Assassin's Creed: Shadows releases on Steam with CCU of ~65k (highest series launch on the platform)

Predict AC: Shadows Peak CCU

  • Less than 50k

    Votes: 77 33.6%
  • 50k - 100k

    Votes: 121 52.8%
  • 100k - 200k

    Votes: 20 8.7%
  • Above 200k

    Votes: 11 4.8%

  • Total voters


Straight from what article? Was it written by a historian or some random internet guy? Source it.

Even in the wiki they mention yasuke was a servant of italian jesuite

Whats even more sad is, whole "samurai life " of yasuke wasnt even full 2 years, coz he came to japan in 1579, but only met obunaga in 1581, and as we know he got sent back to jesuites in 1582...

Again straight form wiki:
On 27 March 1581, Valignano, together with Luís Fróis, who had arrived in Japan earlier, had an audience with Nobunaga, and Yasuke is said to have accompanied them as an attendant.[9]
U can tell how low yasuke's status was from this description:
Luís Fróis's Annual Report on Japan states that Nobunaga also longed to see a black man, and summoned him.[6] Fr. Organtino took Yasuke to Nobunaga, who upon seeing a black man for the first time, refused to believe that his skin color was natural and not applied later, and made him remove his clothes from the belt upwards.[21] Suspecting that Yasuke might have ink on his body, Nobunaga made him undress and wash his body, but the more Yasuke was washed and scrubbed, the darker his skin became.[23][24] Nobunaga's children attended the event and one of his nephews gave Yasuke money.
His actual height was not even 6feet btw:
Yasuke next appears in historical records on 11 May 1582. The Ietada Diary of Matsudaira Ietada, a vassal of Tokugawa Ieyasu, mentions that Yasuke accompanied Nobunaga on his inspection tour of the region after he destroyed his long-time arch-enemy, the Takeda clan of Kai.[9][10] The description of 11 May 1582 states:

Nobunaga-sama was accompanied by a black man who was presented to him by the missionaries and to whom he gave a stipend. His body was black like ink and he was 6 shaku 2 bu [182.4 cm or near 6 feet] tall. His name was said to be Yasuke.

And like mentioned, his "samurai life episode" was extremly short, again official info from the wiki:
On 21 June 1582, Oda Nobunaga was betrayed and attacked by his senior vassal Akechi Mitsuhide at Honnō-ji temple in Kyoto, an event known as the Honnō-ji incident. At the time of the attack, Nobunaga was accompanied by a retinue of about 30 followers, including Yasuke. They fought but were defeated by the Akechi's forces, and Nobunaga committed seppuku.[1][34]

On the same day, after his lord's death, Yasuke joined the forces of Nobutada, Nobunaga's eldest son and heir, who was garrisoned at the nearby Nijō-goshō imperial villa. They fought against the Akechi clan but were overwhelmed. Yasuke was captured by Mitsuhide's vassals, then sent to the Jesuits by Mitsuhide who suggested that because Yasuke was not Japanese, his life should be spared.[1][34]

So tldr: whole yosuke's life as samurai was 14 fricken months, and he still managed to disgrace himself at the end of it by not commiting suicide, proper way of any samuray to keep his honor after defeat.
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Neo Member

+11% today – surely a good sign for sales?
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Their source is literally wikipedia. Go to the Yasuke wikipedia page (that has been altered about 50,000 times in the last year) and find me where they say he was a slave.

The article even calls Yasuke a samurai.

In 1581, Yasuke was elevated to the rank of samurai

So, which is it?

Come On What GIF by MOODMAN
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Their source is literally wikipedia. Go to the Yasuke wikipedia page (that has been altered about 50,000 times in the last year) and find me where they say he was a slave.

The article even calls Yasuke a samurai.

In 1581, Yasuke was elevated to the rank of samurai

So, which is it?

Come On What GIF by MOODMAN
He got given a freebie from oda nobunaga, indeed, w/o any proper training/mentality or living that lifestyle, and we know he had no mentality since year after that, when his mentality got tested, he disgraced himself.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
He got given a freebie from oda nobunaga, indeed, w/o any proper training/mentality or living that lifestyle, and we know he had no mentality since year after that, when his mentality got tested, he disgraced himself.
There was no such thing as "that lifestyle". Samurai was a class. They were servants of lords. Some were warriors. Some were bureaucrats who never threw a punch. There was no mental fortitude required. Stop that.

It’s also funny you keep saying he was "disgraced" when Akechi Mitsuhide later fought Hideyoshi’s forces, lost, and fled the battle, but was caught and killed. Yasuke stayed behind and fought, presumably got surrounded, and surrendered. That’s far more virtuous than running away.

Regardless, your bias is so blatant it’s not even worth discussing. You’re not discussing from an objective or informed point of view, so have it and keep being angry at your masculine Japanese samurai not being in the game.


There was no such thing as "that lifestyle". Samurai was a class. They were servants of lords. Some were warriors. Some were bureaucrats who never threw a punch. There was no mental fortitude required. Stop that.

It’s also funny you keep saying he was "disgraced" when Akechi Mitsuhide later fought Hideyoshi’s forces, lost, and fled the battle, but was caught and killed. Yasuke stayed behind and fought, presumably got surrounded, and surrendered. That’s far more virtuous than running away.

Regardless, your bias is so blatant it’s not even worth discussing. You’re not discussing from an objective or informed point of view, so have it and keep being angry at your masculine Japanese samurai not being in the game.
When we playing AC:S, we arent playing samurai "bureucrats who never threw a punch" do we?
Its like nowadays we do have female soldiers, just it so happens none are put on the frontlines, they are technically soldiers too ofc, just the boring no risk involved ones :D


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
When we playing AC:S, we arent playing samurai "bureucrats who never threw a punch" do we?
Its like nowadays we do have female soldiers, just it so happens none are put on the frontlines, they are technically soldiers too ofc, just the boring no risk involved ones :D
The point is, your definition of samurai is pure fantasy. The very guy you said disgraced Yasuke ran away from a battle. Do you want me to start showing you the number of battles in which samurai fled following a rout? There are tons of them, so calling Yasuke "a disgrace" for surrendering in the face of overwhelming odds is nothing short of farcical when most samurai didn’t even commit sepppuku anyway.

Once again, samurai were a class who served lords and did a myriad of different things. Your honorable warrior who killed himself following a defeat is mostly modern-day propaganda. Not saying it didn’t happen, but most samurai didn’t practice that ritual.

Lokaum D+

The point is, your definition of samurai is pure fantasy. The very guy you said disgraced Yasuke ran away from a battle. Do you want me to start showing you the number of battles in which samurai fled following a rout? There are tons of them, so calling Yasuke "a disgrace" for surrendering in the face of overwhelming odds is nothing short of farcical when most samurai didn’t even commit sepppuku anyway.

Once again, samurai were a class who served lords and did a myriad of different things. Your honorable warrior who killed himself following a defeat is mostly modern-day propaganda. Not saying it didn’t happen, but most samurai didn’t practice that ritual.
2 western dudes arguing about samurai's honor, god i love internet
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The point is, your definition of samurai is pure fantasy. The very guy you said disgraced Yasuke ran away from a battle. Do you want me to start showing you the number of battles in which samurai fled following a rout? There are tons of them, so calling Yasuke "a disgrace" for surrendering in the face of overwhelming odds is nothing short of farcical when most samurai didn’t even commit sepppuku anyway.

Once again, samurai were a class who served lords and did a myriad of different things. Your honorable warrior who killed himself following a defeat is mostly modern-day propaganda. Not saying it didn’t happen, but most samurai didn’t practice that ritual.
Question here is- do players wanna play as such kind of samurai? Were there any other samurai examples who behaved honorable, had plethora of achievements, skills and proved themselfs over battlefields in feudal japan? Ofc, yet ubisoft, being stupid woke fucks, decided we cant play as those, instead they gave us black protag with 0 achievements...


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
2 western dudes arguing about samurai's honor, god i love internet
We need to be Japanese-born to discuss Japanese history? Would you say the same thing if were talking about the Roman Empire?
Question here is- do players wanna play as such kind of samurai? Were there any other samurai examples who behaved honorable, had plethora of achievements, skills and proved themselfs over battlefields in feudal japan? Ofc, yet ubisoft, being stupid woke fucks, decided we cant play as those, instead they gave us black protag with 0 achievements...
So far, all protagonists have been fictional. Their excuse is they used Yasuke because his history was unknown enough to take liberties with the missing information.

For the record, I would have preferred a native Japanese like Jin Sakai, or even perhaps a Korean-born samurai, but I ain’t getting bent out of shape over Yasuke. I do think they used him for DEI points, but that ship has sailed, and at least, they don’t beat us over the head about racism and shit like that. Not like Veilguard where characters decide to use they/them for one of the main party members, and yes, I know there is a nonbinary romance option. That’s every bit as cringe, but at least it’s optional.


We need to be Japanese-born to discuss Japanese history? Would you say the same thing if were talking about the Roman Empire?
I just it seems pointless because we know next to nothing about Yasuke, and most of what we do know is fabricated, so arguing about what he did or didn't do seems fruitless. Wikipedia is still using Thomas Lockley as a source, and he's a fraud, who made this stuff up to sell books. And if you follow the rabbit hole, since he was the preeminent Yasuke authority, you can probably trace back 99% of the stuff said by other people to him as well.

Type in "what do we really know about Yasuke" in Google. The first hit is Wikipedia, which is tainted. The second hit is Britannica, who sources Thomas Lockley and Wikipedia. The third hit is The Smithsonian, which, again, sources the same shit. The third hit is Time "The true story of Yasuke"...oops. They're on the Thomas Lockley scam train as well.

So, basically, even if you find a source that isn't Tomas Lockey, they're either sourcing him or sourcing someone who sourced him. And the worst part is, people trust Britannica, they trust the Smithsonian, so the lies only keep spreading and eventually they will become fact.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
I just it seems pointless because we know next to nothing about Yasuke, and most of what we do know is fabricated, so arguing about what he did or didn't do seems fruitless. Wikipedia is still using Thomas Lockley as a source, and he's a fraud, who made this stuff up to sell books. And if you follow the rabbit hole, since he was the preeminent Yasuke authority, you can probably trace back 99% of the stuff said by other people to him as well.

Type in "what do we really know about Yasuke" in Google. The first hit is Wikipedia, which is tainted. The second hit is Britannica, who sources Thomas Lockley and Wikipedia. The third hit is The Smithsonian, which, again, sources the same shit. The third hit is Time "The true story of Yasuke"...oops. They're on the Thomas Lockley scam train as well.

So, basically, even if you find a source that isn't Tomas Lockey, they're either sourcing him or sourcing someone who sourced him. And the worst part is, people trust Britannica, they trust the Smithsonian, so the lies only keep spreading and eventually they will become fact.
Untrue. The information we are discussing isn’t from Thomas Lockley. It’s sourced from contemporary accounts, letters, or Japanese sources, not Lockley’s fantasy.


Now is our time of weakness. We will hide from you. Hide under the old dead trees like bugs.

Then in a few weeks or months Ubisoft may be forced to report that despite strong word of mouth, the game underperformed internal expectations.

Then we will come crawling back out. Enjoy the time this game has in the sun before the other shoe drops. Perhaps it will last forever, perhaps you have won this one. We saw this play out with Failguard, so we shall see.
Morgan Freeman Good Luck GIF
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We need to be Japanese-born to discuss Japanese history? Would you say the same thing if were talking about the Roman Empire?

The thing is, the British propagan... I mean, history researchers, are known for their fantasy tales.

They made up lot of shit about middle-Age Spain (from the Spanish flu, which wasn't even Spanish) to the "genocide" in America's discovery. All those lies have been repeated ad nauseam by the anglosaxon sphere. So no, I'm not believing a single word about this Yasuke persona if the only sources are English-speaking. There's a high chance that the guy didn't even exist, let alone become a samurai, which sounds more like Hollywood material.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
The thing is, the British propagan... I mean, history researchers, are known for their fantasy tales.

They made up lot of shit about middle-Age Spain (from the Spanish flu, which wasn't even Spanish) to the "genocide" in America's discovery. All those lies have been repeated ad nauseam by the anglosaxon sphere. So no, I'm not believing a single word about this Yasuke persona if the only sources are English-speaking. There's a high chance that the guy didn't even exist, let alone become a samurai, which sounds more like Hollywood material.
They are mostly Portuguese and Japanese sources.


Writes a lot, says very little
I believe EDMIX is attempting to point out the logical mistake in using the argument that because a game (Veilguard) topped the sellers chart on its release day it must have done better than the games below it in that chart overall (Black Ops 6 in this case).

Ok, but you don't really know Ubisoft's sales expectations for this game though and Ubisoft likely will play the long game with content and discounts and many skus like the Switch 2 version or something as their goal might merely be to move units over a long amount of time like you saw with AC Valhalla, that didn't just move 20 million units in 1 day or 1 week or anything wild or a few months

COD might be able to do that, same with FIFA and Madden, but AC is not the same as those games, thus the publishers EXPECTATIONS likely are in check based on the history of what that IP normally does, not what fucking COD or GTA or Monster Hunter is selling

Those are different IP

Thats like saying Capcom should be ashamed cause they didn't move 11 million units in 1 day like GTAV or something weird like that lol
That is a different thing from what I've said. Sales expectations can be estimated accurately especially in a public company. We may not know the exact number but we can use past data to give us an idea where the range is. E.g If Vallhalla had X budget than gets Y total sales for "profit" and Shadows is doubling the budget, then we can conclude we need around double the sales to make up for X difference. MH acts as a benchmark to see how fast sales pet day and clearly Ubisoft is not meeting that. If I was an investor looking at these numbers, I would've been betting on CAPCOM instead.


Writes a lot, says very little
That is a different thing from what I've said. Sales expectations can be estimated accurately especially in a public company.

I agree, which is probably why they would have their expectations based on actual AC titles...

So MH can't act as a "benchmark" for a different IP anymore then GTA can't for another IP...

It makes no sense.

So clearly Capcom didn't meet that GTAV benchmark, thus failed. Back to the drawing board, they might go out of business after this, who knows / s
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Now is our time of weakness. We will hide from you. Hide under the old dead trees like bugs.

Then in a few weeks or months Ubisoft may be forced to report that despite strong word of mouth, the game underperformed internal expectations.

Then we will come crawling back out. Enjoy the time this game has in the sun before the other shoe drops. Perhaps it will last forever, perhaps you have won this one. We saw this play out with Failguard, so we shall see.
Morgan Freeman Good Luck GIF
Touch fucking grass.
I agree, which is probably why they would have their expectations based on actual AC titles...

So MH can't act as a "benchmark" for a different IP anymore then GTA can't for another IP...

It makes no sense.

So clearly Capcom didn't meet that GTAV benchmark, thus failed. Back to the drawing board, they might go out of business after this, who knows / s
***There should be a reaction for question marks because this is the 2nd time you're misunderstanding my argument.

Question? Do you have a large stock purchased on Ubisoft? Your defense of them is not like the average consumer.
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