"she's a mechanic, so the dress is normal (for google image searches pushing up the most clicked pics by horny boys)!"
Oh wait, what's this?
If you don't infantilise the females to "girls", and instead search for "women mechanics" with Safesearch turned on:
I'm still seeing a lot of "hot" and "pin-up" mechanics in that search too though (to say nothing of those specific sub categories) so I'm not sure if your point is as salient as you'd like

But again, when they say "normal" it seems obvious they mean "normal" for the archetype not "normal" for a real life person. As least I hope/assume given the snippet we have.
The "fantasy based on reality thing" and the relatively normal (albeit boy bandy) look of the main cast, including Stella is why she sticks out and just seems like a pandering character design.
Well, I certainly agree that this seems to be one of the more grounded Final Fantasy games but I don't think every character needs to be within the same standard deviation of the mean of "grounded" design. I can agree she stands out but as to whether is so far off the mean of the rest of the cast (playable or not) as to be inadmissible I suppose is super subjective. Which I also suppose is both obvious and fine
I will say I think she was clearly designed with some cute/sex appeal in mind which I think is fine (same way I don't think Tifa is egregious in context of like Aerith of Yuffie). I assume by not an "erotic character" (though as a native English speaker I don't think I'd ever use that choice of words) I guess they mean they were going for a cheerful, energetic woman who was attractive rather than a bombshell whose sexuality was at the forefront of their personality?
As an aside (open question to anybody), does "pandering" just mean "thing I know a lot of other people actively like but I don't like or makes me comfortable"? Is context insensitivity what pushes something into the realm of pandering?
I do like that alternate design that been tossed around but I also like the design as is. I guess I'm easy to please? I'm curious and look forward to seeing how the feedback, gameplay and non-gameplay, is incorporated into updated builds and the final product