Everything about RDR2 is still miles ahead of other games. The writing, the characters, the world. Arthur Morgan is the best protagonist in gaming, and I don't say that lightly. There were moment where I was literally just roaming around the open world as Arthur, watching birds flock over a pond, seeing random deer scatter between trees, amazed at the enormous clouds that were rushing by overhead - and I couldn't believe what Rockstar had achieved. The scope is second to none.
I could rant for hours what a technological achievement RDR2 is, but the writers also deserve a ton of credit. I've played the game from start to finish three times now, and each time I get taken back by how well written the characters are. Most open worlds of this game are bloated and lack direction - RDR2 has none of that. Every chapter is tightly filled with twists and turns, building up to a blistering climax that still leaves me breathless. And don't get me started on the music - the musical moments in this game are just as captivating 5 years later:
RDR2 still stands tall after all this time, and I have yet to find a game that comes close. Some screenshots from my last playthrough:
I could rant for hours what a technological achievement RDR2 is, but the writers also deserve a ton of credit. I've played the game from start to finish three times now, and each time I get taken back by how well written the characters are. Most open worlds of this game are bloated and lack direction - RDR2 has none of that. Every chapter is tightly filled with twists and turns, building up to a blistering climax that still leaves me breathless. And don't get me started on the music - the musical moments in this game are just as captivating 5 years later:
RDR2 still stands tall after all this time, and I have yet to find a game that comes close. Some screenshots from my last playthrough: