That is for what warranty exists.
Both consoles have people claiming hardware issues on internet.
Just replace it via warranty.
Coil whine isn't covered by warranty genius
That is for what warranty exists.
Both consoles have people claiming hardware issues on internet.
Just replace it via warranty.
Coil whine also isn't an faulty "issue." Mine has already gotten quieterCoil whine isn't covered by warranty genius
I agree, runs much smoother and faster on Xbox now:
I own the ps5 and love it so farbut 3rd party games will be better on series X before long.
At least I can hear the game when I play it on my Xbox...
Imagine when these guys start using the geometry engine and cache scrubbers, the superior I/O DMAC, imagine when they start leveraging the higher clocks, which is already proving to be the better decision, smaller and faster vs wider and slower......Variable clocks to keep the console cool and not overworked when it does not need to....Then devs can een leverage smartshift technology more directly, how about when devs begin to use that Audio CU for other things, like physics, some extra cycles, how about that 512MB of DDR4 that people are now talking about.....This is only the beginning of what PS5 can do, these tools are not even mature yet, devs are not even close to leveraging it's potential yet....
Then there's sound and the controller with haptics and soon VR2.0.....It won't be pretty....
Imagine dedicating your life to astroturfing for a plastic box.
why does the resolution of a dashboard matter when it comes to game quality?You are ill-informed the only way games will end up better on Xbox Series X is if the devs go out of their way to use compute more or if they use ML to upscale while running the games at a lower resolution.
Keep in mind that these results are happening while Xbox Series X is using a 1080P dashboard to save bandwidth & PS5 is using a 4K dashboard.
They literally just launched.
Looks at Ryse: Son of Rome best looking launch title.
Looks at Destiny 1080p and smoother frame rate.
Looks at multiple games with better texture filtering on XB1
Conclusion? XB1 is the consistently more powerful current gen console lol, but we should’ve known it wouldn’t last.
PS5 dashboard integrates into the game experience now. The cards and notification almost act like a game menu. Wouldn’t do to have these things in lo-fi, there would be a disconnect with hires games. Doesn’t really matter on Xbox tho.why does the resolution of a dashboard matter when it comes to game quality?
And now the Sony Hive descends upon me. Me, a happy PS5 owner. Back to your Spec Thread Safety Nest, demons!
You know what else was also evident from the start? That the PS4 was more powerful spec-wise. That isn't the case this time. So looking at the past, we are actually seeing the opposite happen right now. That means that using the past which was different, to conclude anything about the present, is, no. XB1 was generally running games lower resolution than PS4 from day 1.
AC, WD, BF4, and a lot of other games all running lower on XB1, COD in particular, ran 1080p on PS4 and 720p on xbox.
the gap was evident from the start, and the gap remained intact until the mid-gen refreshes.
why does the resolution of a dashboard matter when it comes to game quality?
The guy has a weird obsession with me. Event sent me strange and disturbing PM for some reason. Not quite right in the head, I'll leave it there.
It was disturbing as in your mental health was in question. A wall of text pleading for a safe space. Seemingly I’m not the only one to receive such ridiculous dm’sYeah I’m calling bullshit on this. I don’t remember exactly what I wrote to you, this was months ago, but I’m pretty sure all I did was respectfully ask for you to add me to your ignore list as I was tired of the constant war replies at the time. Not that I should have sent that to you, but I hardly consider such requests “strange and disturbing.” Nice try though.
I could be wrong, if was awhile ago, but feel free to report the DM if it truly is “strange and disturbing” and I’ll be appropriately disciplined by staff.
Don’t accuse someone of this kinda bullshit unless you post the receipt too, though. That’s chickenshit. Or, heaven forbid, handle DMs in DMs person to person and leave it there, unless it truly was harassing or explicit, which I think I would remember.
Oh, and I sent those kind of requests to lots of people who only post war bait. You’re not special.
Keep holding they grudge tho! The accusation got you plenty of likes.
Next time accuse me of stealing your lunch money and maybe you’ll get gold for it.
Im a weird guy but I’m pretty sure all my DMs have been civil the last couple years
Nobody messes with Chunk on our watch..It was disturbing as in your mental health was in question. A wall of text pleading for a safe space. Seemingly I’m not the only one to receive such ridiculous dm’s
What’s ironic is you haven’t got me on ignore but asking me to put you on ignore?!?? I have the capacity to ignore without putting anyone on a list. No desire from my side to engage you and are replying only because you feel the need to engage me first.
Considering you’re likely a juvenile based on your prior tag being FartNoises, I do not hold a grudge, but will retaliate accordingly to snarky comments aimed at me should I feel like it.
Now do what you should have done in the first place and put me on your ignore list and live happy.
All of these damage control arguments remind me of the chalkboards for the XBO.
Need to make one for XSX, now. Include 12Tflops (crossed out), tools, and Halo Infinite.
Give him a big hug and hot cup of cocoa. Fix him right up.Nobody messes with Chunk on our watch..
You know what else was also evident from the start? That the PS4 was more powerful spec-wise. That isn't the case this time. So looking at the past, we are actually seeing the opposite happen right now. That means that using the past which was different, to conclude anything about the present, is foolish.
but I’m pretty sure all I did was respectfully ask for you to add me to your ignore list
Ass of Can Whooping
You’re a troll/fanboy account (evident from post history) with a Tryhard Warbot avatar who was on ban warning for repeatedly calling all Americans stupid inbreds.
fucking lul
Yeah, Bye.
More to come... there is a years still ahead.Updated OP with Borderlands 3 and Immortals Fenix Rising.
They literally just launched.
Looks at Ryse: Son of Rome best looking launch title.
Looks at Destiny 1080p and smoother frame rate.
Looks at multiple games with better texture filtering on XB1
Conclusion? XB1 is the consistently more powerful current gen console lol, but we should’ve known it wouldn’t last.
I thought XSX had BL?Updated OP with Borderlands 3 and Immortals Fenix Rising.
It did.LOL imagine thinking Ryse looked better than Killzone Shadow Fall.
It did.