KCox: A: "so, we've potentially contradicted ourselves here..." But civilization could be the one, mentioned on Ilos, that had the planet before the protheans did
What a flop.
Stop calling yourselves artists. It's embarrassing.
Jsun ‏ @jsunakasully
Re: indoctrination theory. They were vague (shocking) but it sounded to me like they were saying anything is possible with the extended end
Jsun Jsun ‏ @jsunakasully
They did say thank you to the community an stressed that they ARE listening to forums, twitter, etc.
Jsun Jsun ‏ @jsunakasully
And it's over. There were some rambling and weak questions that took up too much time. There were clearly people in line who had end ?s
What did you guys want them to say?
What did you guys want them to say?
Ah gotcha.
Just some honesty. Don't act like the dissent doesn't exist. But, again, I said this panel would be a flop with terrible questions a few days ago.What did you guys want them to say?
Haha! There is never not a relevant Seinfeld clip.
It's only partly their fault, should've had more time for questions, and people shouldn't ask stupid questions. But it's Q&A and typically the questions are never good anyways.
They should have screened more, two of those questions weren't actually questions as much as they were someone stating his opinion at Bioware staff to get an official response to his opinion.
They seriously love that word.I think I'm about to have a brain aneurysm from the overwhelming usage of the word 'feedback'.
They've always been vague about it. I don't see a difference here.
KCox: Ilos - statues of tentacle people. "Are those protheans? Because Javik..."
KCox: A: "so, we've potentially contradicted ourselves here..." But civilization could be the one, mentioned on Ilos, that had the planet before the protheans did
So that they don't get any more anger on the BSN from those who believe in it.Yes, but what purpose does being vague NOW give?
Hoo boy.
Apparently, IT isn't as closed as some people would think. The kotaku guy paraphrased things a bit.
Hang on, isn't there dialogue with Javik or someone about how Ilos' ruins weren't Prothean but from a previous race? Did I imagine that?
If IT doesn't happen, we should do some fund raising and a community mod to make it happen. I want the IT to be a fact![]()
Entitled feedback.
"Much of the focus of the Extended Cut is to expand on the variety of consequences of player choices and degrees of success," the spokesperson said, "so, with the new content, the player's choices should result in a much more varied experience."
The new ending content will be woven into the game and should be accessible seamlessly. We were told that players "should be able to grab a save file before the endgame and experience the new content from there."
I hope they'll at least tell us HOW Tali managed to take that picture, since she's outside of her suit, and the Quarian homeworld as lost over 200 years ago...
what happened here?Can't wait for the eventual DA2 style 'retractions' to show up a year from now.
In the original script I think there was some reference to her removing her mask and taking a photograph of her and Shepard with her omnitool, or something, providing she was your LI of course.
Outside? Half-naked and wrapped in a blanket? Not to mention that the picture is clearly taken by somebody else.
Outside? Half-naked and wrapped in a blanket? Not to mention that the picture is clearly taken by somebody else.
Not sure why she'd decide to do the picture outside, but it'd probably not be too bad a risk if she kept the photoshoot brief.
First questioner: when citadel is moved, what happens to everyone on it?
Answer: One of the things in the citadel codex is that anyplace -inside- the citadel has emergency seals, and some exterior areas have emergency seals that can keep atmosphere in. Even if the Citadel is destroyed (which it may or may not be in ending), "is not like the entire things blow up." People on (in) the arms may well still be alive. No reason to assume 100% casualtties
what happened here?
Also, does this mean we have to repeat from cerberus base? I really don'T care to replay the whole section again =/
What happened to the DA panel?The whole Bioware defense employees brought up on the DA2 failures, calling their vision misunderstood and that they could 'understand how DA1 fans might not have been as happy with their vision for DA's future, but hey, we attracted a lot of new fans'.
Skip forward a year, and they start to become a little more 'yeah, we rushed some stuff'.
What happened to the DA panel?