I think we're due for another John Harker drive by 
They're always good.
They're always good.
Come on guys we all know it comes down to how many bits each system is
I think we're due for another John Harker drive by
They're always good.
At the very least it would be a pretty shitty thing to do as Epic themselves have made no public stance.
lol indeed...Although maybe his next drive by will be "Hey guys...no more rumble in the controller. They took it out. Bye."
haha, rumble is so last gen anyway.lol indeed...Although maybe his next drive by will be "Hey guys...no more rumble in the controller. They took it out. Bye."
Are there any Nintendo Gafers living in New York City?
I'm indifferent to just about everything overall, when it all comes down to it. Nintendo games in HD is the only box nintendo really needs to check to get money from a lot of people anyway. Well that and online.
antonz aren't you a dev?
I will just say on a personal level, I hope e3 calms most of this tech spec.
Sure, I am
indeed. More would be great, but no sense if anyone getting worked up, not that anyone here is. E3 is a week away. hyyyyype.I'm at the same point. Just give me Nintendo games in HD a decent online setup and I'll be happy. Decent third party support is just extra at that point.
that's more or less what I was saying!That being barrign Nintendo doing something completely stupid it should run. Will it run sexy enough that Epic would want to demo it? No,No and more No
If my contest ends up happening, I might need someone to pick up some prizes from the Nintendo World Store. (I'm thinking 5 coffee mugs). Would you have the free time?
Come on guys we all know it comes down to how many bits each system is
Unreal Engine 4 is in very few peoples hands at this point compared to what it will be in a year or two. Ive expressed my opinion on UE4 in prior speculation threads. That being barring Nintendo doing something completely stupid it should run. Will it run sexy enough that Epic would want to demo it? No,No and more No
interesting, lol, that being said I was just asking because I was wondering whether you've had any hands on time with the wii u.
Unreal Engine 4 is in very few peoples hands at this point compared to what it will be in a year or two. Ive expressed my opinion on UE4 in prior speculation threads. That being barring Nintendo doing something completely stupid it should run. Will it run sexy enough that Epic would want to demo it? No,No and more No
it's a simple yes or no question.
3.- They'll lower the bar over time to meet a threshold far lower than the Wii U's specifications. (That of smartphones and tablets.)
well yeah, of course. But could Nintendo have really made that much of an oversight?
I consider the wii u to be the first console developed by developers lol. They seem to have had lots of input, it kind of blows me away a bit to think that Nintendo would avoid doing something that would make their console 100% unable to get games that run on what will likely be the defacto engine of next generation once the ball starts rolling.
I know this is nintendo, and nintendo is totally weird. But even that's a hard a one for me to believe, on a human being level.
Unreal Engine 4 is in very few peoples hands at this point compared to what it will be in a year or two. Ive expressed my opinion on UE4 in prior speculation threads. That being barring Nintendo doing something completely stupid it should run. Will it run sexy enough that Epic would want to demo it? No,No and more No
Most of my time is developing ideas and concepts. I am moderately technically inclined but when it comes down to the finer details of things I nod my head and say yep
do you see yourself buying the system? I know you frequent this thread but you may just be interested for other reasons. seeing as you've been around dev-kits and seen to an extent what its capable of I'd like to know how you feel about it personally.
Oh I fully plan to buy the system. I cant miss out on Zelda and Mario. I have at least 7 titles I will buy at launch and it could go up depending on any surprises. My Gaming habits are Primarily PC/Nintendo
On a different note, was thinking about how awesome it could potentially be to get a console launching with a new Mario game, a new Rayman title and possibly a new Sonic.. if Sonic Dimensions is still a thing.
nice. I think its funny how you're a developer but no one hounds you for information. you're pretty much a stealth insider in these threads.
UE4 currently can only run on a multi-GPU setup or a Kepler. Considering Microsoft is only a year out from their next console, we're going to be expecting another mammoth power-sucking $350+ sold-at-a-loss console from them then?
Here is a post I made earlier tonight describing it:Sure I like visiting the store just to see their new gear
And what contest?
nice. I think its funny how you're a developer but no one hounds you for information. you're pretty much a stealth insider in these threads.
I tried to get him to start back, but he won't give in to peer pressure.
Yeah. Early adopters would be looking for something to play, and Sonic would be the next-best alternative to Mario.That would be pretty amazing.
Actually, I'm a bit surprised at Sega. I figure the best time to release a Sonic game is at the launch of a Nintendo system. I don't know why they never take advantage of this. It's not like Nintendo has been launching consoles with Mario lately.
Who's this guy and what he did?Is Matty Boosh still alive?
I am (and I'm sure others gaffers are too). But I suspect those of us excited about the upcoming nintendo hw value elegant engineering, cost- and power efficiency way more than most people.
Who's this guy and what he did?
Who's this guy and what he did?
Probably not a great thing. Wasn't this recently rumored to be a launch window title and not a day 1 release?Have noticed a trend with Killer Freaks from Outer Space.Upto interpretation how to take it but they seem to have a high turnover rate on Staff for the game
Probably not a great thing. Wasn't this recently rumored to be a launch window title and not a day 1 release?
Given how powerful I think WiiU will be. I'm not surprised that UE4 won't run on the machine.
There's going to be a lot of disappointed folks come E3 this year.
Given how powerful I think WiiU will be. I'm not surprised that UE4 won't run on the machine.
There's going to be a lot of disappointed folks come E3 this year.
Gahiggidy said:This how I think/believe/hope the Wii U will fit into the hierarchy of console performance:
With Xbox 360 on the scale at 0 and its successor at 100. Wii U would fall at 65% and PS4 at 85%.
If I am criticizing Geoff for even considering potentially speaking out of turn I dont think you can expect me to then speak out of turn
Here are my expectations...
Have noticed a trend with Killer Freaks from Outer Space.Upto interpretation how to take it but they seem to have a high turnover rate on Staff for the game