My issue was with them, not you. Correct me if I'm wrong but you were talking about how it's suspicious to funnel discussion through one player and let the other hide behind "oh I said ____ in the chat". They then asked what you thought about us correlating us to that original statement. I took offense to that because nomad and I have done very little in ours other than my vote analysis N2.Er... kind if defendive aren't we? I was sure I was being asked that in relation to the post count disparity, not the "so and so said so in lover chat" part...
explain it again for those of us in the back of the class.
Explain your intentions and also explain why you aren't scum,
Yes. The original plan was to get the proof that we know how the role works out there without claiming yet.
We're out of shots. So unless there's someone else with the same power or an assistant silencer (lol?) or whatever, we're done. Now just hunting.
You're right - after thinking about it more that is very unlikely for you both to be scum. Makes this entire thing too messy and convoluted to make sense really.
Except we aren't doing that lol Nomad has posted in our lover's chat twice today I think and none of it was to tell me to do or say anything. We're unique butterflies.
btw Sorian lynch offer is still on the table
I believe in us, guys, c'mon
Your gut sucks, and Pepe Silvia wants his mail.![]()
Breadcrumb "potshots" few posts above the claim.This feels oddly convenient imo
But you are arguably carrying your boat, Nomad hasn't really done much of anything except be really confusing and obscure about what he says.
I didn't actually ask youI can't speak to N1. Flush had no one to talk to so reasoning isn't in there much but he was pretty suspicious of xKark. He did lament that he had no one to discuss it with, so that's there. We were both very set on Ouro as for n2.
The ones I could find real quick, and today Trigger sounded more like relying on the chat than the thread but it was apparently a miswording. However, I feel like these above items are more than we've gotten from Trigger directly.
Ah. To be clear to everyine, I haven't actually directly accused anyone of actually doing that. I dont know what's going on in your lover chats. It was a "I find huge disparities strange because lover chats are a thing that COULD be used in such and such way".My issue was with them, not you. Correct me if I'm wrong but you were talking about how it's suspicious to funnel discussion through one player and let the other hide behind "oh I said ____ in the chat". They then asked what you thought about us correlating us to that original statement. I took offense to that because nomad and I have done very little in ours other than my vote analysis N2.
"Bring out the accused!"
A happy man called Ourobolus, and his trustworthy cat, Kingkitty, were brought to the stage. Why a man's cat was shipping someone, nobody could say for sure, but it was what it was.
”Ourobolus and Kingkitty!", The Bear of Love proclaimed, ”You are being sentenced to most cruel death possible!"
It was a quite bold statement, and made some of the shippers feel uneasy. Was it right to kill an innocent little kitten like this? But before those sentiments could be explored, the kitten began to talk on it's own with regular human speech.
”Your... beary honor, sir. Before you kill us, can I say few words?"
Nobody batted an eye for a talking kitten, since after all, they had already seen a talking bear on multiple occasions.
”Sure, mister kingkitty. Say your last words."
”Krhm... here it goes..."
There was a ten second delay, but then Kingkitty began to trash the audience:
”you there
we're town. we told u. do u understand u piece of shit?
if u received our words, say the words "i am a fucken loser" as ur first words. if we think ur not scum, we'll tell u by both saying the words "UR A FUCKEN LOSER".
if u don't do what we say. u will die.
The AweSome Kingkitty"
Everyone just stood there in confusion. Who knew a kitty could be this brash?
”Okay, I can't take this any longer, kill them!", shouted one of the shippers.
”You will never kill us, because we will do it first!", shouted kingkitty, who took some of his patented KingKitty Arsonist Gasoline (TradeMark), poured it to their ship, and set it in flames without even asking Ourobolus, who was just standing there smiling. And he kept smiling, as the ship kept buring to the ground...
Countless burning postcards and pictures of Bowser and Waluigi kissing burned with them.
Someone has informed the two of you that evil forces of Love are going to destroy the world of shippers! Now this just won't do, right? The two of you have decided to join the battle against the wretched warriors of love!
You are paired with Ourobolus/kingkitty, and you two are shipping Bowser and Waluigi from Super Mario!
You are Aligned with Shippers of Nonsensicality (That means TOWN).
The two of you are A Pair of Mailmen. Every night phase, you can send mail to a pair of your choosing with the command MAIL: (Receiver) - Content. The length of the mail is not limited. The Mail will be sent to the receivers at the end of the night phase.
Also, as you are a Pair, you will get a private Shippers Chat in the Outer Gafia to use for communication to each other. Remember, that if one of you dies, your pair will die with you.
Your chat is here: [OH BOWSER, THRUST HARDER, HARDER---]
The Game thread is here:
You will win, if everyone, who are against your faction, are defeated!
Because Love is the greatest Treasure.
Ah yes morning yet nobody is dead! When has ever there been a game where that happened?
Well at least in Disney Princess Mafia!
So the Shippers decided to celebrate by remembering Disney Princess Mafia, the game where nobody was able to die properly!
Someone has informed the two of you that evil forces of Love are going to destroy the world of shippers! Now this just wont do, right? The two of you have decided to join the battle against the wretched warriors of love!
You are Not reading any real flip, and this shitpost is not shipping anyone!
When you first saw this quote on the page, you might have thought it was some surprise flip, even though Virgins were supposed to block all night kills. Alas, even though Ill post here COMMAND, it still means everybody survived.
It was all a cunning ruse. The quote boxes, the paragraphs, the highlighted text, all for nothing. And it all feels like it was copied from another game!
Now, there is only disappointment
VOTE: StarSketch
Ouro was validated (though I still don't get why he would take the approach he did). Given that and the confirmation of a hooker it seems very unlikely to me mafia would block him twice in a row, especially since it seems unlikely they would have any real idea he was a PR. More likely though is that scum Star received his message N1 and due to that mafia decided to roleblock him N2 to make sure he wouldn't be able to be confirmed without a flip.
VOTE: StarSketch
Ouro was validated (though I still don't get why he would take the approach he did). Given that and the confirmation of a hooker it seems very unlikely to me mafia would block him twice in a row, especially since it seems unlikely they would have any real idea he was a PR. More likely though is that scum Star received his message N1 and due to that mafia decided to roleblock him N2 to make sure he wouldn't be able to be confirmed without a flip.
How do scum know it's from Ouro in this scenario?
Ouro blurted out the code words at the end of D2 if you recall. His weird kamen rider post. On mobile so I can't go find it.oh, also a good point, since they weren't identified and there was no claim then, no nothing. okay, not posting anymore for a minute while I think things through. split attention. yikes.
VOTE: StarSketch
Ouro was validated (though I still don't get why he would take the approach he did). Given that and the confirmation of a hooker it seems very unlikely to me mafia would block him twice in a row, especially since it seems unlikely they would have any real idea he was a PR. More likely though is that scum Star received his message N1 and due to that mafia decided to roleblock him N2 to make sure he wouldn't be able to be confirmed without a flip.
Actually that's not right, Ouro posted the comment to identify himself on day 2, so they should have known who it was from if they got it.
I have doubts that scum would actually lie about not receiving the message though. It would look townier to claim it.
RoyalMonkey, one question about your claim:
If you were out of shots at the start of the day, why wait until right before the end to claim?
Good point, except I wasn't lying :|
...Wait, when was hooker confirmed, or is this "We had Virgins, therefore hooker"
Hooker hasn't been confirmed. But if neither party received Ouro/KK's messages, then it implies that something stopped them from sending it twice in a row. The presence of a Vrigin makes a Hooker likely.
So it's kind of odd that Natiko jumped straight to confirmed Hooker there. Unless there was a detail I missed.
So we're going to go back to arguing semantics and whether the game would be designed with that as a red herring or not? Given the presence of a Virgin and their role pm implying their power can be deactivated it's far more likely than not that a hooker exists.Hooker hasn't been confirmed. But if neither party received Ouro/KK's messages, then it implies that something stopped them from sending it twice in a row. The presence of a Vrigin makes a Hooker likely.
So it's kind of odd that Natiko jumped straight to confirmed Hooker there. Unless there was a detail I missed.
Hooker hasn't been confirmed. But if neither party received Ouro/KK's messages, then it implies that something stopped them from sending it twice in a row. The presence of a Vrigin makes a Hooker likely.
So it's kind of odd that Natiko jumped straight to confirmed Hooker there. Unless there was a detail I missed.
So we're going to go back to arguing semantics and whether the game would be designed with that as a red herring or not? Given the presence of a Virgin and their role pm implying their power can be deactivated it's far more likely than not that a hooker exists.
Townie points, a partner who hasn't voted, knowledge of how Gafia votes flail about at Day End, and ( possibly at the time ) a train against multiple scummates?
At the time of Crimson's vote we were at: Kits/FEP ( 3 ) v. Ouro/KK ( 2 ) v. Muffin/Sam ( 2 ) v. Fran/Worm ( 2 )
Crimson bumps the vote up to 4 for Kits/FEP. If I remember correctly, Crimson Town Leaned on Dr. Fran ( I think ) so it was unlikely he would have voted there so it leaves the question of why not vote for Ouro/KK or Muffin/Sam? I think it's possible that Ouro/Kk and Muffin/Sam are Scum and that a Scum!Crimson, in a hard spot, picked the least valuable of the team and voted there with little reasoning. The Day wasn't over yet and Sophia had yet to place down a vote so I can see them splitting their vote if it came to it to try and help Kits, though that wasn't how it turned out as Kits did an apparent 'slip' and followed her partner right after.
This does rely on Ouro/KK and Muffin/Sam hence why I only have them as Slight Scum Leans and not outright Scum leans, but I'm fairly confident in Ouro and after seeing how Muffin/Sam reacted to Kits/FEP I'm not feeling confident in them either. And I've also said this multiple times but I still don't like how Sophia is so reluctant to share her opinion and thoughts, it's not how I remember her playing Town and it doesn't agree with my gut at all.
We spent a good portion of yesterday deliberating on if we actually thought there was a hooker. From what I recall we came to the conclusion that there is most likely a hooker.
Sorian was arguing that it could be a town hooker iirc.
I will say, all said and done, I still think all of this comes from a scum Ouro. I do think he was roleblocked, I do not think he is a messenger.
I think his vote count is at like 7? Not going to push it up by one now since people are actively talking. Will check back in after my raid.
Well while you worry about the semantics I'm going to work with the most likely scenario as nothing can be confirmed without flips and I'd have to wait for the game to end to see all of those.Semantics, yes, but nothing is truly confirmed until we see it in a flip. The distinction is important, given that town has limited avenues for confirmation information.
I'm re-reading over Sorian's Day 3 posts right now. I did find that argument odd. Also odd that he suggested that Ouro/KK weren't a messenger.
At the same time I wonder if scum!Sorian would be so bold to put himself out there like that. Hmm...
Why would scum kill You are Not reading any real flip :/ they were pretty widely town read.
Vote Sawneeks
so I only just read this over the Night phase, and it looks like this "multiple scummates" theory is btfo by Ouro's flip. yeah, I didn't see it coming either.
that said, it does confirm that there was at least one town train going at the end of D2, which means that scum had a chance to shift votes away from themselves at some point. CrimSophistia's sticking to kitfep doesn't mesh with that narrative
Actually that's a very interesting post from Sorian you pulled up. If Ouro wasn't a messenger, what reason would Sorian have for believing he was roleblocked? The only reason to believe he wasn't a messenger is that no one received messages, which is nullified if he believes he was roleblocked anyway.
I'd go with Sorian too. There's a few things from previous days regarding Kitsune, and then this town role blocker nonsense.
This doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. A town role blocker sat on Ouro for two nights, despite failing to block a kill the first night, Ouro, who is not a mailman, knows that he has been blocked, which would mean that he'd have to have an information gathering role, since he clearly didn't submit the scum kill whilst blocked. Which would raise the question as to a) why Ouro claimed mailman over this hypothetical information gathering role, and b) the probably scum hooker submitted the night kill, which I'd assume should have cancelled out the virgin.
'i am a fucken loser'
also RIP You are not reading any real flip. ; __ ;
I feel like I shouldn't have to explain to you why not explaining your votes is a bad thing. :x
Vote: rac
Combo prod vote for thoughts since I'd hope you would both be caught up ( or at least close to ) by now and because your predecessors lack of interactions with Kits/FEP is the only solid thing I have right now.
So do you think scum were not informed that one of their actions doubled as a virgin disabler or do you think the virgin role pm lied? Because unless you think either of those the only way you come to the conclusion that scum roleblocker Ouro twice in a row is that they decided with no evidence he was a powerful enough PR to use two straight blocks on and risk having a night kill skipped.The "town hooker" stuff almost feels to me as though scum know they didn't block Ouro both days, and that's why that's coming up as an argument. Natiko's insistence that scum didn't block Ouro both days sort of feels this way as well.
I dropped in activity because I was moving. Pretty sure I mentioned that. Most of the day was spent driving all day and I couldn't do much in the passenger seat without getting sick. I'm still not done packing out because of the introduction program to uni and I needed to buy some stuff. I was lucky to catch the day end when we were stuck in a queue at Ikea lol
Actually that's a very interesting post from Sorian you pulled up. If Ouro wasn't a messenger, what reason would Sorian have for believing he was roleblocked? The only reason to believe he wasn't a messenger is that no one received messages, which is nullified if he believes he was roleblocked anyway.