In communities like this.
Should I be taking a statement?I mean, I could be a murderer.
What restriction from talking about it? You're talking about it right now.
People have been talking about it in other threads. Nobody is stopping you in general, but standard thread derailment rules apply. It doesn't make sense to go into a "x game announced for Switch" thread and pretend you're in the comments section of a YouTube video. But if it comes up, it comes up. Particularly in community threads. The only thing we said was that we're not going to have a "HOLY SHIT AMIR0X IS A PEDOPHILE" megathread.
I mean, I could be a murderer.
For a poster that the staff supposedly all hated, he sure did get treated with kid gloves.
I would normally agree, except that if you read the court documents, he literally admitted to downloading child porn for his own urges. He just thought it was okay because the children weren't engaging in sexual acts. Would you like a link to the court documents?His history of being an awful human being does not erase his right to not be labeled a pedophile if in fact it turned out that he was not one. Just like literally anybody else.
Anonimity makes people act like dicks.
I come from an era long before the internet, so I speak online as I would in person, there is a whole generation that don't.
I would normally agree, except that if you read the court documents, he literally admitted to downloading child porn for his own urges. He just thought it was okay because the children weren't engaging in sexual acts. Would you like a link to the court documents?
And here. Can I just say what a pleasure it is to post in your thread and how good you look today.
Seriously. GAF is such a helpful and uplifting community. I'm being sincere here- there are lots of threads where we go out of the way to help each other.
I may have misread it as a statement about waiting until the verdict to decide whether he should be labeled a pedophile or not, if that's not what was being said. If that is what was being said, he already admitted as much.I'm not sure what this has anything to do with what she said. Did you have trouble comprehending the sentence you quoted?
I'm a kind person.
I may have misread it as a statement about waiting until the verdict to decide whether he should be labeled a pedophile or not, if that's not what was being said. If that is what was being said, he already admitted as much.
I may have misread it as a statement about waiting until the verdict to decide whether he should be labeled a pedophile or not, if that's not what was being said. If that is what was being said, he already admitted as much.
That sums it up nicely.Because comment sections are basically guaranteed to be toxic, so the toxic people flock to be toxic and the not toxic people stay away.
Toxic people are much more motivated to spread their filth than good people are to bother trying to clean it up.
Good moderation and from the media companies is how to disinfect but no one wants to pay someone to do it so here we are
I would normally agree, except that if you read the court documents, he literally admitted to downloading child porn for his own urges. He just thought it was okay because the children weren't engaging in sexual acts. Would you like a link to the court documents?
I may have misread it as a statement about waiting until the verdict to decide whether he should be labeled a pedophile or not, if that's not what was being said. If that is what was being said, he already admitted as much.
After being demodded, Amir0x was banned a total of 11 times (not counting yesterday) from 9 different moderators with a mean ban duration of 3.4 weeks. His most recent ban (again, ignoring yesterday) was for 3 months and came with a perm warning. Although several earlier bans were given for being generally rude, the lion's share of bans were obtained when he started having full scale meltdowns about the 2016 US presidential elections.
The record for "most bans for a user who is not permed" is 23, with 19 in second place. Amir0x would have clocked in at around #35 on that chart.
You all did the right thing.Let me be very clear about this, because there seems to be a lot of confusion or perhaps wilful ignorance:
At the second the thread was posted here, there were no court documents available online yet. All we had was that one source from a local paper. In my post, I am speaking strictly of verifying a) the authenticity of the report, and b) the identity of the person named in the report. These two things did not happen immediately.
i think it's important (in this moment of reflection) to take a moment and really praise the people of this board who make it, and by extension the world, a better place. i love you guys, you guys are a positive influence on my life and I'm glad to interact with so many of you on a regular basis.
some people use the internet for bad things, but i think if you strip away our argumentative nature and slavish adherence to logic that you find a lot of good people on our message board, and only q few bad people.
its all explained in the last season of South ParkA newspaper posts an article about increased fees for being in the EU, the comment section is a dumpster fire, with people going all in with conspiracy theories and nonsense.
Someone posts a video on YouTube, and all the comments are the same.
Someone Tweets on Twitter, same thing.
How come it seems that you never see, or hear, from the people on the other side of the spectrum? Go to an Hbomberguy video, and his comment section is like 30% idiots that's mass disliking his stuff, but if you go to a Sargon video, you never see Hbomberguy's followers doing the same.
Why is this hate so one sided online?
They don't exist.
After being demodded, Amir0x was banned a total of 11 times (not counting yesterday) from 9 different moderators with a mean ban duration of 3.4 weeks. His most recent ban (again, ignoring yesterday) was for 3 months and came with a perm warning. Although several earlier bans were given for being generally rude, the lion's share of bans were obtained when he started having full scale meltdowns about the 2016 US presidential elections.
The record for "most bans for a user who is not permed" is 23, with 19 in second place. Amir0x would have clocked in at around #35 on that chart.
After being demodded, Amir0x was banned a total of 11 times (not counting yesterday) from 9 different moderators with a mean ban duration of 3.4 weeks. His most recent ban (again, ignoring yesterday) was for 3 months and came with a perm warning. Although several earlier bans were given for being generally rude, the lion's share of bans were obtained when he started having full scale meltdowns about the 2016 US presidential elections.
The record for "most bans for a user who is not permed" is 23, with 19 in second place. Amir0x would have clocked in at around #35 on that chart.
That's really interesting. I'm not gonna lie, he was definitely on a sort of informal short list in my head of people who can seemingly say whatever the fuck they want. I don't doubt that I was wrong, but the perception was there for some reason. Dunno why.After being demodded, Amir0x was banned a total of 11 times (not counting yesterday) from 9 different moderators with a mean ban duration of 3.4 weeks. His most recent ban (again, ignoring yesterday) was for 3 months and came with a perm warning. Although several earlier bans were given for being generally rude, the lion's share of bans were obtained when he started having full scale meltdowns about the 2016 US presidential elections.
The record for "most bans for a user who is not permed" is 23, with 19 in second place. Amir0x would have clocked in at around #35 on that chart.
GAF feels like an old boys club in some regards. Regular well known members get a whole lotta leeway in their posts. They can be rude and hostile when they wish, but get no punishment because of how long they've been here. I've seen people get banned for telling someone to f off, yet watched a regular curse someone out and get nothing. I know the mods don't mean to show favoritism, but it just naturally happens in any forum.Top 35 out of (I'm taking a guess from all my time browsing this site) thousands of bans sounds like kid gloves to me tbh. I never understood why he wasn't perm'd much earlier, he was incredibly toxic and very often so.
That's really interesting. I'm not gonna lie, he was definitely on a sort of informal short list in my head of people who can seemingly say whatever the fuck they want. I don't doubt that I was wrong, but the perception was there for some reason. Dunno why.
I don't think we ever even had an exchange though.
Sounds like it was handled admirably, no time for a POS like that and this is why Neogaf is one of the best places online. 4chan will welcome him with open arms.No one is waiting for a verdict. He is already permbanned on this forum. He is not welcome here because he admitted to owning child porn to the authorities. There is no room for doubt here, no one is twiddling their thumbs going "hurrr maybe..."
When the first thread was created, it was not possible to immediately verify if the person was indeed Amir0x. The thread was created to be inflammatory and could cause grave damage if it was untrue. As such it was deleted because we don't take a chance with stuff like that. That is the only thread which was delete in this process. Subsequent threads which were locked were locked because instead of shitting on Amir0x, people cannot help themselves but to want to debate about how moderation is shady, or should have known, or how we could have handled this better, blahblahblah. It's incredibly hard to have this "discussion" without it being a "let's shit on NeoGAF moderation" thread because honestly there is nothing to discuss. Amir0x turned out to be a bigger shithead most people expected. It's fucked up. I guess that's all there is to say? I dunno!
A newspaper posts an article about increased fees for being in the EU, the comment section is a dumpster fire, with people going all in with conspiracy theories and nonsense.
Someone posts a video on YouTube, and all the comments are the same.
Someone Tweets on Twitter, same thing.
How come it seems that you never see, or hear, from the people on the other side of the spectrum? Go to an Hbomberguy video, and his comment section is like 30% idiots that's mass disliking his stuff, but if you go to a Sargon video, you never see Hbomberguy's followers doing the same.
Why is this hate so one sided online?
Club Penguin
Name, location and pic had all been matched in that thread, I think, but I can understand it being deleted. You want to be 100% sure that it's accurate; otherwise it's a perfect case of doxing gone wrong.Let me ask you a question:
What if someone made a thread that accused you of being a criminal? Not just a criminal, but of being guilty of one of the most heinous crimes. Would you prefer us to leave that thread there while the story has not been verified, potentially ruining your life or your reputation? Or would you like us to perhaps do some due diligence before allowing a forum post to ruin your life?
We would do this for anybody, because information spreads like wildfire on the internet, and even incorrect information has a habit of sticking around. At the time the thread was posted, we did not know if it was accurate, and it was a very serious, life-ruining charge. We took the time to verify that it was real, and since it has been verified, we have allowed people to discuss it reasonably.
As for why there is no ongoing thread for people to simply post "UGH" "I KNEW IT!" "WHAT A PIECE OF CRAP!" etc. Honestly, what's the point?
I've been here since (and before) NeoGAF's inception. 13 years, I guess. And I've got at least 12 bans. But only a few of those, imho, were warranted. Strangely enough, one of my bans years ago was for calling Amir0x "pathetic"!there are people with that many bans and they weren't perm'd? i'm not saying i'm smart or anything but, like, after 10 it should be obvious they don't fit well? not saying i know the history or anything but doesn't this scream of preferential treatment?
Happy Feet hahahaha![]()
The ceiling of pleasantries
Well, today I learned that Amirox was arrested for child porn.