Here are my expectations...
That's pretty high up. I'm expecting somewhere between 30-40%
Here are my expectations...
Here are my expectations...
The 360s successor is a car?
The 360s successor is a car?
i meant the question being 'antonz, aren't you a dev'
see i would have answered just yes or no to be a dick, instead of giving a thoughtful response like you did, hence my reply to your response, and this one explaining it.
that usually doesn't bode well.
it's especially not good if it's coming from people who were splintered off from making beyond good & evil 2.
I'm thinking somewhere around 20 to 40. So put me down by 30, I guess.
Where's the Wii at on that scale, BTW? Haha..
Ahh ok now Im following you though not in a stalkerish way. Im trying to keep my dickish posting habits to a minimum since its a stricter time of year around here. That and I am used to inflating answers because it works better career wise to fluff up answers. Yes or No leads to tons more questions
It is a bit worrisome to me as well looking at some of these resumes. I cant judge them solely on those but going from Smalltime Facebook style games to lead gameplay programmer on a major console game is one hell of a leap
Here are my expectations...
Not sold at a loss, sold with a 2-year contract with monthly fees. They are already experimenting with that with the $99 XBox 360 + Kinect package. It makes sense as a way to stealthily sell people $600 to $700 game consoles.UE4 currently can only run on a multi-GPU setup or a Kepler. Considering Microsoft is only a year out from their next console, we're going to be expecting another mammoth power-sucking $350+ sold-at-a-loss console from them then?
Killer Freaks seems to be pulling resources from all over. Im seeing Paris Staff, Singapore, the actual montpellier team etc.
Not sold at a loss, sold with a 2-year contract with monthly fees. They are already experimenting with that with the $99 XBox 360 + Kinect package. It makes sense as a way to stealthily sell people $600 to $700 game consoles.
Killer Freaks seems to be pulling resources from all over. Im seeing Paris Staff, Singapore, the actual montpellier team etc.
well that makes it sound like they're giving it heavy importance at least. i wonder if their intention is to replicate the sales of red steel, and actually turn it into a franchise or something.
I hope this doesn't mean the game will be delayed or turn into a mess. I wasn't really interested in it, but if it turned out to be something along the lines of TimeSplitters then I would probably pick it up.
Are people worried about it not supporting UE4 because they really want to see UE4 games (based on the games using UE3 last gen) or because they're worried about the implications on the support it will have in general if it doesn't have the featureset to support it?
Wait, is that bad news?
Lol a ubisoft game might be a shitty mish mash of mediocrity? Gasp! Can't say I'll be surprised. Who knows though.
Are people worried about it not supporting UE4 because they really want to see UE4 games (based on the games using UE3 last gen) or because they're worried about the implications on the support it will have in general if it doesn't have the featureset to support it?
Durango is the code name for the 360 successor. It's also the name of car.
I was hoping it was a car.
When I mean "support in general" I mean considering all the other engines that will be used. Considering the vast majority of games won't use UE4, do people expect other engines to basically follow in it's path and would therefore mean they too won't be compatible with Wii U, or are Epic going for some uber-engine it's unlikely anyone will come close to?
I was hoping it was a car.
I forgot to mention that all of the 2013 Dodge Durangos will have a Xbox 720 built into them.
I tried to get him to start back, but he won't give in to peer pressure.
Here is a post I made earlier tonight describing it:
Thanks for the offer to help. I'll PM you later this week if it looks like people are interesting in the Bingo contest.
Lies you noob! Would be 2014 model as last half of year would be the 2014 models![]()
But I wanna car.Whoever makes a system that powerful wins a car.
Are there any Nintendo Gafers living in New York City?
While I do agree with this statement, I still like Cars. It may be Pixar's worst movie franchise (Cars 2 was worse than Cars 1), but it's still the worst of the bestedit: fuck cars. worst pixar movie i've seen.
The Wii U CPU, as we know from Nintendo, is made by IBM and is based on their POWER 7 architecture, and will be built on 45nm. The new details reveal that the Wii U CPU is modeled after the 710 Express IBM server processor, which as standard has 6 cores and runs at speeds of up to 3.7 GHz. The 710 Express chip can also execute 4 threads per core at the same.
In order to save on production costs, Nintendo has scaled down the processor for the console. The Wii U version of the CPU will scale down the cores to 4, the clock frequency to 3 GHz, and threads per core will go down from 4 to 2. This means the Wii U CPU will be able to execute 8 threads at the same time. The current Xbox 360 CPU, also made by IBM, can execute 6 threads at the same time.
On paper it looks like the Wii U is around 50% more powerful than current gen systems
That fits my speculation up above that the Xbox 360 has 2 butthairs of power and the Wii-U has 3 butthairs of power!Did anyone see this rumour on cpu spec:-
Too late.
UE4 currently can only run on a multi-GPU setup or a Kepler. Considering Microsoft is only a year out from their next console, we're going to be expecting another mammoth power-sucking $350+ sold-at-a-loss console from them then?
Here are my expectations...
those eyes
That fits my speculation up above that the Xbox 360 has 2 butthairs of power and the Wii-U has 3 butthairs of power!
Oh dude, this movie talk just gave me a great idea for a Wii-U game I want:
The Hobbit RPG for Wii-U. Bilbo is hired as a burglar, so everywhere you go, the controller gives hints about where you can find treasure, as well as being able to display inventory menus and whatnot. And once you find a magic ring, putting it on makes the main screen go white and you can kinda see by looking at the controller and moving it around AR style (I'm assuming that the movie will use much of the same invisible-hobbit effect that the Lord of the Rings movies did, though hopefully a lot less intense).
Well I don't know how much of a difference a potential lack of UE4 would make when talking about graphics, but it could make a big difference in 3rd party support.Saw the UE4 likely not being on Wii U & it got me wondering whether the 360/PS3 ever used UE3 at the highest-end of that engine's capabilities. If Samaritan is UE3, then obviously they did not, but if Wii U can utilize UE3 to near full, then the lack of UE4 shouldn't matter much, right?
Well it does matter. UE4 will have features and effects that UE3 doesn't have. If those features/effects aren't an issue then downports won't be too bad.Saw the UE4 likely not being on Wii U & it got me wondering whether the 360/PS3 ever used UE3 at the highest-end of that engine's capabilities. If Samaritan is UE3, then obviously they did not, but if Wii U can utilize UE3 to near full, then the lack of UE4 shouldn't matter much, right?
Or it's just a crazy stalker who broke into his house to steal his year books.I saw that photo a while back with the predicable macro of "Even in highschool his body was ready".
So I'm guessing there are Nintendo fans out there who are realising they went to school with Reggie. Guess they wish they were BFF with him now.
when will be the NDA expire for developers to open a bit? Will it be after e3?