I mean of course, we have dads and moms who buy this thing for their childrens, grandmas who do gift for their nephews, casual gamers etc.
But if you are an hardcore gamers with a decent job you buy the big sister, not the lesser one, this stuff stay in your home for almost 10 years, saving 250 dollars for stuff like this is straight up moronic for me, sorry.
For the 50 millionth time, Xbox DO NOT CARE where you buy their shit from, be it a PC or the Xbox itself, as long as you buy it.I honestly don't know what to make of it, yes the price is pretty sweet but I want to see the games first.
I'm not a serious day&night gamer, my gaming time is precious and limited and I definitely have the funds to feed this habit so my question is why in the hell would I buy this instead of the PS5 + upgrade my PC for those games I want to experience on PC or strategy games which don't run on the PS5?
Of course, I'm not the target market of this console, but many would fall into this
We won't know how it's going to effect game development until it's been out lomg enough to be passed crossgen titles.
I know the XSS's defenders keep saying games will just be identical, but at a lower resolution, but this is seriously underpowered. I just cannot see how this isn't going to adversely affect next gen development.
Look at how badly the XO often ran games this gen compared to PS4, or the massive gulf in quality is between games on Switch compared to everything else. Yet those power gaps are nothing compared to how far behind the PS5 and XSX this thing will be, and we're seriously meant to believe that won't adversly effect things?
This isn't a bargain in my mind, or MS being noble, customer friendly geniuses, this is pure greed exploiting the poor, ignorant and budget conscious to make a fast buck any way possible, and not giving a damn about what's actually best for the wider gaming industry and games themselves as a medium.
You look to much inwards , there are enough people who are willing to yes.
I think it is a great price but for me a digital console has far too many caveats and limitations.
For the 50 millionth time, Xbox DO NOT CARE where you buy their shit from, be it a PC or the Xbox itself, as long as you buy it.
Why would you buy this? To save yourself a good $500+ that you would’ve spent upgrading your PC just to be able to match the console level of quality, and probably more to surpass that level and be able to brag about it. On top, you will be spending at least $450-500 for that PS5, plus $50-70 for each of those juicy exclusives. Actually, you will be paying full price for ALL PS games.
or, get a $299 1440p that is capable of up to 120hz, all major first party game releasing on Gamepass day one for around $15 per month (you only need it for the month the game you want is coming out then cancel again).
it’s a no brainier for anyone that cares about the value proposition here. I’m sure not so well of parents and families will benefit massively from this and Gamepass.
I think it’s nuts that this even needs to be spellled out for people still.
I think it's better to put it that this machine is targetting 1440p with up to 120FPS, I think it would be more like 1080p with 60 fps, which would be enough for a lot of casuals. Let's be real...I’m curious if they know something we don’t. Odd that it just leaks out on a Monday night, then requires a tweet to confirm it’s real AND the price point?
My guess is they think Sony’s going to make an announcement soon (this week?) and they wanted to steal their thunder with this nugget, then after whatever Sony announces, come out with Series X price and release date. I think they know this is cheaper than the discless PS5 so it’s a safe way to be the price point leader going into next gen.
I am ready to see flames running side by side on the S and X to see what kind of performance issues we are talking about here. Supporting up to 1440p and 120fps doesn’t necessarily mean as achieving it on next-gen titles.
I think if you don't notice a difference on that TV then either Series X is garbage, or your eyes are.I have a 55" 4K OLED but sit about six foot away. Will I really notice THAT much difference between the S and X as the S price is great.
I think if you don't notice a difference on that TV then either Series X is garbage, or your eyes are.
yup if anyone is hesitant about getting a new TV or just doesn't wanna then this will be perfect. £250 and you've got yourself a next gen console. crazy good value.I still game on a 1080p TV, together with Gamepass this is very tempting.
For the hundredth time, you CAN OWN IT FOR A DISCOUNT IF YOU WANT TO BUY IT holy shit.Sure but are those the games you WANT to play? Recently there were some good games on Gamepass but I still rather own CK3 that pay a monthly fee to play it. Gaming is a time-expensive hobby so unless games get shorter I just don't see it as a Netflix-type binge pastime where you sample games. (oh we already had that, it was called demos, it was free and we no longer get those cause smart marketers realised that it drove customers away most of the time)
Like sure, I'm cool if I can pay 15$ and try Grounded, Wasteland 3, CK3 and maybe even GoW5 but I'm old enough to know that it's not what I will play in long-term and the overabundance of kinda-cool-but-probably-not is not what I want from gaming.
It is the same exact architecture only less powerful. The only knob needed is to dial the resolution down. I don't understand why people don't get how this is nothing. If you have ever gamed on PC and pushed an older GPU too much you can easily understand how lowering resolution makes the top games run fine.
Just because a game runs worse on XBO than PS4, it does not mean XBO gimped PS4 games. The fact that some struggle shows that they favored the more popular HW then adjusted it to target the lesser box which was not identical. MS is not going to target performance on the XSS over XSX becase the XSX competes with the PS5 for technical bragging rights and XSS owners already showed they are more concerned about price than graphics.
Do you and other "Oh my god a lower powered unit will gimp games across the gen" theorists have any evidence to support the claim that lower power identical architecture that should scale easily with resolution does not scale with resolution and hence requires devs to struggle to develop high res games and just puts out crap instead? Note this thing is also all digital which means it will likely be smart enough to only download 1080 or 1440 versions of the assets. Further, I don't see why devs couldn't scale the res down even further for the S version of a title if there is a problem scaling the X version down. They could gimp the gimped version more instead of gimping the main version and the entire generation. This thing is not targeted at an audience that really cares about the best graphics.
So who is going to post the obligatory "Sony have really knocked it out the park with the PS5 All digital imo" thread?
If I am not mistaken you can do that on X1XIf it can play Halo 3 at 4K I’m in.
Correct, but I only own a XOS (that I haven’t even unpackaged since I moved one year ago).I find this picture, don't know where to put it:
If I am not mistaken you can do that on X1X
One thing that is a constant problem on gaming forums is enthusiasts (core gamers) failing to see things from a more casual perspective.
For many casual gamers they won't know about or care about the potential performance/graphical downsides to this. They will want a new console, they'll say ooh that's a good price and they'll buy it.
Most people don't know, understand or care about the sort of technical detail and graphical minutae that we, as serious enthusiasts, do. We're not normal, always try and remember that.
For the hundredth time, you CAN OWN IT FOR A DISCOUNT IF YOU WANT TO BUY IT holy shit.
They could make the xss £99 and you would still be moaning about something or other.Not even slightly true, they just have to make good games again.
All this other bollocks with gamepass, play anywhere, xcloud, and the XSS would be completely unnecessary, if they were knocking out 1st party bangers the same way Sony, Nintendo and they themselves used to do in the late X1/early 360 years.
The CPU and SSD is a HUGE upgrade to the one x jaguar cpu and HDD. As for GPU its worse yes. But then it isnt targeting 4k like the one x did. I think you’ll be pleasantly.how Does this thing compare to the already existing Xbox one X? It looks worse on paper to me which means this thing Is not knocking it out of the park.
this isnt a problem for me. and this console is designed for people who dont play as many games. so 4 big games is perfect. hell, i never have more than a couple downloaded on ym console anyway. never liked hte idea of games i wanst playing taking up space512 GB for all digital console is terrible.
Youll install 4 bigger game and its full![]()
I swear to god you people live in constant denialYeah people always tend to look at these things from their own viewpoint, and not the 'bigger picture'. This thing will fly off the shelves. It will be the parents darling, console wise.
So what happens next gen when there are only discless models? Do you give up gaming?
This doesn't steal Sony's thunder in the slightest. Now that the cat is out of the bag, Sony will get all of the attention when they announce and everyone will forget about Xbox.I’m curious if they know something we don’t. Odd that it just leaks out on a Monday night, then requires a tweet to confirm it’s real AND the price point?
My guess is they think Sony’s going to make an announcement soon (this week?) and they wanted to steal their thunder with this nugget, then after whatever Sony announces, come out with Series X price and release date. I think they know this is cheaper than the discless PS5 so it’s a safe way to be the price point leader going into next gen.
I am ready to see games running side by side on the S and X to see what kind of performance issues we are talking about here. Supporting up to 1440p and 120fps doesn’t necessarily mean as achieving it on next-gen titles.