The enemy A.I. is the smartest you'll find in any game up this point only rivaled by F.E.A.R, Killzone 2 and The Last of Us 1/especially Part 2.Far cry 2 had some great elements and it was superior to modern far cries but it's open world lacked vareity and it's enemies were especially dumb. There was no way to stealth, and the outposts got repopulated every few minutes really taking away any rewarding progression.
The fact that stealth is extremely hard is partially what makes the game impressive. I began playing the game in 2007 when it launched and it took me until 2022 and a youtube video of someone else playing the game to explain the stealth to me. You have to wait until night time for stealth and use suppressed weapons plus the machete. The enemies have much lower line of sight at night and less awareness, some of them will even sleep. I never knew this because I would skip the night time with safe house bed.
The open world had more variety and than any Far Cry game after it. Jungles, desert savannah and cities, how much more could they add? The constant enemy encounters also caused you to pay attention at all times and plan your routes to the next destination accordingly, something which new games don't make you do. You can be a drooling idiot and play Far Cry 6 unscathed for the most part.
The game also wasn't bloated. The only real side missions were assassinating people and blowing up the convoys for extra guns and equipment. When you explored you cleared outposts and found diamonds, again, for better gear. The missions were awesome and there was actually some player agency that came with picking which side you preferred. Which is something that Far Cry 4 did and it's why it's the better of the new games overall imo (FC3 - FC6), though FC3's map and first half of the game with Vaas were awesome.
But no other open world shooter has even rivaled all of FC2's systems combined, even other open world games in general don't to some extent.
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