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Destiny |OT25| The Taken Thread

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Thanks for defending us in twitch chat GAF. No idea who those people were and how they got the link to the stream, but next time they say something, just show them this :p

408 raid completions? Scrub status confirmed.

Sad I missed the newbie raid, sounds like a great time was had by all. I'll be around the rest of the day if anyone wants to do newbie raids or flawless raids.


Thanks Rubenov & Wicked for the double Trials runs! Shame we got denied the second mercury last-minute but better luck next time!
apologies for my slightly skrubby plays along the way
Got some good loot, an arc scholar, more than enough E.Light, completed the Trials armor sets on my Titan & Hunter and managed to nab myself an Eye of Sol in the final package too! The shader finally dropped for me too. :) Good day in Destiny!

Got pretty much everything I want right now (aside from a void messenger & solar jewel), so I'll be slowing down the Destiny endgame grind until possibly the Taken King. Just casually levelling all the stuff I have, maybe help out a few buddies here and there or one sweaty mercury run in the weekend.

Time to refocus the majority of my attention on Witcher 3 again. :)
Sad I missed the newbie raid, sounds like a great time was had by all. I'll be around the rest of the day if anyone wants to do newbie raids or flawless raids.

Next one should be faster, though, as I would not have that many issues with the final part. I'd still need to learn the gorgon maze routes and the disappearing platform puzzle, but I can use youtube for that.

BTW, I serously need a decent headset. The included with the console was crap and hurting in the end. Whenever I took the cable out to hear everybody through the 5.1 system while cooking, the difference in quality was absurd. I tried getting an adapter for the PC headset, but looks like the best option would be getting an USB one that can work in both platforms.
Message me on PSN when you guys are ready.

Also, I apparently missed the call for CE Flawless goddammit!

They usually don't take very long, an hour or two at the most. If there's enough interest we could do another either before the later run or after that run when some people are already organized for it.

I still remember one weekend back in the day when I sherpa'ed two consecutive VoG flawless runs before noon. Those were the days.


They usually don't take very long, an hour or two at the most. If there's enough interest we could do another either before the later run or after that run when some people are already organized for it.

I still remember one weekend back in the day when I sherpa'ed two consecutive VoG flawless runs before noon. Those were the days.

I think there's two of us on the alt list, so far. We'd need 3 more.


I think there's two of us on the alt list, so far. We'd need 3 more.

I would like to do it too! Also wouldn't mind if we could get the Raiding party trophy at the same time if possible? They the only 2 trophies i have left.

Speaking of which, its unusual for expansions to be released without additional trophies/achievements, like TDB and HoW did. Will we likely get extra trophies for TTK, or even a seperate list with it kinda being a seperate release i wonder.
So apparently there is a very small chance to get an Exotic from the 28 PoE chest even after you get your first from it. Just got a Mask of the Third Man and I already got a No Land Beyond from it on this character. Might be common knowledge, but still pretty cool.
Thanks for defending us in twitch chat GAF. No idea who those people were and how they got the link to the stream, but next time they say something, just show them this :p

How in the >.<

Mines is like 40 or something and I'm sure I've run it wayyyyyyyy more than that.

Does it only count full runs or something?

Edit: It actually only shows 14.

I've run VoG at least 100 times, and that's low balling it. CE I've run at least 50.

For VoG it shows 9.

For CE it shows 7.

Something's no right there ...
If anyone wants to help out some fresh noobs in Crota's End hard mode, we're at the Crota checkpoint. Only 2 of us at the moment, would be great to have a swordbearer.

PSN: SwordStruck24
Reposting for new page, based on the replies:

CE Normal Flawless, 7pm or 8pm EST

1) Drizzay
2) DrLawyerCop
3) Teasing_Pink (psn?)
4) rc213
5) igordennis
6) narmer

Alt) PedroLumpy

On second thought maybe i shouldnt go, i've never cleared Crota before so i dont want to mess everything up. Unless its easy and someone can explain all the strats
Doubt anyone still needs it but I'm going to be NF if there's anyone who wants to join. Trying to finish it before I delete my Warlock for a Hunter.

Join up on me if you need it.
On second thought maybe i shouldnt go, i've never cleared Crota before so i dont want to mess everything up. Unless its easy and someone can explain all the strats

Doesn't matter to me. The three or four most experienced should be able to handle it. Only part that would worry me in your case is the bridge section. If you haven't done it and aren't familiar with the mechanics, it'll be tough because you will need to use the sword and all that.


Haha, Kadey trying to prove ruthless she can carry the relic by soloing the templar after everyone died!

... she failed, but that was worth trying. :)


I must of done about 70 strikes or so this week and I've only seen the Hopscotch Pilgrim drop once and it wasn't for me. Curse you RNG!!
Flattered by all the Trials and Crucible invites, but I won't really be playing PvP until the next DLC (except for IB when the helmet is available). Nothing personal to anyone I didn't respond to on PSN.

On a related note: I had everything I wanted from Trials at the start of the fourth week. I know people always want their content to last until the next DLC, but I'm happy to have some fun, actually obtain the loot, and be done until the next piece of content. Point being, the fact that I rarely play Trials anymore is not a negative in the least. In fact, I see it as a positive. I still play PvE because I find Skolas fun (the nerve) and want to amass some mats I lost to Xur, but the fact that the content won't last for a dozen hours of playtime per week over 4-6 months is not something I am going to complain about. I prefer it this way.

I know on the GB interview, someone said that it's ok for players to stop playing the game rather than rage quitting after chasing whatever they were chasing. I hope we see that approach taken to heart in the Taken King, though I am doubtful.
Also, is anyone else who runs PoE on the regular sick of the Ciphers, yet? I complained about not being able to truly abandon them before, but I am hoping that enough people in the community will see it as an issue so Bungie will address it.
Doesn't matter to me. The three or four most experienced should be able to handle it. Only part that would worry me in your case is the bridge section. If you haven't done it and aren't familiar with the mechanics, it'll be tough because you will need to use the sword and all that.

I will look up that section and watch some videos to see if thats enough.
Also, is anyone else who runs PoE on the regular sick of the Ciphers, yet? I complained about not being able to truly abandon them before, but I am hoping that enough people in the community will see it as an issue so Bungie will address it.

Not yet. I would like 2 more to drop as I only recently got my first


If I have 2 treasure keys, am I able to run the level 28 PoE twice in the same week with the same character and get rewards? Sorry for the stupid question.
Also, is anyone else who runs PoE on the regular sick of the Ciphers, yet? I complained about not being able to truly abandon them before, but I am hoping that enough people in the community will see it as an issue so Bungie will address it.

Ciphers drops more often than Skolas weapons after the hotfix, the rarity of those exotics is gone or being excited to get one to be honest. The weapons drop table in other hand


FTFY. I still want it!

We'll get it soon EJ, just keep on shoulder charging those bosses! ;)

I feel bad. I got it my first strike after deciding to grind for it. My buddy has been grinding all week and got nothing.
Ah, it's just the way RNG goes, sucks for some and not for others.

When I take breaks from Crucible, I go into Dragon strikes for the Pilgrim. I feel your pain.
Yeah that's how I started out before I took the hard plunge for it this week. I've even opted to do strikes over trials this weekend!


If I have 2 treasure keys, am I able to run the level 28 PoE twice in the same week with the same character and get rewards? Sorry for the stupid question.

Yeah, but only the first chest you open on a character will generate a 100% chance for a exotic item. The following keys till only have a chance on giving you one.
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