Considering I don't own a PS4, I cant really give a great comment on the game :l. But, like you said, if that is all they did....then Square was
really riding on the FFXV Demo to sell this thing :l.
If all this was is a PSP game, then they could have put a damn translated version of it on PSN for Vita owners X(! We've seen new PSP games still land on PSN to this day (Branish comes to mind for example), so Square doing that wouldn't be that crazy. Besides, they
promised that they were listening to the fans who waited a very long time for this to come over to the states and....they did so with a so-so uprezzed on the PS4 :l.
....Could Sony and Microsoft play a role in this too? We know they would want a full-on FF game on their consoles and having that so soon would make them look better I guess :l.
Either way, the game came over to the US/EU at least, so even if it is a so-so effort, at least it came here at all. It is a shame though that Square didn't work with the fans to bring this over, as other JP publishes like Sega did this in the past (Sonic CD, Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 Remasters on mobile); could have been a really cool thing for them to do

. This could have even fostered a new localization team for Square today (in helping localizing iOS/Mobile games to Vita/3DS and games like FFXV/KH3 for PS4/X1).
Oh well, this is Square we are talking about after all X(.