How is DCX not there?
It's takeaways, not giveaways.
How is DCX not there?
How is DCX not there?
How is DCX not there?
Doesn't matter what they need. They're all taking skills position players.\Either way almost every team in the bottom 10 needs offensive line help, what a shocker!
Bingo.Doesn't matter what they need. They're all taking skills position players.
You should have at least gone with a more plausible lie. All 3 of the FFs in our game were caused by Robo-Willis.
Which is fine with me!
Bottom seven teams for most takeaways:
Jaguars - 23 (1-11)
Titans - 23 (1-12)
Jets - 22 (3-9)
Packers - 22 (3-9)
Lions - 20 (6-6)
Cowboys - 19 (3-9)
Browns - 19 (2-10)
That's a combined record of 19-66 with a combined takeaway total of 148.
Top seven teams for most takeaways:
49ers - 56 (11-2)
Eagles - 51 (11-2)
Texans - 49 (11-2)
Colts - 48 (9-4)
Saints - 42 (9-4)
Bears - 42 (10-2)
Bills - 40 (10-2)
That's a combined record of 71-18 with a combined takeaway total of 328.
I've played all of those teams so far.![]()
I don't know if that's what contributed to your turnover ratio or vice versa. Chicken or the egg?!
I had zero against Luke though! Someone should now post the CB ratings of all those teams.
I would say about 75% of my turnovers came against those four teams though.
I had 7 turnovers to the Colts, 6 to the 49ers, 2 to the Bears. Haven't played Smokey yet!
Trasher, quit bragging about your Luke victory! He let you win, you both should be ashamed!
Fucking Wildcat Dolphins.
Doesn't matter what they need. They're all taking skills position players.
It's a good thing AT is building a small wild card lead, because I believe he has two games left with the Eagles and he never beats CB. So those are two guaranteed losses right there.
It's a good thing AT is building a small wild card lead, because I believe he has two games left with the Eagles and he never beats CB. So those are two guaranteed losses right there.
In XCom I kind of already lost Argentina and I'm about to lose Canada and Mexico, I think I need to start over so I can avoid some of the mistakes I made early
I think a lot of those guys above would benefit from a playmaker more than anything else. Jags/Cards/Browns/Jets specifically, and then also the Chargers would benefit from a top WR. Tbh the sacks that I do take are mostly because my guys can't get open or take too long to get to the right spots.
I'm leaning in either the direction of a top WR or a strong DB with my McNeily pick then the other with my own pick. I was really hoping that McNeily would tank so that I could get one of the top 2 corners.
Edited for clarity.
GG. There go my playoff chances. Oh well, I'll draft well for next year.
I'll be home in 10 mins if you still want to rumble LJ
Who got hurt?
gg rors. Can't wait till I can get a fast RB.
Too late and I'd prefer someone with a smaller hit to my cap so I can overpay for FAs. Just need to hold out till the draft.DeAngelo Williams is available!
I upgraded to a Galaxy III from my OG Evo 4g. Originally ordered an Iphone5, but slept on it and decided to go S3 the next day. Finished setting it up...
gotdamn dat screen
and i had no idea my phone was so out of date mind is being blown
Rors is going to win the Super Bowl. We are all just pawns in his game.
I have the S3 too. It kicks ass. It does everything for you too. Just like P Willy!
Why would you say you'd lose to me, Rors!? When you put it like that it makes me not want to steal the Raiders from you if you just give them up
0-2 against Rors with a score differential of -6. I fear for my mental health if Rors continues to play in the afc west. Please beat him for the raiders next year Sok.
Too late and I'd prefer someone with a smaller hit to my cap so I can overpay for FAs. Just need to hold out till the draft.
It took everything in my power not to launch my controller through the TV based on the last minute of the game.