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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011

Did anyone find the second fight with ghirahim as fun as i did...man that was a blast. whats next...anyone tell me what to expect coming up?
Tha second battle was a blast. About what's next?... Well and I won't say much but
the last 2 boss fights are freaking awesome. Even though the final battle was fantastic and that's all I'll say about that, the second to last battle is my favorite in the whole game


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I finally rebeat TP after finishing SS, it helped me further clarify a lot of issues I have with SS, along with showing what actual jumps the game made here for the better. The most obvious thing seems like it'd be combat, but I actually didn't have any issues with this. Losing the sword stuff was actually nothing big to adjust to, it was more the stamina meter. I really like how fast you can get around in SS, by running up the side of a wall near a slope instead of going around. Climbing in TP takes f.o.r.e.v.e.r without being able to leap like in SS. The actual walk speed is faster, though, so TP still moves at a fast pace. Except with swimming, which is also unbearably slow in TP.

+/-: Combat Pros and Cons - SS combat is fun and satisfying, but the more I think about it the more I don't want it to become the new standard for Zelda. To its credit, this may be because SS simply didn't expand on the ideas enough. Enemy variation is a giant issue in SS, and it stands out much more when I replayed TP. For comparison sake, SS has ~43 enemy types. TP has ~74, damn near DOUBLING the output here. Seeing the numbers might make people wonder how that's possible, and it's mostly due to a lot of the weak things that never stick out. So yeah, that number is counting things like fire slugs that fall off the ceiling and every variation of Keese, but this still applies to SS as well. Each type of frog thing that shoots out of the water(4 types), multiple Keese variants, the "enemies" in the silent realm, etc. TP has new sets of enemies in every dungeon that fit the theme, like the frog guys in bubbles for the Lakebed temple you need to grapple out of the bubble, or the charging creatures with a shell on top you can either attack from behind or grapple off. SS is just loaded with bobolkins everywhere you go, with a few new types showing up usually in the Lanaryu areas.

Now you might say SS isn't TP, so there's no point in comparing them with everything, but to me it just feels like a step backwards. SS can be its own thing, and the enemy variety still stuck out to me. It only got worse when I really went back.

Furthering on that, that's of course the actual killing the enemy parts. I still think SS is far too easy, though it's sortof heading in the right direction. Enemies can actually do damage now which is great and all, but most of the enemies still fail to pose a threat. Once you eventually reach a point where you stop focusing so much on precision, you see that a lot of enemies just get stuck in blockstun no matter what you do. It's satisfying to kill Deku Babas now, but I'm sure everyone has had a moment where they miss multiple times and they just flip out on it, and what happens? You keep hitting the outer shell of the flower, it then retracts back to the neutral state and opens its mouth again. There's no penalty against a lot of the common enemies for "missing", you can keep hitting them and they don't retaliate. This is only remedied by a few types of enemies, Lizalfos being the most notable...and really, the only one that commonly appears. Stalfos are rarely in the game and pose as minibosses in dungeons, Darknuts are nowhere to be found, things like that just stuck out to me. Most of the combat in the game with the bobolkins never changes, you can just freak out on them and they'll eventually get hit and never attack. Then the electric ones come and you can just not Z target them and watch as they don't block.

So I really wanted to see this taken further and is why I'm not sure if I'm behind the SS controls. I've seen posts of people saying they got wrecked by Lizalfos, but they still have an extremely simple pattern and only counter attack if you mess up during the taunt. So maybe they were just too afraid to have more enemies that were truly daunting to fight appear on the regular basis. A moment that sticks in my head is at the start of the game when you acquire the shield and go into the training room, he says the shield bash is great to give yourself an opening on enemies who relentlessly attack which actually got my hopes up. But there's never an enemy that attacks like this, though the shield bash is good to open up pretty much ever enemy. I liked the way you killed Beamos, I loved when
a Skulltula lands on the floor, and you have to swing the sword upwards to flip it. Extremely clever, but was a one off kind of deal that I didn't see happen much. I loved the fights with Ghirahim, the way you can constantly stay in his face, angle your sword slices to repel all of the things he shoots at you,
they had good stuff sprinkled throughout, but overall I'm just not sure about if they want to take it far enough. I loved all the moves you learned in TP, especially if they made the enemies in that game more aggressive and more damaging to force you to use all the combat moves on a regular basis, I think they just have more potential by mixing that with WW's enemy weapon pickups compared to the stuff they showed me in SS.

-: The Sky - Nothing in the game was such a letdown compared to this. The first thing I did when I got out of Skyloft was fly all around and land all over the place. Man, what a crushing impression that left! All the time spent, absolutely jack to find. Completely empty islands all over the place to make way for Goddess Cubes later, an island that houses a minigame way later in the game, another minigame island, and the pumpkin place. If they had more random offshoot areas like that, it might have actually salvaged itself, but nope. I still stuck out hope
that the thunderhead area was going to be cool when it finally opened
, which was another heart breaking moment. Even worse if how you have to fly to this damn area as far away as possible, with nothingness inbetween it. Just a literal time sink for no reason. They also have random tornadoes that pose no threat and just throw you off the bird you can immediately call back. Again, bad in its own right, and just gets worse when compared to TP. Hyrule field gets a lot of flack for being empty here, but it still has a lot of side area caves to uncover that lead to heart pieces, split paths in complete darkness that need the torch to see, etc. Even if you don't like it, you get the ability to warp before you even see all of it, so you can literally avoid ever using it. SS warping is just dumb, and again forces you to fly for no reason. I actually loved the sea in Wind Waker, and Skies of Arcadia was one of my favorite games, so if it was even anywhere close to the feeling of discovery I got from those, I'd be in heaven. But no, nothing here but ugly whiteness with random chunks of rock thrown about.

+Skyloft: One thing the game definitely did right for me was the actual town here. It has a lot of faces, a lot to do, and the game cleverly uses it throughout the game to continue progressing. MM is my absolute favorite Zelda, and even if this doesn't come anywhere close to Clock Town, it's at the very least the closest they've come since then.

++Bosses: Another area SS shines are the boss encounters. There's really not all that much to say, they were all just really fun to take down, aside from the dungeon 3 one which was hilariously easy. A first boss that can actually hurt you bad was great to see.

---------------------------------------Fi: I cannot say enough about this horrendous character. I already have said a ton throughout the thread, but CHRIST. She ruined three puzzles for me without any of my feedback, repeats what NPCs JUST said. Why? Have her tell you the objective when you actually summon her, this way if you put the game down for awhile you still remember where to go--she does this already(as does every other zelda helper), so having her repeat the exact shit you were just told helps nobody, wastes time. She is always telling you "crucial information". If I'm 4 dungeons in, why am I being told that the boss door holds something important behind it? Not only does the map show this, but the fact that it's a bigass door with the same type of lock on it gives it away. If someone really has no idea, have Fi come out and tell you this when you interact with the door without a key, this would cater to the people out there who can't seem to understand this(if they even exist), and wouldn't force every player to stop in their tracks to be regurgitated this crap.

Okay, I hit 3 hearts and I hear the always annoying zelda beep. "Oh, her head's flashing and she has something to say! Maybe it has some tip on how to fight the enemy that's kicking my ass?" - This seems, to me, what someone would think in this situation. Oh, I have 3 hearts. Awesome. The beeping is indicative of this already, so it's another example of Fi's redundancy. I don't think a casual zelda player is mentally retarded, the beeping noise and link's pants tell it all. You do not need to have Fi pop up here, it only serves to confuse players thinking they're actually getting a helpful tip. Bonus on this is that on the Pro HUD her head and the whole dpad stay and impose on you until you have her tell you about this. Bonus on top of the bonus is the slow text speed is even slower than usual and can't be sped up at all when she says this.

I already liked Midna, but after seeing this horrible shit, I love her. She comes out without your input once in the first dungeon in TP, and you're doing far more complex things in here compared to the first couple of SS dungeons. Her hints are quick and filled with her attitude. It's just such a vast difference I can't even hammer this in enough, she is the ideal zelda helper; both a character you like and a guide. Fi is a shitty guide and a shitty character, whose existence is literally a huge detriment to the game she's a part of.

-Minor Issues Become Major: People complained about picking up rupees the first time you started up TP, because it made link sheath everything, hold the rupee up, and have the game tell you the vaule. This happens for the blue(5), yellow(10), and red(20), so three times per session. It's a single text box, but it still shouldn't happen. Now take that problem and pump it full of steroids. All of the bugs and items in SS not only have a longer, slower text box, but the game then opens up the menu, adds a number to the total, then closes it. 3 times bad? Try 36. This has no right being as annoying as it is. There were actually times when it was late at night where I was considering playing SS for around 30 minutes before going to bed, and this stupid design decision actually made me not even bother. I knew I would just get a bunch of notifications, make barely any progress, then restart the next day and get renotified about the same crap.

The text speed is so slow. Why? Why did they take a giant leap from the old games and slow it so much? Why does holding A speed it up by just the tiniest amount as if the game is taunting you? I don't care if they want to make certain characters talk extremely slowly, they've done that in the past. Light spirits in TP have each individual letter pop up, but you can still make the text instantly appear. This is going to be a major drag when replaying the game, and is going to make the intro even worse compared to TP on a replay.

There's a lot of good to say about SS, of course. I like the visual style(horrible looking vertical lines all over my screen in the sky and dark areas not considering...), the characters, the general plot, the music suited the game as I played though I don't find it that memorable, etc. I like the dungeons, but they were for the most part far too simplistic to me. I just feel like SS is full of missed potential, with the controls, fi, the actual upgrading system...just all around the game, I feel it should be much better than it really is. I overall like the game, but at the same time it just has a lot of absurb shit in it that I feel I'm only letting fly because "it's zelda". My 3D rankings for now are MM > TP > OoT > SS > WW. Even saying I liked the ocean in WW, that game similarly screamed out on lost potential to me. I do need to replay it sometime soon and it may even switch with SS with my current feelings.


-Minor Issues Become Major: People complained about picking up rupees the first time you started up TP, because it made link sheath everything, hold the rupee up, and have the game tell you the vaule. This happens for the blue(5), yellow(10), and red(20), so three times per session. It's a single text box, but it still shouldn't happen. Now take that problem and pump it full of steroids. All of the bugs and items in SS not only have a longer, slower text box, but the game then opens up the menu, adds a number to the total, then closes it. 3 times bad? Try 36. This has no right being as annoying as it is. There were actually times when it was late at night where I was considering playing SS for around 30 minutes before going to bed, and this stupid design decision actually made me not even bother. I knew I would just get a bunch of notifications, make barely any progress, then restart the next day and get renotified about the same crap.

Though I agree this is absolutely unnecessary, I still can't believe stuff like this actually makes people quit... wow.

I guess Nintendo really should patch this as well.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Though I agree this is absolutely unnecessary, I still can't believe stuff like this actually makes people quit... wow.

I guess Nintendo really should patch this as well.

It's not that it made me quit, it's just that at times I neglected to play the game for a short session because of it.


looks like the final version to me
Funny guy. You know they were absolutely right, don't you? That on the show floor there was no such issue?

And the final shipping version was even better. The only problem I had that wasn't my fault was drift.
Screw that Pumpkin Pull kid. He always throws a pumpkin at a different angle as soon as I get into a groove. Finally got to 600, though, and didn't feel bad about taking his hard-earned money the other tries.

Really screw that Fun Fun Island guy, though. The only heart piece I have left to get and am not looking forward to all the tries it is going to take.


Screw that Pumpkin Pull kid. He always throws a pumpkin at a different angle as soon as I get into a groove. Finally got to 600, though, and didn't feel bad about taking his hard-earned money the other tries.

Really screw that Fun Fun Island guy, though. The only heart piece I have left to get and am not looking forward to all the tries it is going to take.
After you go through all the rings, do the steepest nosedive the game allows towards the opposite end of where the 50 currently is. Worked for me.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Ugh the
Sandship boss
was terrible. They went from one of my favorite bosses so far in a Zelda game,
to this stupid
Monsters Inc castoff, with dreadlocks.

I actually didn't mind the
escort mission
, but the
3rd silent realm
was just annoying with the

Luckily I'm on the next dungeon and I'm hoping it's going to be good. Should be done with the game by the end of next week.


Ugh the
Sandship boss
was terrible. They went from one of my favorite boss so far in a Zelda game,
to this stupid
Monsters Inc castoff, with dreadlocks.
I agree that the design wasn't so great, but the actual fight and atmosphere was easily one of my favourites in the game.
Just finished dungeon number three. Maybe I'm just slow to pick up, but the Motion+ sword controls really clicked for me on the boss battle for this dungeon. Still hate stabbing forward with a passion, though.

Also, after the dungeon.. Holy
exposition. Can't recall a Zela game with such a long period of pure story (other than the endings of games). Quite a change of pace. Interested to see where this is going, and I know it's still not the original story in the world, but I like what they're doing with Zelda being on her own quest.

Also, am I at the point where the game has the potential of breaking? I
have to go find the three flames for the sword.. and I'm supposed to go to the desert last, correct?
Didn't mind that one at all compared to the others. Got it on my 8th or 9th try. Pumpkin Pull took a bit more than that (but I like using the bow and got a bunch of rupees/treasure so it wasn't that bad) and I still need to do Fun Fun Island.

Fun Fun Island was pretty easy for me after a couple tries. But the roller coaster controls just do not seem responsive. I can't seem to make the wiimote do what I want it to.


Fun Fun Island was pretty easy for me after a couple tries. But the roller coaster controls just do not seem responsive. I can't seem to make the wiimote do what I want it to.
Worked like a charm for me. Perhaps you're holding the Remote at a different angle. Try holding it parallel to the ground and turning it on its Z-axis.


Another thing which makes the combat worse imo is that it's way to artifical (like every other part of the game...). Meaning that every enemy is basically telling you "now hit me here, oops, too late, now hit me here" and so on. This may be fine for something like Wii Sports imo but in an adventure game it totally unimmersive. The best fight in the game imo was the last fight because that was like the only fight where it wasn't TOTALLY obvious what to do.

The extreme route in the other direction would be something like God of War I guess where every enemy behaves like an actual enemy and not like a sparrings partner for some amateur sword fighter. One may say that God of War sacrifices gameplay for the cinematic experience in some situations (QTEs) and this may be right, but damn, it's God of War, it's a huge epic adventure and it's supposed to be cinematic and therefore more immersive. I think enemy behavior and the way the whole combat is setup really doesn't help to make SS feel more...evolved. It's too gamey for it's own good.


Finally got to play this and I'm kind of happy and kind of dissatisfied. The controls are a step up from past iterations, but rapid movements aren't properly recognised, which is annoying in battles with spiders or many enemies.

I've only played the first dungeon right now and if the other dungeons are like this, I'll like them. Saving at different spots instead of starting from the beginning makes life much easier.
Also, am I at the point where the game has the potential of breaking? I
have to go find the three flames for the sword.. and I'm supposed to go to the desert last, correct?

No, you aren't. After the
you have to get
three parts of a song, just don't go to the desert first and you will be fine


Another thing which makes the combat worse imo is that it's way to artifical (like every other part of the game...). Meaning that every enemy is basically telling you "now hit me here, oops, too late, now hit me here" and so on. This may be fine for something like Wii Sports imo but in an adventure game it totally unimmersive. The best fight in the game imo was the last fight because that was like the only fight where it wasn't TOTALLY obvious what to do.

The extreme route in the other direction would be something like God of War I guess where every enemy behaves like an actual enemy and not like a sparrings partner for some amateur sword fighter. One may say that God of War sacrifices gameplay for the cinematic experience in some situations (QTEs) and this may be right, but damn, it's God of War, it's a huge epic adventure and it's supposed to be cinematic and therefore more immersive. I think enemy behavior and the way the whole combat is setup really doesn't help to make SS feel more...evolved. It's too gamey for it's own good.

God of war can be it's own game yet Zelda can't?
I have done that, but perhaps I'll check out some youtube videos or something.

This may sound extremely stupid, but try blocking the IR sensor from the Wiimote.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
After watching my twelve year old sister who has beaten Okami on her own struggle with getting through Faron woods and actually paying attention to things the game is displaying on the screen right in front of her I begin to understand Nintendo's design a bit more...
Beat the 6th dungeon last night and
re-imprisoned The Imprisoned with the help of The Groosenator. Also, went back in time, found out that the orange crystal in the Sealed Temple was Zelda this whole time and now I have to find the Triforce in Skyloft.



After watching my twelve year old sister who has beaten Okami on her own struggle with getting through Faron woods and actually paying attention to things the game is displaying on the screen right in front of her I begin to understand Nintendo's design a bit more...

When UI treats people like idiots, they tend to start ignoring it.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Man, just... just fuck the Dragons. Fuck them. This game would have been so much better without them. Fuck them up the arse. I just finished the Faron Woods section and the game has been brought to a screeching halt. I don't wanna complete this game anymore.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
SkyWard Sword is probably the worst Zelda game I've played. Every part of the game challenges me to hate it. Every element taunts me to despise it. The game is a horrible, insidious exercise in torture. It's as if the game wants me to participate in any number of awful activities that seeks to destroy my enjoyment of video games.

I feel as if tadtone collecting is part of some arcane ritual to destroy video gaming at its root. Skyward Sword is an awful game full of trivial crap and horrific side quests.

Long distance travel is punishment, side quests are repetitive, and the game seemed to try to find ways to make me hate it.

I really wish I was a man of extremes. Then I could at least say that I exaggerated.

At this point, my roommate is finishing the game, because I'm fucking fed up with it. Fuck this game.
SkyWard Sword is probably the worst Zelda game I've played. Every part of the game challenges me to hate it. Every element taunts me to despise it. The game is a horrible, insidious exercise in torture. It's as if the game wants me to participate in any number of awful activities that seeks to destroy my enjoyment of video games.

I feel as if tadtone collecting is part of some arcane ritual to destroy video gaming at its root. Skyward Sword is an awful game full of trivial crap and horrific side quests.

Long distance travel is punishment, side quests are repetitive, and the game seemed to try to find ways to make me hate it.

I really wish I was a man of extremes. Then I could at least say that I exaggerated.

At this point, my roommate is finishing the game, because I'm fucking fed up with it. Fuck this game.

Hmm, I really liked it.
i just remembered how much of a dick fledge becomes around the end of the game. at first, hes like the shy nerdy kid who you feel bad for and then near the end he becomes a cocky douchebag

SkyWard Sword is probably the worst Zelda game I've played. Every part of the game challenges me to hate it. Every element taunts me to despise it. The game is a horrible, insidious exercise in torture. It's as if the game wants me to participate in any number of awful activities that seeks to destroy my enjoyment of video games.

I feel as if tadtone collecting is part of some arcane ritual to destroy video gaming at its root. Skyward Sword is an awful game full of trivial crap and horrific side quests.

Long distance travel is punishment, side quests are repetitive, and the game seemed to try to find ways to make me hate it.

I really wish I was a man of extremes. Then I could at least say that I exaggerated.

At this point, my roommate is finishing the game, because I'm fucking fed up with it. Fuck this game.

thank you for elaborating


SkyWard Sword is probably the worst Zelda game I've played. Every part of the game challenges me to hate it. Every element taunts me to despise it. The game is a horrible, insidious exercise in torture. It's as if the game wants me to participate in any number of awful activities that seeks to destroy my enjoyment of video games.

I feel as if tadtone collecting is part of some arcane ritual to destroy video gaming at its root. Skyward Sword is an awful game full of trivial crap and horrific side quests.

Long distance travel is punishment, side quests are repetitive, and the game seemed to try to find ways to make me hate it.

I really wish I was a man of extremes. Then I could at least say that I exaggerated.

At this point, my roommate is finishing the game, because I'm fucking fed up with it. Fuck this game.

Haha. You should have sold it before your feelings got this out of control. Like I did.


From the funny gaming .gifs thread.

I wonder if this is the exact moment they changed form IR aiming to the motion plus...

This basically summarizes the 6 or 7 hours I spent with the game.

Edit: Yeesh...I'm not trying to be a Negative Nancy with two back-to-back posts like this. Just couldn't figure out how to consolidate them or delete one.


This basically summarizes the 6 or 7 hours I spent with the game.
1. You must have been hilariously bad at it then, as that is not how the game plays. (aren't you the guy who couldn't even fly above the clouds? wow.)

2. We get it, you don't like the game. You've stated many times now, and it's fine to express your opinion (even if yours is one of the... less credible ones). But the fact that you keep returning to this thread only to shit it up is obnoxious.
I thought Skyward Sword was a good game, but not a great game like I expected it to be. I'm still looking forward to the next Zelda, but I am entirely ambivalent about motion controls at this point. Here's hoping it only gets better.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Oh my fucking God. This endgame. This motherfucking endgame. Holy fucking shit.

I'm not ready for the final boss. I need to DO SIDEQUESTS FIRST FUCK YEAH.

The Water Dragon sucks twice as hard as the Thunder Dragon rocks.

Atleast three times, really.


Screw that Pumpkin Pull kid. He always throws a pumpkin at a different angle as soon as I get into a groove. Finally got to 600, though, and didn't feel bad about taking his hard-earned money the other tries.

Really screw that Fun Fun Island guy, though. The only heart piece I have left to get and am not looking forward to all the tries it is going to take.

I feel bad.. On my normal playthrough I landed on the 50 ruppee spot and got all the rings on my first try. I didn't even know the guy offered a Heart Piece! :)

Fi tells you that you can do this if you Z-target him.
Shows how much I don't use Fi. I think its due to the awkward D-pad control for her while in battle.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Hmm, I really liked it.

And it's wonderful if you did. I wrote that post out of sheer frustration. I'm so done with the game. I just put down the wiimote and walked out of my living room, went to my other TV, and played some Ace Combat.

It actually makes me really sad that I hate it so much. I love Zelda, and I want to love SS. The game is just so god damn unfun to me.


I also bought it now and so far I like it. I started this game with barely any exceptations and so far I think that it didn't surprise me positively, but I quite enjoyed it. It already had some bad parts (finding these three Kikiwis or whatever they are called), but also really great parts (getting the Skyward Sword).
The controls don't give me real problems, but I am still not that good - but I can tell that it is precise. Never had to recalibrate so far. I like the music, Fis theme is quite beautiful.

Its too bad Rare made people hate collect-o-tons so much. Its really a fine design feature.
I still love the collect-a-thons in the Rare games, but I think finding the Kikiwis is already a bad example of that. It wasn't really fun, but I can't really tell why. Maybe it's the dowsing you always have to use to find at least one hint where to search.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Its too bad Rare made people hate collect-o-tons so much. Its really a fine design feature.

The gameplay elements of it can be perfectly fine, the issue I have with it in SS isn't even on the actual playing end. It's all in the way it completely screws up the pacing they build up.


I still love the collect-a-thons in the Rare games, but I think finding the Kikiwis is already a bad example of that. It wasn't really fun, but I can't really tell why. Maybe it's the dowsing you always have to use to find at least one hint where to search.

Finding the Kikiwi was awesome. Mainly because I wasn't looking for them. I was just having fun playing around with and learning the new mechanics of the game while moving through a forest at my own pace. By doing that I found 3 out of the 4. Dowsed for the last. That part only turns into a fetch-quest if you make it one.


You know what, I was searching for a fitting analogy the longest time but maybe I found i tnow.

If Portal 2 is Lego...than Zelda is like DUPLO. Feels like it. ;D


Its too bad Rare made people hate collect-o-tons so much. Its really a fine design feature.

You're giving Rare too much credit. Their massive overuse of collectathons and the fact that they were the only non-Nintendo dev of note on the N64 made people *realize* how much they hate collectathons.

Finding the Kikiwi was awesome. Mainly because I wasn't looking for them. I was just having fun playing around with and learning the new mechanics of the game while moving through a forest at my own pace. By doing that I found 3 out of the 4. Dowsed for the last. That part only turns into a fetch-quest if you make it one.

No, it can be "not a fetch-quest" if you make it one. The default mode, and the way the developers clearly intended you to treat it, is that it's a fetch-quest. You're literally arguing against the game's design here (and its mouthpiece, Fi).


No, it can be "not a fetch-quest" if you make it one. The default mode, and the way the developers clearly intended you to treat it, is that it's a fetch-quest. You're literally arguing against the game's design here (and its mouthpiece, Fi).

Wait.. this is what you guys consider fetch quests?

Suddenly everything makes sense.


It's a kind, to be sure. Someone asks you to go 'fetch' something and you do, then you return for a reward or progress. I don't actually have a problem with that one, but in this game in particular these things are used as a means to hand-hold you through exploration that in previous Zelda games you would have done on your own (thanks to dowsing and Fi whining).

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The only true fetch quest in the game is the one before dungeon 4, and coincidentally that's the one segment in the game I disliked the most.

EDIT: Okay, and maybe opening dungeon 6 but that one was so quick.
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