Hmm, don't you mean ResetEra?You must be absolutely joking. This place is known as SonyGAF for good reason.
I know you're trolling, you know you're trolling, question is, did your troll have enough energy?Congrats staying last-gen
I know you're trolling, you know you're trolling, question is, did your troll have enough energy?
I know GAF has a boner to downplay this great little console.
I think the Vita dpad sets a really high standard, so that's certainly quite an endorsement from you. Good to know that MS has been improving the dpad ever since the 360 iteration.Not to mention D pad. This one takes lead over my favourite D pad ever, on Vita. When you push, it has very little travel. What ever travel there is full of tactile feedback and feels like a thunk.
Hello GAF,
Its been over a week I have been enjoying Series S. Everything from smooth performance to snappy load times to abundance of games via gamepass.
It ticks a lot of boxes for me as well. Apart from being affordable and actually being available for purchase, it slots in my system without causing any disruption.
I am rocking a 1080p monitor in my room with below setup. No need to upgrade display or move around stuff in shelf.
As for graphics, I am coming from Nintendo 3ds/ PS Vita and jump in graphics is pretty amazing. Gears 5 looks stunning.
I have always been a playstation guy. To a point I had a X360 that I played like a playstation console. Never bought gold, didnt touch multiplayer, just played campaigns for all Halo and Gears games available. With gamepass, everything is included. For first time am using it as MS intended Xbox to be. Still too early to tell but so far enjoying the experience.
I am enjoying how responsive analog sticks feel. Is this due to 60 fps in games I tried or are sticks much better now? Cant tell. Aiming and putting crosshair on enemies feel so much satisfying now. Not to mention D pad. This one takes lead over my favourite D pad ever, on Vita. When you push, it has very little travel. What ever travel there is full of tactile feedback and feels like a thunk.
Little warrior is taking a much deserved rest.
MS is even gracious enough to let us know its exact date of birth. I know I will be inviting lucky few to a birthday bash one year later.
I know GAF has a boner to downplay this great little console. This thread is supposed to be a safe sanctuary for fans from any hate commentary. I have a VERY strong opinion about this. Any unduly negative will be seen as existential threats resulting in an inflammation of my amygdala.
Please understand whoever chose this machine knew about its limitations and was ok with them as in my case.
The PS5 digital makes the Series S look bad. For just 100 more you get double the usable storage, double the memory (only 8GB are fast memory on S) and more than double the GPU power. If both were PCs no one would recommend the Series S.
Yeah the XSS would of been more understandable at $199.The PS5 digital makes the Series S look bad. For just 100 more you get double the usable storage, double the memory (only 8GB are fast memory on S) and more than double the GPU power. If both were PCs no one would recommend the Series S.
I considered buying this box a while back ago, for the game Grim dawn.
It's like my favorite game ever, have 1200 hours in it, that's before my pc went blue screen of death.
I would probably of got one of these boxes but unfortunately, grim dawn has still not be released on xbox, waiting for certificates or something, It's been years now, and still no end in sight. It's not coming to ps4 pr ps5.
Saying all that, for 100 bucks more you can get a ps5, none digital,
(if it ever gets in stock) and have you seen the sub for ps now, the games they give you for free, the quality of them, it's crazy.
Personally, i hope this box goes on sale later in the year, at xmas, for around £200 pounds, i would say that would be the perfect price point and i would then pick one up.
It's hard to justify this console at this price point, as, for 100bucks more you get one that stomps all over this.
But if your happy, that's what counts.
He could get one down the line as well and own both. Seems like the demand is mild on XSS so it's not extremely hard to get like PS5 and XSX. For a 1080p monitor it should serve him will in the mean time, and probably give it to a relative if he feels like upgrading to XSX or keeping it with a PS5.
Yeah the XSS would of been more understandable at $199.
We know it will drop in price over time but it should of have been this price out the gate.
$249 with a 1TB ssd would of been a good sell as well.
We have 2. it’s a great little console. happy it exists. they are in the bedrooms btw. On 1080p TVs. The living room has the Series X.
It does not need the 4K TV investment as it will look great on a 1080p TV, better than the S on the same TV if games are downsampled from 4K, using the higher fidelity effects and textures, and RT.Having used it for a few months, I think Series S, gamepass and an affordable 1080p screen go together like peanut butter and jelly in a sandwich.
Sure gamepass gives same value on Series x too. But it needs a bigger investment of about $1000 (console + 4k screen). You are in a mid range pc territory at that point and a high value subscription service looses its shine a little.
Compare this with $400 (series s + 1080p screen) and top it off with $10 monthly service is just good.
I have already finished quiet a few games on it. Currently playing Batman Arkham Knight and Jedi Fallen Order. Both are masterpieces. And have Halo 5, Halo 2, Destiny 2 lined up after I am done with those two.
Games do look pretty good on 1080p screen. But get soft if you strech signal to fit 4k display, at which point getting series x is better.
Definitely the way to go in my opinion. Series S is perfect to compliment the PS5.He could get one down the line as well and own both. Seems like the demand is mild on XSS so it's not extremely hard to get like PS5 and XSX. For a 1080p monitor it should serve him will in the mean time, and probably give it to a relative if he feels like upgrading to XSX or keeping it with a PS5.
I agree with this. I regularly use my Series X on my 1080p 50inch plasma TV and the downsampling produces a very clean and sharp image which is noticeably better than standard 1080p. I think it's still better to go with the Series X even if you are only going to be gaming on a 1080p screen for the time being.It does not need the 4K TV investment as it will look great on a 1080p TV, better than the S on the same TV if games are downsampled from 4K, using the higher fidelity effects and textures, and RT.
Not only that, you get better BC with XSX as you get the Xbox One X version of Xbox One titles.
With the XSX you also get a UHD Blu-Ray drive and double the storage space which means less pressure to buy the expensive external proprietary memory card.
Definitely the way to go in my opinion. Series S is perfect to compliment the PS5.
For me it’s going to be PS5 for exclusives, FROM games and 3D platformers (love getting the plats). Xbox for Game Pass and online play. £360 + £250, it ain’t a lot of money for 8 years of entertainment.
I agree with this. I regularly use my Series X on my 1080p 50inch plasma TV and the downsampling produces a very clean image which is noticeably better than standard 1080p. I think it's still better to go with the Series X even if you are only going to be gaming on a 1080p screen for the time being.
Portability and size factor is a huge gain for the S, but its a good alternative for those who want Gamepass but don't want to fork for a Series X or to compliment their PS5Solid plan. Already have a more powerful PC but would never suggest building a PC for most friends over getting an Xbox, whether it's an X or S. The bargain is pretty huge currently compared to the insanely inflated PC market parts. Of course if you need the desktop for other usage then by all means go for it.
To me it's a secondary gaming machine (PC) just in case, and if there is an xbox/PC game that I wanna play.
The only reason to go S is not finding X at retail prices.
The XSX shade of white is really great because it makes protein stains virtually invisible. Another huge win from Microsoft and a win for gamers.Good job it doesn't have a disk drive considering you take it to bed with you.
Thanks for contributing to this threadThe XSX shade of white is really great because it makes protein stains virtually invisible. Another huge win from Microsoft and a win for gamers.
The XSS still manages to play games better than the X1X and it's still $200 less than than the XSX. It also has more 120 fps titles on it than other more expensive consoles. Something you can explore with the savings you'll have.It does not need the 4K TV investment as it will look great on a 1080p TV, better than the S on the same TV if games are downsampled from 4K, using the higher fidelity effects and textures, and RT.
Not only that, you get better BC with XSX as you get the Xbox One X version of Xbox One titles.
With the XSX you also get a UHD Blu-Ray drive and double the storage space which means less pressure to buy the expensive external proprietary memory card.
The Florence Nightingale effect
It fills the empty void in store console shelves, its in stock everywhere.The XSS fills a void you can't find elsewhere.
Aww op wants to stay in the last gen. So cute.
Not gonna lie... As much as I shit on Series S, if I had only a PS5 and wasn't into/interested in PC gaming... But wanted to play MS exclusives I'd probably get the Series S.Definitely the way to go in my opinion. Series S is perfect to compliment the PS5.
For me it’s going to be PS5 for exclusives, FROM games and 3D platformers (love getting the plats). Xbox for Game Pass and online play. £360 + £250, it ain’t a lot of money for 8 years of entertainment.