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Let's put it to bed. Your last word on the current console generation.


Honestly, this generation felt like it left a lot of potential on the table. I was never overly wowed outside of a handful of games.


I found Bloodborne, one of the greatest gaming experiences i ever had.

Fell in love with Ratchet and clank.

Also, Hollowknight, can't forget that gem.

Came to console gaming very late in life, all i can say i have been super impressed in what Sony gave me.

Looking so forward to the next-gen. What a time to be a gamer.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
Fantastic generation. Just platinumed infamous second son last night. For a launch game it still stands up pretty well. So many amazing experiences this gen and I have yet to finish them all so a few in the backlog for PS5 already.

-Japan produced some memorable, amazing aunique games.
-Hardware for me was very reliable.
-An admirable generational leap over the previous generation visually.
-An good amount of solid to excellent games from all regions.
- I even ended up really liking the mid generation upgrades. The PS4 Pro and One X make my OLED really shine. 4K and HDR look great. Kind of spoiled the next generation for me actually.


-Battle Royale
-Huge emphasis on multiplayer.
-DLC, season passes and microtransactions are too common and I expect them to get even worst with next generation.
-Fighting games are glorified service games.
-Sony really slacking on first party, high budget Japanese games.
-Companies pushing for streaming and subscription services. I actually like Gamepass though.
-Horror games have been reduced to obligatory first person walking, hide and seek simulators.
-SJW and politics infiltrating games and spineless companies bending the knee to them and even embracing them.
-With so many games going to PC, it kind makes me feel like consoles are slowly becoming less relevant with very little genuine exclusives.

Yeah, I know there are more negatives, but those are things I fear that will shape the future of the gaming industry. Overall, I’ll say it was a very good generation. Not on the magnitude of the PS2, XBOX, GameCube era, but I’m definitely satisfied with my purchases.
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Sequels, open world and remakes. With game dev budgets reaching the sky because of their continued obsession with photorealism and that almost everything bigger is better, most games adhered to a similar safe formula with no risk and so much left to be desired. Game devs need to go back to the drawing board, otherwise the increasing game dev costs will not be sustainable outside of services.


Sequels, open world and remakes. With game dev budgets reaching the sky because of their continued obsession with photorealism and that almost everything bigger is better, most games adhered to a similar safe formula with no risk and so much left to be desired. Game devs need to go back to the drawing board, otherwise the increasing game dev costs will not be sustainable outside of services.
I know it's not your intention, or even your thought, but your comment kind of makes Mass Effect Andromeda, and the colossal risk they took with jetissoning the trilogy, seem a tad heroic :messenger_tears_of_joy:


The entire generation was shit.

Once popular genres vanished, Sony fans got more annoying, politics invaded the industry, Nintendo left the home console market, Xbox continued to have no exclusives, game development cost more and took longer, the best games were remasters/remakes of old ones, journalism got worse, and we didn't get a single Ridge Racer. Fuck this generation


I know it's not your intention, or even your thought, but your comment kind of makes Mass Effect Andromeda, and the colossal risk they took with jetissoning the trilogy, seem a tad heroic :messenger_tears_of_joy:
For those who were remotely on the fence of taking risks had their dreams squandered thanks to them. Def deserve to put them in the hall of fame.


The entire generation was shit.

Once popular genres vanished, Sony fans got more annoying, politics invaded the industry, Nintendo left the home console market, Xbox continued to have no exclusives, game development cost more and took longer, the best games were remasters/remakes of old ones, journalism got worse, and we didn't get a single Ridge Racer. Fuck this generation

All this

And I hope the industry doesn't end up thinking all games should be 3rd person walking weepies, because hipster gaming journos have a cry wank over the likes of Naughty Dog


This was the first generation to really annoy me on the technical side. Especially frame pacing issues in games were terrible and really affected enjoyment of a couple of games.
I invested in a 4K TV (KS8000) early to get the benefits of the PS4 Pro's ability to display 4K, but it only delivered on a couple of levels. The HDR was amazing and the games that are checkerboard and have high resolution textures, look great. But on the whole, lots of games have poor textures for 4K standards and have even worse AF. I'm confident that PS5 will clear this up.

Other than that, I feel that there is less artistic and narrative creativity in games, and I feel that is an effect of what is socially accepted nowadays. There are still little to no games that take risks when it comes to profanity, drugs, sex and other subjects. It also seems to me that everything has to be 'inclusive' and that you have to be pro-everything to be able to put a game out. That really sucks out the creativity in my opinion and I would love to see some material that shines a spotlight on something that is frowned upon for example. I hope this generation takes more risks in that regard and doesn't bow to releasing material that is socially accepted by everyone. Make us think.
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1) Both consoles came in vastly underpowered given the tech available at the time, Xbox especially
2) Mid generation refreshes were expensive, and only necessary because launch hardware again was so pathetic
3) None of my all time favourite games came this generation
4) May be more of a reflection on me as a changing person with shifting priorities, but this generation has felt utterly disposable.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Utter disappointing. The majority of games that I like are also on pc making a console purchase worthless.

I miss the old days where it wasn't about shooters and we're unique games like on ps1


I used to have both consoles in the 360 vs Ps3 era but I was surprised to find that Xbox just were not producing an meaningful IP's that made me want to buy X. Amazingly since the 360 era they seem to have completely forgotten about the importance of the ACTUAL GAMES.

When all is said and done about flops etc the only thing ultimately matters is what can I play on this console? What experiences can I buy?

I've always had two consoles on the go in addition to my PC so I'm gaming up to the eyeballs anyway (damn you Nioh 2) but not having an Xbox was weird and I can see that trend repeating itself again if XsX doesn't get its own exclusives.


My PS4 has largely gathered dust despite me ordering it Day 1. The extremely underwhelming inability to reach 1080/60 FPS and IO subsystem being complete garbage turned me off from the console so much.

With that said, I'll probably be getting my first Xbox console this year with the Series X simply due to Gamepass. May get a PS5 in a year or so after some actual games come out for it.


The quality with first party controllers this gen was garbage. Stick drift was off the charts. Sometimes I would get stick drift within a few months on a new controller.


Ps3 had better AAA games in general than Ps4, but Ps4 had better indies in general than Ps3 for me.

Xbox One didn't really have much I wanted to play (I don't care for multiplatform differences regarding 3rd party games), so I skipped it and I will play the few X1 games I want when I buy the XSS.

So far nextgen offers very little to me, but Demon's Souls is reason enough to get a ps5, hopefully there will be some good indies releasing throughout 2021.


Save ghost of Tsushima for PS5 if u can, that ps5 patch will be god tier

I was already happy that I did this. You’ve upped the happiness. Also, I’m in the process of watching and rewatching as many samurai movies as I can before I start.



When I reflect on this current generation, I remember the hype towards one thing the most: Streaming. How the PS4 controller has a dedicated Share button, and the integration to the streaming services and such. That felt like the distinguishing feature of this gen, and I remember tuning into certain streams with online friends. Really simulated the feeling of a hangout, but online. When I think about stream-friendly games, Soulsborne games come to mind...rooting for the player to win against the odds works so well for a stream I think. I hope as the next gen progresses, that there will be a great defining feature of it, something that can make me say "this is next gen!"


Games were mostly good, even if some big games disappointed (e.g. Mass Effect, Fallout 4).

Indie developers really stepped up this gen, which was needed.


Unconfirmed Member
I liked it. It gave me new games to play I enjoyed and it will give me SMT5 by next year.

and yes the Switch is current gen!


One of my favorites overall, my only complain would be that Sony First party felt slow in comparison to themselves last gen, but maybe that was because last gen lasted for like 10 years.
Good shit overall, lots of third person games and some really cool character action games which last gen were pretty dead as a genre.

Edit: oh yeah, and fucking VR, i wasn't thinking of it as current gen but yes, that shit is awesome. The future is now old man.
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Got both on launch day and neither had shit to play but over the years PS4 came out on top with exclusives. Hardware was crap on both ends for what it should’ve been, this next generation should be interesting and have tons of great games!


Started off slow but The Witcher 3 was a truly landmark release and felt like the real start of the generation. Arguably, almost as mind-blowing as Oblivion back on the 360.

God of War, Death Stranding, RDR2 are also highlights and some of my favourite games of all time.

Nioh, FF7 Remake, Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima, Fallen Order and AC Odyssey are up there too. Glad to have discovered the Yakuza series this gen too which has become one of my favourite franchises.

Battlefront 1, Gears 4 and Ghost Recon Wildlands were my favourite online games, I'm a sucker for 3rd person shooters.

A lot of my favourite franchises were a huge dissapointment this gen including Fallout, Mass Effect and most painfully, MGS. TES and GTA also just by virtue of not appearing.

My opinion of ND has dropped drastically with U4 and TLOU II being 2 of the most boring and pretentious games I've ever played.

I've loved the recent trend of remasters and reviving classic franchiese, Tony Hawk's, Mafia and Crash Bandicoot were all great. Hoping for MGS, Socom and others to get the same treatment on PS5.

Interesting that MS have gone a whole gen without releasing any must haves. Pretty awful performance from them on the games front, hoping for better with the XSX.
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If it wasn’t for Bloodborne, this gen would have been disappointing. Nothing came close to Resistance 1/3 or Dead Space 1/2 (or even Bungie-era Halo).

Disclaimer: have yet to buy Death Stranding or God Of War, both of which I will prob love (sci-fi/fantasy story guy here obviously lol ;)


Gold Member
This generation really sucked. Like, really sucked - a real nadir for gaming. I feel bad for the kiddos who never played games on PS2 or even early Xbox 360.

Why did this gen suck?
-Bad hardware and bad user experiences
-GAAS as a business model
-Total collapse of once good studios like Blizzard, Bioware, and all of EA.
-MS fucked up both Halo 5 and MCC, and virtually every other game until Flight Sim 2020
-Sony abandons a lot of interesting properties they had on PS3.
-Nintendo releases two brilliant games on Switch then proceeds to just remake their entire Wii and Wii U library into perpetuity.
-Studios lean on remakes and ports to bolster their financials because they can't make new games anymore.
-phrases like "quality of life" and "gameplay loop" enter the lexicon
-rise of woke developers leading to massive self censorship

There were some good games, of course, but it's like a $70B industry, how could there not be.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Made me realise that I'm falling out of love with games. Possibly my last generation.

I miss the old days of PS1, SS and even the OG Xbox and PS2 era where you could buy a game and it'll work straight out the box. No need to download a 20gb patch on day one or wait for the game to install on the hard drive.

The incoming future of cloud gaming or subscription models really turns me off gaming. I might go retro from now on.

In fact, if Sony, MS and Nintendo got together and released a retro only console where I could download the whole Xbox, Nintendo and Sony back catalogues - and I mean everything - then I'd be more excited for that than the upcoming generation.

Final word on this generation:

Fuck, I'm old.


PS4 kicked ass, i'm still gonnae be playing PS4 shit FAR into the PS5 gen, which is why that backwards compat is so fucking good.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
PS4 owned 1st 2/3 of the gen, stumbled with the pro and then was trounced with the One X. To late for MS to recover but ended the gen with the best deal in gaming and best hardware.


Made me realise that I'm falling out of love with games. Possibly my last generation.

I miss the old days of PS1, SS and even the OG Xbox and PS2 era where you could buy a game and it'll work straight out the box. No need to download a 20gb patch on day one or wait for the game to install on the hard drive.

The incoming future of cloud gaming or subscription models really turns me off gaming. I might go retro from now on.

In fact, if Sony, MS and Nintendo got together and released a retro only console where I could download the whole Xbox, Nintendo and Sony back catalogues - and I mean everything - then I'd be more excited for that than the upcoming generation.

Final word on this generation:

Fuck, I'm old.
theres still plenty of good stuff to play tho, and I don't even download all the patches and shit, and game install times are like literally 20 minutes most of the time.


I was already happy that I did this. You’ve upped the happiness. Also, I’m in the process of watching and rewatching as many samurai movies as I can before I start.

My only real complaint is the English dub fits the lip sync, the Japanese doesn't, made me switch back English unfortunately


ChatGPT 0.001
A turn for the best (love console mid fresh, pro editions), VR is fun, this generation has been chill, Last of Us 2 is the perfect ending. PS4 will go down in history as the best PlayStation.
"Boring" generation in the sense that Sony won from the start, mainly because of Microsoft's mistakes. Good games, but none as mythical or genre-changing as some we had in past generations (this was no PS2). Glad to see Microsoft recovering in the end.

Also, the last "generation" properly, as services will start dominating and the concept will start deluding. I don't know if we'll have a 10th Generation console, what I know is that Microsoft's approach is the future (using your console as a platform to introduce people to your environment), while Sony --even if they'll start winning this gen regarding to salles-- will have to adapt (walled gardens won't stand, this is not the 90s anymore, even if I love the era) or it could start losing marketshare to new competitor like Amazon.

Oh, also Nintendo was here. And twice. Good.
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