Mister Megative
so we don't have the number yet
PS4 1.1 million
Xbox One 1 million
Jez Corden is an asshat who associates with the worst of fanbois, but the numbers are accurate, as I stated a week ago. You'll see.
so we don't have the number yet
Hardware sales down 35%
Favouritism is a hell of a drug, bruh!You predicted 1500k for the Xbox One? And an Xbox One win? That's not good, that's simply wrong.
Well I almost called it. Was a little too overconfident with the XB1[PS4] 1000K
[Xb1] 1100K
Im gonna say 400k pros at most and 600k slims
Well I almost called it. Was a little too overconfident with the XB1
Well I almost called it. Was a little too overconfident with the XB1
You predicted 1500k for the Xbox One? And an Xbox One win? That's not good, that's simply wrong.
so the mod deleted posts in the pal thread didn't teach you anything?Favouritism is a hell of a drug, bruh!
I wouldn't call 550K close in any way imaginable.
There is no Battlefield gaming launching next year; EA has said we will not be seeing the next entry for Battlefield for some time, and are choosing to support BF1 instead. Battlefront 2 is their shooter for next year.
Next year we also get Destiny 2, RDR 2, a new CoD, and an Assassin's Creed game. 4 out of the 5 projected 'big' holiday 3rd party titles for fall/holiday 2017 have deals with Sony that we know of. If there is going to be any year to push software and hardware, next year is the one to do it.
Pretty sure EA said no new battlefield for next year...
All right, scratch "favouritism", I still don't think 550K is close by any means. I mean, that is just basic math, you know.so the mod deleted posts in the pal thread didn't teach you anything?
I'm not sure the point you're trying to make? but still the PS4 slim and Pro probably made more money for Sony than adding another 3rd party bundle with less margins for $250.
WW Sony saw their best Black Friday ever, and they are at 50 million sold. I just don't see why they would be in a rush to put out 2 bundles consumers don't really seem to be clamoring for.
despite my big overestimate for xbox one, i did quite good
correct. 550k is not closeAll right, scratch "favouritism", I still don't think 550K is close by any means. I mean, that is just basic math, you know.
correct. 550k is not close
550k is overestimated big like i said and ps4 plus 3ds numbers being good
Pretty much what Rex said. "Despite" is the wrong word to use. Had you used "My XB1 prediction aside", that would have made more sense. Regardless, it will drag down your entire predictions big time, so congratulations on the others, I guess?correct. 550k is not close
550k is overestimated big like i said and ps4 plus 3ds numbers being good
correct. 550k is not close
550k is overestimated big like i said and ps4 plus 3ds numbers being good
Then the word you should have used was "except" not "despite."
yeah i don't care for this particular prediction game and any placing. just if my observation and estimates are in line or totally off. and in that case i'm 2/3Pretty much what Rex said. "Despite" is the wrong word to use. Had you used "My XB1 prediction aside", that would have made more sense. Regardless, it will drag down your entire predictions big time, so congratulations on the others, I guess?
would've probably been the better word without causing confusion. but english is not my first language.
yeah i don't care for this particular prediction game and any placing. just if my observation and estimates are in line or totally off. and in that case i'm 2/3
xbox one did not carry over the past months momentum of being up YoY, thanks to the new released xbox one s, into the holiday season. i'm fine with being wrong about that and now i know more. next month will be easier to predict. q1 2017 will be tough again
Makes it all the more entertaining, really.I think you're taking the piss, but seriously, your prediction accuracy was 0/1, not 2/3.
You quoted your failed prediction and patted yourself on the back for it.
I think you're taking the piss, but seriously, your prediction accuracy was 0/1, not 2/3.
You quoted your failed prediction and patted yourself on the back for it.
Sorry, I thought this was next week. Let me just make some strategic adjustments for a moment...Where is the actual NPD thread? All those split threads are clutter.
They didn't have enough controller cable.Wow at Nintendo only shipping 196k NES classics. What the hell were they thinking I can't believe they sent such a ridiculously small amount of stock. Why is it with them and constantly understockong their products. They deserve so much crap for creating artificial scarcity. I just don't get it. It's not like this pays off for them. They are actively losing sales by kit stocking enough product. It's asinine.
Ohhhh it is way better now... thanks.Sorry, I thought this was next week. Let me just make some strategic adjustments for a moment...
I think you're taking the piss, but seriously, your prediction accuracy was 0/1, not 2/3.
You quoted your failed prediction and patted yourself on the back for it.
Call of Duty #1 on the npd chart, because the chart is based on revenue and includes digital. also pokemon will be tracked on a sku base.
physical units sold, pokemon could be ahead
not sure what piss you're talking about, but your post accuracy is 0/2
550k units is in between 500 and 800k
1100k units is in between 1050 and 1450k
so both 3DS and Ps4 are on the lower end of my estimate.
plus i'm also correct about CoD, being #1 on the NPD chart, but being outsold by Pokemon Sun and Moon combined on a physical only unit base
but yeah. let's rather focus on some console war nonsense, because i thought xbox would be ahead in november, but ps4 took the lead and i was wrong about that (not that i didn't admit that already in my very fist post)...
November 2016 Overall 2016 Top (9/11)
01. blakep267 ---.-- Tratorn ---.--
02. RexNovis ---.-- RexNovis ---.-- * RexNovis
03. Tratorn ---.-- allan-bh ---.--
04. Pachter ---.-- Cow Goes Moo ---.--
05. Nouzka ---.-- Nouzka ---.--
06. Bruno MB ---.-- KillerMan91 ---.--
07. freefornow ---.-- Javin98 ---.--
08. TheOfficeMut ---.-- Welfare ---.--
09. Trust me, I'm a PhD ---.-- orfax ---.--
10. Bitch Pudding ---.-- Raylan ---.--
11. Shizza ---.-- Chobel ---.--
12. sirronoh ---.-- donny2112 ---.--
13. Cow Goes Moo ---.-- jayu26 ---.--
14. Rymuth ---.-- Bruno MB ---.--
15. noobie ---.-- skedar897 ---.--
16. theprodigy ---.-- Ryng_tolu ---.--
17. 5Twist ---.-- archnemesis ---.--
18. anothertech ---.-- noobie ---.--
19. allan-bh ---.-- slavesnyder ---.--
20. ethomaz ---.-- Shizza ---.--
21. Welfare ---.-- Rand6 ---.--
22. Graphics Horse ---.-- Rymuth ---.--
23. orfax ---.-- jjonez18 ---.--
24. archnemesis ---.-- ZachzOOming ---.--
25. Final Verdict ---.-- Trust me, I'm a PhD ---.--
26. Ol┐nner ---.-- Kayant ---.--
27. Chobel ---.-- Sterok ---.--
28. mejin ---.-- Pachter ---.--
29. Kill3r7 ---.-- mejin ---.--
30. donny2112 ---.-- Elandyll ---.--
31. Javin98 ---.-- Fdkn ---.--
32. Sangetsu-II ---.-- Kill3r7 ---.--
33. slavesnyder ---.-- robo ---.--
34. jroc74 ---.-- Darth Smurf X ---.--
35. itshutton ---.-- andy_lhc ---.--
36. wachie ---.-- jroc74 ---.--
37. skedar897 ---.-- Megadragon15 ---.--
38. onQ123 ---.-- astrogamer ---.--
39. Stanng243 ---.-- Primethius ---.--
40. Sterok ---.-- ethomaz ---.--
41. Megadragon15 ---.-- theprodigy ---.--
42. Raylan ---.-- Hydrargyrus ---.--
43. GifGafIsTheBestGaf ---.-- ConfusedGamer ---.--
44. Rand6 ---.-- gtj1092 ---.--
45. DayEnder ---.-- Bitch Pudding ---.--
46. Shambalakan ---.-- AmaterasuOni ---.--
47. hanspampel ---.-- Stanng243 ---.--
48. Fdkn ---.-- 5Twist ---.--
49. pager99 ---.-- Ol┐nner ---.--
50. gtj1092 ---.-- pitseleh ---.--
I think December is going to be even harder to call without knowing and splits between the pro and normal PS4. Like if the pro had 200-300k in pre-orders from the previous 2 months, I don't know how that gets made up by the slim in December. But if the pro number is super small, the PS4 could be flat
PS4 November: 1.539M / 4 = 384,750
PS4 December: 1.582M / 5 = 316,400
Weekly average down 18%
but yeah. let's rather focus on some console war nonsense, because i thought xbox would be ahead in november, but ps4 took the lead and i was wrong about that (not that i didn't admit that already in my very fist post)...
So close Pachter, maybe next time.
Console war nonsense? I have no idea what you're talking about. Please explain.
You picked the wrong winner, you were off by half a million and you then made a post congratulating yourself. That's why I thought you were taking the piss.
If you're not, then by all means, carry on.
Eh I don't k ow. The final fantasy bundle is likely to be a non factor(its $449. Not something that's gonna be massively purchased) and TLG isn't going to push any hardware. The $229 UC bundle may just get it to being flat MoM. There's gonna be no Pro preorders to bolster his months salesDecember better be big for Sony with all those deals it better be way up yoy.
Also Final Fantasy bundle, Uncharted bundle for 229$, gift cards, Last Guardian etc. We shall see.
I'm thinking Xbox is below 1M and PS4 is just above. Doubt it'll be 1.5 like last year.PS4 can easily drop below 1 million in december. XBO can drop too if sold just ~1 million in november, but I'm expecting a little increase.
I'm thinking Xbox is below 1M and PS4 is just above. Doubt it'll be 1.5 like last year.
Be ready for it to be down by a lot like this month. December is only a slightly better month than November now. With the launch of the Pro in November though, it is entirely possible the PS4 actually sells less than November.December better be big for Sony with all those deals it better be way up yoy.
Also Final Fantasy bundle, Uncharted bundle for 229$, gift cards, Last Guardian etc. We shall see.
Yeah but we don't know how many of those Pro purchases were people who would have bought a PS4 anyway. We don't have enough data to determine anything as the Pro launch could likely not have effected anything at all. Last year they had LE bundles that amassed preorders too.Considering that november was the launch of Pro and PS4 sold only 100k more, I think XBO has a real chance of outsell PS4 in december.
I think XBO can grow a little for 1.1m range and PS4 will be flat at best.
December better be big for Sony with all those deals it better be way up yoy.
Also Final Fantasy bundle, Uncharted bundle for 229$, gift cards, Last Guardian etc. We shall see.
Yeah but we don't know how many of those Pro purchases were people who would have bought a PS4 anyway. We don't have enough data to determine anything as the Pro launch could likely not have effected anything at all. Last year they had LE bundles that amassed preorders too.
As far as December goes it can go both ways but with Sony winning Cyber Monday I think the favor is towards Sony. But it could go either way, I could see Xbox below 1 million though.