Gives Gears and Halo an extended break and allow those studios to make original games
Halo has been on a break for like 6 years.Gives Gears and Halo an extended break and allow those studios to make original games
I dont think reasonable people are thinking this, Everyone knows it took Sony years to get to where they are, it think the issue is they have had years with 343, coalition and only made countless sequels. And honestly not anything that amounts to much entry wise. Issue is they mismanaged many studios and cancelled a lot of projects. So what a lot of us fear is that since their metric now is more based on engagement numbers instead of sales, what will happen to budgets and the types of games they are allowed to make?
If these first projects dont knock peoples socks off then what? You look at Microsoft as the bethesda brand? The only place to play Fallout, doom, elder scrolls and starfield? Which to me I know this is fanboyish but they didn't earn any of that. All they did was buy them. It's not like Microsoft has a long standing history of funding Bethesda game development for projects. Which is what both Nintendo and Sony do.
They use to be like this with Bioware and the likes.
Outside of doom eternal, and the evil within I dont play a lot of bethesda titles which I understand millions do. But honestly even though zenimax will run the same in terms of what they are making, microsoft still has to manage some form of their financials. And to me they need to manage their own internal developed studios first before they do anything.
All them buying Zenimax showed me was you dont have enough content to power your service that gave you the influx in investment through the bigger part of the company.
I need to see all the projects from those studios first.
I agree the potential is there. I wouldn't be surprised if MS has already tried to negotiate getting some form of Gamepass on Playstaion consoles. Sony probably didn't see the need to entertain that idea as it was dominating Xbox One sales regardless. Why subsidize your competitor.I have both condoles to cover all exclusives, but I hate the way MS is doing business lately. I also hate timed exclusives on either platform....
However,DarkMage619 MS will completely be wrong for putting ESVI and/or Starfield on PS5. It ruins any incentive to purchase the studio. They want to get more exclusive content to force your hand to buy into GP and the ecosystem....
Eventually, I could see MS approaching Sony/Ninty to sell GP on their systems as well if console sales don't go back to the original PS3/360 splits..
Wow. Your towering sense of self-import is only matched by the ridiculous irony of your error.I'm afraid you both apparently suffer from being misinformed.
I was hoping his entire premise was. Seeing as your opinion is "exactly" as his is on the matter, I'll put it to you.
It's stated as if it were a fact that if the Bethesda purchase isn't successful on some level that MS is simply "out of gaming", when that may very well not be the case. The Bethesda purchase could fail miserably, and MS could continue to have a presence in gaming.
His following assertion that "MS had 2 options" One being to give up on gaming, and the other to go all out on a subscription model. Was MS really relegated to just those two? According to whom? Seeing as it's so "well documented"... Could either of you please point me to this documentation that shows they were "extremely close" to calling it quits in regards to gaming?
His third paragraph is the real ringer though. Supposedly because MS is a big trillion dollar company. That requires to all of its divisions to have equally big margins. MS is all about Office and Azure, and gaming doesn't fit supposedly outside Gamepass and cloud.
MS is one of the most successful companies on planet worth trillions, because of it's diversity. MS is one of 2 companies left that currently enjoys a AAA credit rating, and is the only tech company to do so. Not because its all about Azure and Office, but rather because it's so well diversified.
It's obvious neither him or you have any clue as to what you're talking about. To then tell me that I'm misinformed? Really? Considering how things actually are. That's akin to a roach trying to tell a human how to tie shoelaces... Immediately before being stepped on by his supposed pupil.
If I was Microsoft, I would have exited the console industry by now. It's such a waste of money, after 20 years it has been nothing but a money pit for no financial gain. My investors are right, the time to get out was 10 years ago.
Halo has been on a break for like 6 years.
343i needs better leadership for sure.So far MS has shown they can't properly manage gaming studios. They killed Rare, they ruined the Halo franchise. So instead of going on a buying spree, they might want to focus on that first. Not sure what Sony is doing, but MS should try to copy their methods.
343i needs better leadership for sure.
In addition, the entire franchise needs a singular creative vision driving it. If you look at all the biggest gaming IP, there’s always a singular creative force behind it, be that either an individual or small group of creative directors: e.g.
Since MS sold Bungie back to the studio, can anyone think of a single notable individual they know of who has been the prevailing creative vision behind the Halo franchise? I can think of any aside from Kiki Wolfkil and I don’t know if she’s a creative director or producer on the franchise.
- Uncharted/TLOU - Neil Druckman/Bruce Straley
- Destiny - Luke Smith
- GTA/RDR - The Housers and The Benz
- Meta Gear - Kojima
- Mass Effect/Dragon Age - Casey Hudson
Lore-wise, Halo is a franchise with so much potential. Unfortunately, it seems the current creative leads just want to take it in a direction that doesn’t really fit the franchise.
Just like Sony did
It's ideally both, but building a studio takes years to get off the ground and that's without an IP which will take a lot longer. Acquiring a studio is much quicker it already has talent and IPs hence why MS is going with the acquisition route at the moment as it allows them to scale quickly and get IPs for Game Pass. I expect MS will focus more on acquiring studios and publishers.
For Game Pass or any subscription to succeed it needs diverse content, new content, a lot of content, and be a cheap price. The Game Pass model gives more incentive to acquire existing IPs as those are already mainstream. Those existing IPs can be used to draw in subscribers and creating new IPs is needed to retain subscribers.
Regardless, industry consolidation is coming soon and Sony is by far the most vulnerable to this shift because of its focus on the traditional model and organic growth first. No publisher will want to cut off Xbox and PC and focus only on 100 Million consoles and an failing cloud gaming service.
That is obviously why Microsoft are now months away from having 23 studios. Content is king, and they need to rely less on 3rd parties. Which they undoubtedly know.I would argue consolidation is happening because of so many failed games to garner users. So many online games were made by Ubisoft, EA, with only a few landing community's that are still alive. If anything Nintendo and Sony showed those companies that if you make a quality product and treat it with the respect it deserves creatively you can make money. Example EA having respawn make Jedi fallen order. The issue is not the mold Playstation and Nintendo use for their success is dying, it's that too many people are trying to make the same type of games. And it's not just large industry leaders with this issue, look at the indie scene. Too many are trying to make Rogue like games, with only a handful that really see great sales.
I think it's the other way around for MS. Netflix's issue for a while was all the content they had on the service they didn't own and payed a lot of money to have like the marvel/starwars shows/films. It's taken them a while and they now have bigger competition now with Disney + that has all the brands that people flock too. This is going to be similar to when Sony releases something similar where they have their content day to date or something close to it like Gamepass. PS NOW currently isn't that, but when they want too and have all their ducks in a row, I would have to believe that the brand they built with their games will have a larger impact than if they just bought third party games to put on the service. Also having their own brand of IP's and games, shows is more profitable in the long term.
MS can have this backfire on them, and now it's on for their studio investment to really be the backbone of gamepass. Which currently it isn't. They need to get their brand of IP's/games in order to make gamepass more sought after for xbox. Right now it's the cheapest place to play games. But nothing super special about the games on the service, just a great value if you missed out on those that were released a while back. And then after they have played those big games, what then?
It needs to be MS's releases that keeps them there, not third party titles. This is netflix's issue, and Disney + in the next year is steam rolling them. Like I watched Cobra kai season 3, it's great. But also I binged it, so now I have nothing to watch. Disney is smarter in how they handle their own content. ANd I think Sony is too.
I think if anything MS is in bigger trouble if their studios dont hit home runs.
That is obviously why Microsoft are now months away from having 23 studios. Content is king, and they need to rely less on 3rd parties. Which they undoubtedly know.
Yeah time is definitely not on their side. One of the reasons why it will be interesting to see what they announce when the zenimax acquisition goes throughI think the bigger issue is time is not on their side. They need software now, and if rumors are true with Ubisoft games being added to the service with Uplay or whatever it's called. I think these moves with EA, and possibly ubisoft is MS trying to fill the content issue that they know is still going to take them time to fill with their first party.
The fact that Playground Games is allowed to make another game even though Forza Horizon sold more than any recent Halo/Gears game should tell you that they are not forced to do this. Coalition/343i have only made two main line entries to their series and that is not something worth getting concerned over being "franchise fatigue". And I don't think anyone wants 343i to end Halo abruptly for no reason just to satisfy some people who won't even buy a Xbox.I think we are talking about the studios working on something else than those franchises.
By your logic they should make it in 3 years like Halo 5? Considering they made an entirely new game engine and Halo Infinite is much larger in scope, 6 years is actually very short compared to similar projects like Cyberpunk 2077.And halo infinite being in production for that long is a big red flag to all the issues that studio has had. I think they need to be managed better, have less outsourcing and a change in ecosystem they develop in.
343i needs better leadership for sure.
In addition, the entire franchise needs a singular creative vision driving it. If you look at all the biggest gaming IP, there’s always a singular creative force behind it, be that either an individual or small group of creative directors: e.g.
Since MS sold Bungie back to the studio, can anyone think of a single notable individual they know of who has been the prevailing creative vision behind the Halo franchise? I can think of any aside from Kiki Wolfkil and I don’t know if she’s a creative director or producer on the franchise.
- Uncharted/TLOU - Neil Druckman/Bruce Straley
- Destiny - Luke Smith
- GTA/RDR - The Housers and The Benz
- Meta Gear - Kojima
- Mass Effect/Dragon Age - Casey Hudson
Lore-wise, Halo is a franchise with so much potential. Unfortunately, it seems the current creative leads just want to take it in a direction that doesn’t really fit the franchise.
That sounds good. And also, it looks like Sony has some good people to overlook the projects of their studios.
This Gavin Moore dude for example, he seems super passionate and was overlooking the Demon Souls remake. You need people like that and I wonder if MS even has any of them.
Development of Cyberpunk started after they shipped Witcher 3.By your logic they should make it in 3 years like Halo 5? Considering they made an entirely new game engine and Halo Infinite is much larger in scope, 6 years is actually very short compared to similar projects like Cyberpunk 2077.
Uncharted series are Amy Henning games, at least ones that are worth playing.In addition, the entire franchise needs a singular creative vision driving it. If you look at all the biggest gaming IP, there’s always a singular creative force behind it, be that either an individual or small group of creative directors: e.g.
- Uncharted/TLOU - Neil Druckman/Bruce Straley
- Destiny - Luke Smith
- GTA/RDR - The Housers and The Benz
- Meta Gear - Kojima
- Mass Effect/Dragon Age - Casey Hudson
wipeout studio which turned in studio liverpool and was shut down. took wipeout off other consoles and destruction derby. to name oneExamples of AAA studios Sony bought, taking their games away from Xbox? Except for Insomniac, which only very rarely made multiplatform games.
wipeout studio which turned in studio liverpool and was shut down. took wipeout off other consoles and destruction derby. to name one
The fact that Playground Games is allowed to make another game even though Forza Horizon sold more than any recent Halo/Gears game should tell you that they are not forced to do this. Coalition/343i have only made two main line entries to their series and that is not something worth getting concerned over being "franchise fatigue". And I don't think anyone wants 343i to end Halo abruptly for no reason just to satisfy some people who won't even buy a Xbox.
By your logic they should make it in 3 years like Halo 5? Considering they made an entirely new game engine and Halo Infinite is much larger in scope, 6 years is actually very short compared to similar projects like Cyberpunk 2077.
Watch from 5:44
Joseph Staten is now the creative director of Halo.
wipeout studio which turned in studio liverpool and was shut down. took wipeout off other consoles and destruction derby. to name one
Zipper Interactive. Before SOCOM they made MechWarrior 3 and Crimson Skies.I don't think Psygnosis was exactly AAA, and definitely not comparable to Bethesda, but ok. What else?
Majority of Bethesda fans are in PC so they are not really taking away anything.If you think SONY is going to listen to the SOCOM community who has already given SONY quite a bit of money, you are mistaken. SONY has moved on (Notice Zipper is gone). They no longer wish to compete with CoD, since CoD already helps sell PS3 units. Look at Hockey, 989 Sports used to make Hockey games, but they stopped, why? They could not touch the competition, so no longer wished to try.
Halo 5 engine was mostly based off Halo 4. Also Halo Infinite is way bigger than God of War(2018).Santa Monica made god of war 2018 in like 4 years? Halo 5 was made in 3, and the "new engine was based off previous" Which I think is where the issues were.
Yeah, how dare I deny a someone writing the same essay and suffering from post fatigue.If you seriously denying that the studio/project didn't have issues then you are seriously damaging controlling beyond belief. MS has had countless issues with software in both creative, and project management.
You know I showed you that video because how much Halo Infinite has to have at launch.I get that creating something new from scratch takes time. Horizon:ZD started initial concept in 2011, and released 2017. But here we have a sequel which possibly could be even larger and it's coming 2021.
And now I know you are just trolling.I think my issue is they continued to make sequels to games that were in 360 era showing fatigue.
Yeah you definitely are trolling. Just because you consider Halo generic for the sake of console wars does not mean it is. Coalition has been making Gears since only 2016 and you consider that fatigue? See this is the problem with your logic, you clearly areletting your teams like 343, coalition take breaks to work on something new is probably for the best. Gears and halo are not timeless like something like zelda or mario.
Also The Medium, Scorn, Exo One, Shredders and Microsoft Flight Simulator. And maybe even Starfield.Right now I'm not expecting anything else but halo for 2021 for big games.
They should buy Blizzard.They need to buy more studios, much easier then building from the ground up.
Xbox basically has got Shooter's, WRPG's, Racing, and turned based games indefinitely on lock with their recent purchases. The only thing Sony has is 3rd person action games, which Ninja Theory and The Initiative are tackling now. So there really aren't any gaps in their lineup at this point its more about satisfying ones own needs and wishes.
Remedy, PlatinumGames, and Pearl Abyss would be good next choices.
ATVI market cap is 70B$They should buy Blizzard.
Too much, unless Activision decides to cut them off which there have been some suggestions of it potentially happening. That would also be more of a move for the PC crowd as the console player bases wouldn't benefit too much from it.They should buy Blizzard.
Zipper Interactive. Before SOCOM they made MechWarrior 3 and Crimson Skies.
Ex-Zipper Interactive Employee Shares 'SOCOM 4' Secrets
An ex-Zipper Interactive employee shares a little bit of what went into the events leading up to the release of 'SOCOM 4' and why it inevitably failed.gamerant.com
Majority of Bethesda fans are in PC so they are not really taking away anything.
Halo 5 engine was mostly based off Halo 4. Also Halo Infinite is way bigger than God of War(2018).
Yeah, how dare I deny a someone writing the same essay and suffering from post fatigue.
You know I showed you that video because how much Halo Infinite has to have at launch.
All of the above at 60 fps(120 fps multiplayer). You still think it should take just 3-4 years?
And now I know you are just trolling.
Yeah you definitely are trolling. Just because you consider Halo generic for the sake of console wars does not mean it is. Coalition has been making Gears since only 2016 and you consider that fatigue? See this is the problem with your logic, you clearly are
Also The Medium, Scorn, Exo One, Shredders and Microsoft Flight Simulator. And maybe even Starfield.
Zipper Interactive. Before SOCOM they made MechWarrior 3 and Crimson Skies.
Ex-Zipper Interactive Employee Shares 'SOCOM 4' Secrets
An ex-Zipper Interactive employee shares a little bit of what went into the events leading up to the release of 'SOCOM 4' and why it inevitably failed.gamerant.com
Majority of Bethesda fans are in PC so they are not really taking away anything.
Halo 5 engine was mostly based off Halo 4. Also Halo Infinite is way bigger than God of War(2018).
Yeah, how dare I deny a someone writing the same essay and suffering from post fatigue.
You know I showed you that video because how much Halo Infinite has to have at launch.
All of the above at 60 fps(120 fps multiplayer). You still think it should take just 3-4 years?
And now I know you are just trolling.
Yeah you definitely are trolling. Just because you consider Halo generic for the sake of console wars does not mean it is. Coalition has been making Gears since only 2016 and you consider that fatigue? See this is the problem with your logic, you clearly are
Also The Medium, Scorn, Exo One, Shredders and Microsoft Flight Simulator. And maybe even Starfield.
Who cares? They bought them, before Oblivion Sony console gamers didn't even know who Bethesda was, and they did nothing but bitch because of Skyrim performance on PS3, including accusing them of being lazy devs or how they did that version worse because they were in MS pocket. After all they had the best rpg ever on the PS3 (demon souls) who needed the fucking jank shit from Bethesda.I was asking for AAA studios, anything even close to MS buying goddamn Bethesda. People keep saying that Sony does the same thing, but nobody has provided a single example that is even remotely comparable.
Zipper is not it, most people wouldn't even know who they were.
They also have Zenimax Online Studios, I always felt like a proper MMORPG is one genre that was lacking in the Xbox catalogue. Now they have seven studios for making narrative driven single player games (Ninja Theory, Coalition, Initiative, Compulsion Games, Arkane, MachineGames and Roundhouse Studios), same as Sony(Naughty Dog, SSM, Guerilla Games, Sucker Punch, Insomniac, Bend and the new San Diego Studio), so they really don't need any more studios in this genre. Although I won't mid if they also bought Asobo and some Polish studio like Farm 51.They need to buy more studios, much easier then building from the ground up.
Xbox basically has got Shooter's, WRPG's, Racing, and turned based games indefinitely on lock with their recent purchases. The only thing Sony has is 3rd person action games, which Ninja Theory and The Initiative are tackling now. So there really aren't any gaps in their lineup at this point its more about satisfying ones own needs and wishes.
Remedy, PlatinumGames, and Pearl Abyss would be good next choices.
Joseph Staten is now the creative director of Halo.
Are you sure she was the creative director on Uncharted 1, 2 and 3? I know she wrote them.Uncharted series are Amy Henning games, at least ones that are worth playing.
A company built on software wants to invest in more software. What a shocker :| also didn’t realize they gave an award out for building a studio from the ground upMS will keep doing what rich kids with no talent do to succeed. Throw a shit ton of money at your problems.
Thats funny coming from someone who is literally writing the same template as an essay multiple times and now getting pissed off because he can't get the validation from someone else.The damage control your doing is beyond idiotic. And As someone who has replayed all the halo games which I think have great lore, you can go look up my recent steam log. I own halo 1,2 on iriginal xbox still. They are defining shooters, especially the original, but in terms of straight design and gameplay mario/zelda has them beat. Halo is a classic no doubt. But to say that MS can't have their studios take a break and work on something else to re-charge their creative juices on the story/world/lore is IMHO what is fucking those franchises. Santa monica was even considering not doing any more god of war games. It was Cory who had left after God of war 2 in 2007 and did a film career with some little side work for GOW3. He then wanted to come back since he has just had a kid, and wanted to do a new story based on his experience being a new dad with Kratos's character.
Honestly I'm putting you on ignore since you are literally saying there wasn't a big issue with Halo's development under 343's tenure especially this past gen, let alone what went down with Infinite.
It's obvious you dont want meaningful discussion, and are using my previous posts which are my opinion as a basis to why your right, when with the information out there thats far from the truth and you know it.
Hey, look at this guy. If you don't even know who he is then you should not be concern trolling about Halo in the first place.![]()
(And that’s precisely my point)
Thats funny coming from someone who is literally writing the same template as an essay multiple times and now getting pissed off because he can't get the validation from someone else.
Hey, look at this guy. If you don't even know who he is then you should not be concern trolling about Halo in the first place.
They were pretty much in place of current Bethesda. when they were turned into Studio Liverpool term AAA didn't really existed.I don't think Psygnosis was exactly AAA, and definitely not comparable to Bethesda, but ok. What else?
I see gap in form of lack of tennis game. There is one developer/publisher which would fill that gap.So there really aren't any gaps in their lineup at this point
I think they got good talented teams, now they just need to show it. They have teams to basically every genre, just show the games. Even though i doubt any of those teams can stand up to ND or SM in 3rd party cinematic adventure type, they do have an amazing roster in RPG games and i'm talking about Obsidian primarly.Buy proven talent like the Dodgers and Yankees do.
They can do both MS is not some tiny company like Atari was when they launched the Jaguar.I think Microsoft should instead focus on getting titles out the door with the studios they have. Quality ones would be nice.
They were pretty much in place of current Bethesda. when they were turned into Studio Liverpool term AAA didn't really existed.
I see gap in form of lack of tennis game. There is one developer/publisher which would fill that gap.
The issues have not doing to do with franchise fatigue but more related with their ambition for their project(even 6 years feels like a tight schedule for what we are supposed to get).To be fair I was drinking a little when I wrote those posts yesterday. But they are my opinion im not here denying that a certain studio hasn't had management issues. Which has been reported on and basically confirmed regardless if people here like Jason Schrier or not he has solid reporting. It's obvious with looking at halo it has had issues. But you keep denying that it ever did. WHich Is why i set you on ignore. my posts on my thoughts on microsoft over all are my opinion not fact. But to look at the projects, and studios with long standing IP's having issues backed by reporting that they did in fact have issues. Aka crackdown 3, halo mcc, halo infinite.
You literally are denying that there were any issues with halo infinite and everyone including ACG, Jason have people they talk to and confirm it as such. It is now a sore spot on MS studios, and the information is out there. The same with CDPRJ RED. You may not like people using it as talking points but it is what it is.
I would argue consolidation is happening because of so many failed games to garner users. So many online games were made by Ubisoft, EA, with only a few landing community's that are still alive. If anything Nintendo and Sony showed those companies that if you make a quality product and treat it with the respect it deserves creatively you can make money. Example EA having respawn make Jedi fallen order. The issue is not the mold Playstation and Nintendo use for their success is dying, it's that too many people are trying to make the same type of games. And it's not just large industry leaders with this issue, look at the indie scene. Too many are trying to make Rogue like games, with only a handful that really see great sales.
I think it's the other way around for MS. Netflix's issue for a while was all the content they had on the service they didn't own and payed a lot of money to have like the marvel/starwars shows/films. It's taken them a while and they now have bigger competition now with Disney + that has all the brands that people flock too. This is going to be similar to when Sony releases something similar where they have their content day to date or something close to it like Gamepass. PS NOW currently isn't that, but when they want too and have all their ducks in a row, I would have to believe that the brand they built with their games will have a larger impact than if they just bought third party games to put on the service. Also having their own brand of IP's and games, shows is more profitable in the long term.
MS can have this backfire on them, and now it's on for their studio investment to really be the backbone of gamepass. Which currently it isn't. They need to get their brand of IP's/games in order to make gamepass more sought after for xbox. Right now it's the cheapest place to play games. But nothing super special about the games on the service, just a great value if you missed out on those that were released a while back. And then after they have played those big games, what then?
It needs to be MS's releases that keeps them there, not third party titles. This is netflix's issue, and Disney + in the next year is steam rolling them. Like I watched Cobra kai season 3, it's great. But also I binged it, so now I have nothing to watch. Disney is smarter in how they handle their own content. ANd I think Sony is too.
I think if anything MS is in bigger trouble if their studios dont hit home runs.
I think the bigger issue is time is not on their side. They need software now, and if rumors are true with Ubisoft games being added to the service with Uplay or whatever it's called. I think these moves with EA, and possibly ubisoft is MS trying to fill the content issue that they know is still going to take them time to fill with their first party.