I have awoken.
/edit Is it me or are there two kaminas now? lol..
/edit Is it me or are there two kaminas now? lol..
Has anyone here bothered to keep up with Wolf Guy?
I know, I know. Pretty much everyone here, including me, dropped it after Inugami went all emo and it became a rape hentai for God knows how many chapters. But I've been reading the earlier chapters again and it was pretty good and I really like the art. It would be such a waste if it didn't pick up after that. Is it still a waste of time?
Very nice ! Thanks!![]()
Okay, there's the final batch for now as I'm exhausted and my elbow hurts.
fixed Medaka for Milk, cause the eyes were the wrong colour.
Added Empoleon in case Wiseblade wants it, cause I <3 u.
and uhh... Ash Ketchum is up for grabs in case someone wants to be Ash.
/edit messed up creed's shadoww
/edit fixed.
Weird, i was thinking about the same thing when i was reading the chapter.Soul Eater
This thing better get a second fucking anime I swear.
Kind of random, but can I have some manga-style art book recommendations? I have the pixiv and the soejima one and I'm thinking of expanding my collection.
Though I think I'd actually just like a good resource on what titles there are and just browse books whose style I like.
It should be fine anywhere after the hunter exam. I'll say it's even a good idea to read it before the Yorkshin arc as soon as possible because it can really help your mind digest a few key points before you tackle them in the story.Hey guys, how far into HxH would I need to be before I read the Kurapika chapters? I've just marathoned the first arc in the new anime.
Nice, that sounds like a great idea. Thanks!It should be fine anywhere after the hunter exam. I'll say it's even a good idea to read it before the Yorkshin arc as soon as possible because it can really help your mind digest a few key points before you tackle them in the story.
What ? How ? Why ?I have awoken.
/edit Is it me or are there two kaminas now? lol..
What ? How ? Why ?![]()
We need to go deeperWe are on a popular internet forum feverishly discussing about a manga based on the feverish discussion of a man's romantic adventure on a popular internet forum.
We need to go deeper
He's already on itSomeone make a neogaf doujinishi stat.
He's already on it
Soon we'll have an entire page of posts with nothing but sprite avatars.
Reading the previous pages, apparently someone asked before me...ah well.I don't know, I guess both of you requested the same thing,
I only list the chars not the people who asked. xD
Haha this never gets old
Crona has been confirmed male?
Soul Eater 105
I wonder how long this fight will last in 2013. Anyway like everyone else has said Black☆Star epic as usual. Maka is pretty weak and has the art quality for her been decreasing the longer this manga has gone on, she looked really odd in lots of panels and same for crona.
Crona has been confirmed male?
That's Neorice's plan. Escape now while you have the-Soon we'll have an entire page of posts with nothing but sprite avatars.
I'd recommend the Queen's Blade one (it's good, it got Oda Non art in it!) and the Valkyrie Chronicles books, all 3 (though the third one has still to be released in English). All worth it.
Oh, also Kozue Amano Illustration Works IV - Birth Art Book if you can get your hands on it. Really worth it, though I think it's only available in Japanese?
Sakamichi no Apollon Bonus Track
I didn't even know this manga is already completed. So glad I caught up and the ending was really nice
Wolf Guy 1-117, the end
I took the hit for the group, even though no one asked me to.
Why I did it? I have no idea. I looked at the "recent" list of the manga app on my old iPad, to complete the favorite list on my new iPad, I case I missed some older stuff, and I noticed that I stopped reading Wolf Guy around chapter 60, right after the endless raping began.
I was endlessly tired, but for some reason I wanted to see again how it all started and from then on I couldn't stop reading for some reason. I knew it was shit, I read your posts and I actually wanted to start with 7 Seeds, but I was really stuck.
This manga is a complete downhill ride to the very end. It starts good, turns decent, gets annoying and then reaches a point, were I want to shoot myself in the head, just to make it stop.
What happened to Inugami was a tragedy. And I don't mean his background story, but what happened to his character. He was the noble werewolf, full of pride, who lets the delinquents beat him to pulp, just to come back to school the next day, with a big fat grin on his face. He told the principal how full of shit he was and called the members of the student council out for their bullshit.
But then he turned into this whiny emo kid with too much power, a mother complex and a tragic backstory. What the fuck. If I want to read tragic background stories that bore me to death, I'll go back to read One Piece and if I want the whiny emo kid with too much power, then I can go back and read some Naruto chapters with the Sauce or even Bleach.
Once you pass the rape part, which goes on and on and on, it then just gets completely ridiculous and with every page I read, all I could think was "what a waste of good art". It's like watching a pretty picture slowly turning to shit.
And I really like the character art. Now, I already mentioned that I might be easy to impress when it comes to art in manga, but things like the depiction of Haguro, who's turning completely insane, and his inner monster is really good. I like it.
No, he didn't actually turn into a monster or summon one, but given the terrible plot, it would be no surprise. And that's a shame, really. The plot is 100% schlock and not even in a way, where I could say "it's so bad, it's good". It's just pure and utter shit, right down to the very last page and it saddens me. He could do some really wonderful horror, if it wasn't for the writing.
But maybe I'm just insane.
Now I need the final chapter of Molester Man to cheer me up or at least give me some closure.
I believe just some random kids living on the island, serving as a parallel to Kaoru and Sentarou.Sakamichi no Apollon Bonus Track
Who were these kids at the end?
Last time I heard the anime bombed pretty hard so we can only wish ._.Sakamichi no Apollon: Bonus Track 5
Since the anime is over, I want this chapter to be an OVA for the show. It's a great chapter to wrap up the story of the 3 friends.