I believe microsoft are masters of marketing and confusion, sampler feedback has been in hardware on amd gpu's for years infact it was on ps4 in hardware aswell, being in hardware just helps the software process and the process is called virtual texturing, it was called mega textures in x360 days on games like rage,
Was well advertised by microsoft during xbox one events and direct x 12 as the new holy grail that will save graphics back in 2014 memory under the name tiled resources.
And now its back again with another name "sampler feedback streaming"
This is all palavar its an excuse for the slower io they have on series consoles compared to ps5 to try and convince people that its some sort of new tech thatll rival the io on ps5 which is all fraud, infact they copied the ps4 simply put the ps4 had hardware decompression and sampler feedback in hardware so microsoft must have copied that n thought sony would have gone the same route. but sony went a whole new paradigm. So for your own sake just dont be fooled by sfs it isnt new your only hope is if decompression and direct storage works as advertised.
Heres ps4's hardware decompression
And hardware virtual texturing done on ps4 a decade ago. So basically xbox copied ps4s approach testament to cernys intellect but cerny cooked different magic on ps5.
It's pretty interesting that you'd preach about MS's marketing then proceed to spew Cerny talking points and weird commentary about how MS and AMD copied Sony.

Sampler Feedback Streaming is part of DirectX12, coming to PCs too
One of the next-gen Xbox Series S/X's most important new optimization features is also coming to PC via DirectX 12 Ultimate.

"Sampler Feedback Streaming (SFS) is very technical and focuses mostly on texture data, but the gist is that SFS arms developers with much more control over how and when textures are loaded. Instead of loading an entire mipmap texture, SFS allows devs to load just portions of textures that are seen by the player. "
This with the ability to pull data off of the much faster storage will significantly improve memory usage on the XSS IF developers use it. This is nothing like streaming data off a blu-ray disc or even a mechanical hard drive as we saw last generation. There is a reason this wasn't used before.
For all the talk of the magical io on the PS5 it is only useful when developers code to it just like SFS. That's why in Metro the Xbox versions of the game load just as fast if not faster. Not too shabby for fraudulent copiers of Master Mark Cerny huh.