Unpopular opinion time.
I'm genuinely curious why Bloodborne is getting such high praise - a metacritic score on par with Dark Souls. While I love the Dark Souls series, and they are some of the best games I've played, it just feels the same. The core mechanics are the same and overall it's just more Dark Souls, very little has changed. It's similar to people praising Call of Duty every year when very little has changed and they haven't really done anything differently until Advanced Warfare came out where it brought in a nice change of pace.
I just think there is a double standard going on where other games are shit on if they don't reinvent themselves, while we have Bloodborne that has had minimal changes since Demon Souls came out. I know some people will argue against, and tell me, "BUT IT'S NOT THE SAME THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS, LIKE GUNS!" To an extent sure, but if you deny this is a Dark Souls-esque clone, you are sadly mistaken.
Regardless, I'm going to play this game because I love the Dark Souls games, but it's just been bugging me.
Not sure if serious.