to heal, I'm fucked. This fucking boss my god. Plus, nobody around to help with some jolly cooperation due to the fact that I'm SL110 and nobody is in this spot.
I just destroyed my controller. Savaged it.
I have died probably 30 times on this stupid fuck. I am a pure sorcerer and cannot catch a fucking break...I have 1300 HP and it's enough to get maybe two hits...I just destroyed my controller. Savaged it.
Manus is resistant to magic I believe.
Manus is resistant to magic I believe.
I believe I'm almost done with this game but I'm hesitant to finish it because I don't wanna go to NG+ right away.
Does it just automatically send you to NG+ after you beat the final boss or is it something you have to select?
I would like to stick around in this world for a bit longer.
I think I've done damn near everything I can, besides the dlc, but I wanna get some new weapons for NG+.Automatically forced to NG+ after you beat final boss. Hang around NG for a bit, explore, farm, craft weapons, talk to NPC's, kill some NPC's, etc. If you want, go ahead and check out a guide or ask questions so you can see some of the more hidden items, areas and bosses. Unless you want to discover it on your own, or try to find them on NG+.
There's some decent weapons in the Kiln if you're a STR build. Did youI think I've done damn near everything I can, besides the dlc, but I wanna get some new weapons for NG+.
Though I've stuck around and fucked around for so long in NG that I'm probably gonna be OP for a decent chunk of NG+
But I'll definitely ask some questions if I can think of any. Thanks.
Am I playing the game right?
So I'm at level 51....in Anor Lando. Trying to play as honest as possible, although my friend had given me a few good tips. I'm using the black iron armor and the uchigatana at +9 right now. I have never used any kind of magic or fire or lightning weapons or anything. I have a fire glove but no idea how to use it. Haven't farmed any souls and usually only have 1 or 2 humanity at any given time. I have no clue what the covenants are for. I'm playing a Dex/End build.... Both around 30 at the moment.
Can I continue to play this way? I know that I'm getting to some very difficult places soon, but I think I'm doing well so far. I dont want to be screwed later on because I don't have a +10 lightening spear or something. (it's +3 right now) Thanks!
Am I playing the game right?
So I'm at level 51....in Anor Lando. Trying to play as honest as possible, although my friend had given me a few good tips. I'm using the black iron armor and the uchigatana at +9 right now. I have never used any kind of magic or fire or lightning weapons or anything. I have a fire glove but no idea how to use it. Haven't farmed any souls and usually only have 1 or 2 humanity at any given time. I have no clue what the covenants are for.
Can I continue to play this way? I know that I'm getting to some very difficult places soon, but I think I'm doing well so far. I dont want to be screwed later on because I don't have a +10 lightening spear or something. (it's +3 right now) Thanks!
You need to equipment the pyromancy flame in either hand like any other weapon, and then attune spells at any bonfire. Attune spells = equip spells. You can buy/loot spells throughout the game, but you can't use them until you attune (equip) them.I have a fire glove but no idea how to use it.
Yes I did, which is why I'm assuming I'm at the end. I think I'm just gonna do the dlc and finish up the game. I really wanna play NG+ after I've messed around in NG for a bit more, but I have DS2 to play. I enjoy this one more, so waiting to jump into NG+ will give me something to look forward to.There's some decent weapons in the Kiln if you're a STR build. Did you?kill all the fire keepers for their souls
Yes I did, which is why I'm assuming I'm at the end. I think I'm just gonna do the dlc and finish up the game. I really wanna play NG+ after I've messed around in NG for a bit more, but I have DS2 to play. I enjoy this one more, so waiting to jump into NG+ will give me something to look forward to.
Pretty much all the time, until the salt overflows.... Then it's Dark Souls time and I take my anger out on my enemies..... until I get too overzealous and make a mistake and die. Then my sodium levels rise again. I make my way back to my souls and proceed to roll off a fucking cliff. Souls lost. [Salting intensifies]*looks at his name*
Its mahvel time!
I have a slight problem. I was playing offline with a local gamertag the entire time and decided I'd hop online about 2 weeks and 2 characters later. So I recovered my old gamertag and was prompted with a few network-related errors. I eventually got my online profile working and decided I'd check up on my original offline profile only to find that the saves had been corrupted. I have dsfix backups but all the ones I've tried came back corrupted. I removed the current save, let GFW make a fresh one so I could replace it with a back up, but it came back corrupted as well.
Since my DS2 save got fucked (Stay the hell away from the arenas, people) I figured I'd return to Lordran and finish what I started. So I'm on a new character that I'm not doing dumb shit with and I'm doing really well so far.
Almost beat the Bell Gargoyles on my first try, solo. It feels great coming back and knowing what do do. Also accidentally fucked a guy over because I thought he wanted to kill the Black Knight, he summoned me again a second time and he just pointed away from the tower :lol.
Anyone have a remedy? If not, I was planning on starting Demon's Souls anyway.
No, because it's spelled Anor Londo.Am I playing the game right?
So I'm at level 51....in Anor Lando. Trying to play as honest as possible, although my friend had given me a few good tips. I'm using the black iron armor and the uchigatana at +9 right now. I have never used any kind of magic or fire or lightning weapons or anything. I have a fire glove but no idea how to use it. Haven't farmed any souls and usually only have 1 or 2 humanity at any given time. I have no clue what the covenants are for. I'm playing a Dex/End build.... Both around 30 at the moment.
Can I continue to play this way? I know that I'm getting to some very difficult places soon, but I think I'm doing well so far. I dont want to be screwed later on because I don't have a +10 lightening spear or something. (it's +3 right now) Thanks!
In the first half of NG+ you just stomp through the game. It's fun in its own way and the challenge comes back when you have to fight O&S again, depending on your build.I think I've done damn near everything I can, besides the dlc, but I wanna get some new weapons for NG+.
Though I've stuck around and fucked around for so long in NG that I'm probably gonna be OP for a decent chunk of NG+
But I'll definitely ask some questions if I can think of any. Thanks.