It's been available for download for 6h30mSo is this not available for download yet? I redeemed my Amazon digital code and game not there to download in the store .....
It's been available for download for 6h30m
try here: https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...ered/cid=UP9000-CUSA00552_00-THELASTOFUS00000
while I wait for my Amazon copy I wanted to buy the digital version of the last of us soundtrack. Just saw that you get it FREE with amazon prime. The wait just got longer
Debating if I should pick this up.. Already finished twice on ps3, but never played multi. I hate censoring but cant buy it ftom the us store.
Any other good games worth 50?
My PSN account is.Are you in the USA?
Wolfenstein TNO if you didn't play it
Yeah but no mp and hardly any replay value right?
No MP yeah
But i played through the game about 4 times so it might be better to ask someone else's opinion about replay value lol
Heh alright. Ill keep that title in mind..but is it better than last years goty?
I don't know if you can compare Wolfenstein to GTA V like that. They are very different games.
Seen this Shot last night and immediately thought of photo mode, anyone that has completed the game knows the score, damn Naughty Dog.
The images contains early game spoilers
If there's even the slightest chance someone could be spoiled, please tag it.
Debating if I should pick this up.. Already finished twice on ps3, but never played multi. I hate censoring but cant buy it ftom the us store.
Any other good games worth 50?
Is play as you download not supported by this game? I'm over 70% done and there is still no option to "play game."
Playing on Grounded mode. Not as tough as I was expecting. Finally went through the first tough part in Ch.2(you know the one). It took me about 4 tries. It just comes down to choosing a tactic and making a roadmap that's best suited for you. Still intense as shit, but definitely not impossible. Still haven't upgraded anything and had to change weapons with a clicker and runner on me. Totally possible. Anyone who played on survivor should give it a try, screw that NG+ glitch.
It is. The whole game is around 50GB, but you can start playing after downloading 11GB. At least if you choose to download the SP first.
Bought the physical eu edition. Does the game hold up for a third playthrough?
I skipped this game last gen. Gonna go in blind, wish me luck.
Playing on Grounded mode. Not as tough as I was expecting. Finally went through the first tough part in Ch.2(you know the one). It took me about 4 tries. It just comes down to choosing a tactic and making a roadmap that's best suited for you. Still intense as shit, but definitely not impossible. Still haven't upgraded anything and had to change weapons with a clicker and runner on me. Totally possible. Anyone who played on survivor should give it a try, screw that NG+ glitch.
I'm expecting to see a lot of LTTP TLOU threads lol
If i'm getting this off US PSN, would it restrict me to US multiplayer lobbies?
Are there any downsides to getting the digital US version of the game in the UK?
It's cheaper and is already released, so I may as well do it, but I'm unaware of how it works with multiple accounts, etc.
Also is there a guide anyone can link to in order to download US digital games (I'll Google if nobody wants to link).
Yeah but no mp and hardly any replay value right?
Game finally is available for download in EU:
At least in Russian store, but I am 99% sure it should be available across all other PAL PSN stores.
so i pre ordered the game but its still not available to download, it lists the release as December 2014... US PSN account here.
thats fucking weird i had to re order it again on the website as it lists "Free" now its downloading