It is a success. With Quest and its ilk it's down to comfortable consumer prices with increasing market reach while providing fans more great content than they can consume (great as in something that feels polished and fun rather than a struggling against the tech prototype, granted it will naturally improve with time just like other mediums did but we are far from something like 80s vidya gaems vs modern stuff and more on par with modern stuff we know are gonna improve, that phase did come in the actual 80s and 90s for VR too but the tech was definitely not there and wasn't enough for compelling, comfortable experiences with bulky CRT helmets, limited controls and more limited tech under the hood that could barely drive standard games). That it's not the most successful medium or on par with the heavy hitters yet doesn't mean much. That it's not the matrix or whatever sci fi scenario doesn't mean it's not there yet (as trolls say) any more than previous/current consoles you've enjoyed (and can revisit) more than enough and didn't find them shit just because they haven't reached photo realism or whatever is next in tech. VR is great/got there since ~2016 (yes, pre-Alyx).