Here's an accurate example of me phrasing Flush as a coaster and fluffer.
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245134611"]Hi everybody![br][br][br]Nothing. Very neutral answer.[br][br][br][br]I see. We're 2 hours in and I already get triggered by your posts. Don't ask me why.[/quote]
First post settles me as a target/distraction.
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245135115"]It always shows Day -1 because I can't be arsed to fix that purely cosmetic bug

[br][br]On desktop I'd tell you to hit ctrl+f5 but as you're on mobile, I'm not sure what you can do... Maybe try emptying your cache.[/quote]
Empty fluff
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245233411"]Are you serious? Have we been playing different games for the last 3 or so years? I can't remember a single time where a D1 "No Lynch" proposal had any malicious intention behind. Usually it's some newbies who quickly have the whole thread against them. How exactly is this helping their agenda?[br][br]Also, "they didn't coordinate well"? I don't know what you and XBro are doing in there, but I can tell you that I would be very surprised if
anyone cleared every proposal they make with their partner.[br][br][br]That depends on how much effort I decide to put into the game. You can read my most recent games (Arkham Asylum and Danganrompa 3) and will find a mix of more elaborate posts and immediate reactions. As for TsuXna: Don't ask me. He made one post in our chat before the game started and since then apparently is in Blackout mode.[br][br][br]Don't be. Coasters you let slip through win games for Scum. Just remember that a low post count often related to but not synonymous for coasting.[/quote]
Here is an example of providing 'conversation' while talking in generalities. Doesn't say anything particularly relevant to scum hunting but gives a feeling of contributing.
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245235451"]Dafuq is this post? Whataboutism of the highest order followed by a "To my credit, but I wont OMGUS you"... Your partner
is posting an awful lot of nothings. Me, my partner, FEP or anyone else have nothing to do with this. Don't try to normalize his behavior.[br][br][br]That trauma never ends, does it? Here, have a banana:[br][br][br][br]As in "trying to bait Scum"?[br][br]And yes, if it comes from a newbie and somebody else already got in their face for it (like in virtually every single game), I will just assume it was the naivity we all had in our first game and let it go. It's not like a veteran had proposed a no lynch.[/quote]
Seemingly got scummoned/triggered for being called out for coasting, which he was so...
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245242795"]Okay, let me get this straight: You're saying your partner doesn't need to justify their opinions if they align with opinions you already voiced and justified? That's a valid opinion, I guess. Although it kind of defeats the "four eyes see more than two" principle if he's just sheeping you. This point also didn't come through at all in your initial response to Sophia (at least not for me).[br][br]And here comes the "but": I'd like to hear
his thoughts. In this game we have this unique situation of two players linked together. I know you are a strong player and I can't read you for shit. I don't need your partner to act as your third arm, I want to analyze
him. And if all he does is following your lead, it kind of looks as if you are afraid he might break.[br][br][br]On a completely different note: Some of you have pointed out low activity/content posters, but Trigger slipped through the cracks somehow (as far as I remember). He has only one post and that has zero content. Ty4on is salvaging the team rn, but keep an eye on them.[/quote]
'Quality' post where Flush gives an opinion, mingles into the current conversation and then brings up someone with less points than him as a target.
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245271823"]When did using the term "potshot" become a thing here, btw? I had to google it when I first read it.[br][br][br]Then I don't get your point at all. a) I didn't see Sophia giving us a free pass at all, just not focusing on us specifically and b) The key difference between nothing-posts and no posts is that nothing-posters for sure could have contributed if they wanted but chose not to; no-posters could just have been busy.[br][br][br]That's probably the weirdest stance I've seen in this game so far. What harm does it do if you disclose your non-PR related discussions?[br][br][br]____[br][br]Maybe I'll find time for a more extensive look this evening. If not than on Saturday (very lucky day end time imo)[/quote]
...More helpful advice? And Sophia's name comes up quite a lot in these posts. This is a nothing post though... it's just an explanation without any direction.
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245285506"]You're contradicting yourself here.[br][br][br]Can't say I agree with the bolded. Tons of people have called the argument "manufactured" and have wondered about WAMD's behavior especially.[/quote]
This was already mentioned, but 'tons' of people did not find their behavior manufactured, it was pretty much just two. So...where did you hear tons? And from whom?
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245336178"]Okay, let's play another round of "let's weed out the coasters" with your favorite host, Royal_Flush.[br][br]I will leave any joke- or shitposts for the following post lists. Most of the time also content light one-liners.[br][br][br]First of, the obvious
"There is fuck all because there are no posts":[br]SexyFish:
One post[br]Nin1000:
Away[br]TsuXna: Completely MIA[br][br]I will ignore them from now. Thanks to the minimum posting requirement they will get replaced if they don't show up.[br][br][br]The
"A few posts; let's see if there actually is anything":[br]
Excuses+light shade to Crimson and
Nothing. Way to go, buddy.[br][br]
Decent post, later elaboration,
"interesting" view on Sorian, later elaboration. Not as much as I hoped for, but new ideas. Gets a pass for now.[br][br]
light defense of Ouro. Everyone else would be hardcore coasting, but StarSketch is just being StarSketch, I guess. Null.[br][br]
Decent reads list (Not even the easiest subjects),
asking questions when criticized, and the rest of the posts also are poking questions. Easy pass.[br][br]
The good old "Let's retell the last couple of pages and throw some easy opinion in",
General post,
neutral explanation. Step up your game. I need hard opinions on people from you.[br][br]
Valid question concerning his partner,
easy read on WAMD/kits,
slight shade on kits(?) and later
denying it. If it wasn't supposed to be shade the posts are nothing. Not good enough.[br][br][br]The
"more posts than absolutely necessary, but they are mostly nothing":[br]
Easy comment,
shade at Dragonz,
50/50 post (the parts not about kits/dragonz actually are worthwile),
easy. Pretty thin.[br][br]
Defense against weird accusation,
good post,
I have no clue what this even means. not the best good post / nothing rating...[br][br]
dragonz is town with 4 follow-up posts,
suspicious of panda with several reaffirming posts after. Looks a bit like coasting but you are new, I have the impression you're trying. Pass for now.[br][br]
Samuraischnecke: I was expecting a big empty hole here, but
this post is actually really good. Unfortunately basically everything else is nothing. idk...[br][br]
philosophy classes with nin,
responding to kark's shade on kits,
Town reads samuraischnecke/muffin,
asking easy questions about WAMD/kits,
shade at WAMD,
kind of backpedaling. Summary: Surely picks the easy fights.[br][br][br]
Solid (or at least okayish) contributions:[br]FEP (feels good)[br]Verelios (but I still feel a bit strange about his posts; something just keeps triggering my alarm bell)[br]Fireblend[br][br][br]The
weird ones:[br]kitsunelaine: Other than the argument with WAMD and dealing with the aftermath there really is next to nothing. The thing is: I kind of feel like that's okay at the moment because that's just where all the focus was naturally. Please spread out a biz in the future, thanks.[br][br][br]
Everybody I didn't write down:[br]I always underestimate how long these bloody things take to make. I'm also afraid this post didn't bring as much new insights as I hoped; most of the players I found already are on several radars except maybe Fat4All. I went the post count list upwards and didn't even make it to the really interesting players before 1am... Well, I guess I have to continue Saturday. Good night.[br][br]Also, small sidenote: Is this a GAFia first? Sorian and Sophia both not in the top 3 posters?[/quote]
The irony is palpable.
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245336457"]Oh, I see, Sophia already is onto Fat4All. Well, then there are literally no breaking news from my post. What a shame.[/quote]
Hmmmm, how many times has Sophia's name come up again? And regurgitates the fact that he 'did' do something useful.
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245366161"]At work skimming the thread. Don't expect very much today from me.[br][br][br]
Heavy Meta[br][br][br]Maybe the formating is a bit unlucky, but when taking out the ones I give a pass we're only at 6 coasters.[br][br][br][br]You know what? this single post here convinced me more that you're not W/W with kits than the whole kits/dragonz incident.[/quote]
Quaint and a bit of a nothing burger.
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245452461"]Jesus Christ, I'm away for one night and there are almost 400 posts to sift through... I'll just quickly comment on the major points:[br][br]Crimsonphia still doing top-notch work.[br][br]Ouro has been all over the place.
Lynching the players who move the game forward because they have the most interactions? No shit they do. How are you going to find Scum by lynching Town, though?[br][br]Dr. Worm specifically stood out to me for shitposting.[br][br]Karkador: Just baffling.The batcomputer was more useful than this. The argument is nonsense.[br]vote: Karkador[br][br]Darryl vs. Fat4All: That was hilarious! Please go on, I want to see more of this. Those two are quite certainly not W/W, both parties seemed genuine baffled by the other's interpretation of scumhunting. Darryl actually sounds a bit hurt which could be because there is nothing more frustrating than being called out as Scum for something you don't see as scummy. Or it could just be Darryl being Darryl. If I had to decide for one side to be Scum it would probably be Fat4All based on my already existing reads. I'll have to check on Sorian today.[br][br]The great return of Nin went exactly as expected. NAI, sadly.[/quote][br]
So, guess thoughts on CrimsonPhia is that they're town. I'm surprised they haven't elaborated on why other than good posts. Also, good summary.
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245460009"]I've read Sorians post and they're... average. Not Sorian average, just normal average. On its own that wouldn't be enough to not wanting him to stay alive, but given Fat's performance, idk...[br][br]Also, I'm telling you right now: Something's off with Verelios' posts. They just don't
feel right. I'll try to pin it down.[br][br][br]Other relevant point: Who am I willing to vote today:[br][m] Xbro & [m] Karkador (self explanatory)[br][m] Verelios & [f] WhereAreMahDragonz (dragonz absolutely not on top of her game and vere feeling odd. The latter is gut for now until I found out what's my problem with him)[br][br]Who I'd also go along with:[br][m] Ourobolus & [m] kingkitty (latest readlist by kingkitty was quite good, that's basically why they're not in the first category)[br][m] Natiko & [m] Nomadic Sparks (Not too sure about Natiko but Nomadic still is failing to make worthwile contributions)[br][br]If everything else fails (aka only if you completely abandon all reason and want to go after Crimsonphia or something):[br][m] Fat4all & [m] Sorian (Although not in this game so far, a early-game Sorian sometimes can save a game's pace; Fat4All is getting replaced, I'm willing to give them one last chance)[br][-] Darryl & [m] nin1000 (Kind of usual behavior for both I guess; Nin will stay probably at least a bit coast-y, so it wouldn't be that terrible)[br][m] Orb & [m] TheWorthyEdge (I personally lean towards "they're fine", but I'm not overly sure here.)[br][m] franconp & [m] Dr. Worm (franconp is okay, but I don't like Worm)[br][f] kitsunelaine & [m] flatearthpandas (FEP is okay, but kits didn't really expand her interaction radius beyond dragonz.[br] [f] StarSketch & [m] CzarTim (I mean, there is literally nothing gained interaction-wise, but i guess it's not the worst lynch?)[br][br]Completely off the table:[br][m] Muffin1611 & [f] Samuraischnecke (gut feeling very Town)[br][m] TheExodu5 & [m] Fireblend (Exodus is RL-busy, Fireblend left good impressions)[br][m] CrimsonFist & [f] Sophia (The MVP so far)[br][m] TsuXna & [m] Royal_Flush (myself)[br][m] Trigger & [m] Ty4on (both left good impressions)[/quote]
So...a psuedo read post. What's odd is how they walk back the vote for Sorian and their penchant for CrimsonPhia.
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245469189"]Come on now, "post" in the context of contributing always meant "non shitpost post"[/quote]
[quote ="Royal_Flush;245473806"]Okay, Verelios. Due to the lack of time I won't deal with dragonz right now; I agree with the consesus more or less anyway.[br][br]There are these three post at the beginning of the game:
3. When i read them I can't help but imagine a cartoony supervillain staring at his rat's maze and going "Oh, you dumb little creatures. Do you want the cheese? There, right in the mouse trap. Go on." I can't explain it any better, it's the subtext that presses my alarm. Like he knew more than us.[br][br]Then there are these three posts
3, which are perfectly fine and good posts.[br][br]Then comes the second wave of posts where I just can't help but feel he's knowing more than I am:
2[br][br]The next couple of posts are non-commital. I have to admit, they aren't nothing but they're not very strong either:
4[br][br]There are also some posts that are just some factual statements:
5[br][br][br]And then I had to hit "send" because the time was running out... It really is mostly hos tone that sets me off. Like we are the rats in his maze.[br][br]Also hos contributions aren't half as good as people seem to think they are.[/quote]
Really curious why those posts give you the feeling I know more than you. And you seem very interested in discrediting me for some reason, even just as the game began. I'm half interested in if this is because I dared to scum read CrimsonPhia or if it's because I was right.