And it still trumps Skip so why the fuck are we even on this...
Because Skip's job is to entertain. And Cuban's complaints really rested on the Mav's not getting credit for the one title they'll ever get while he's heavily involved in the organization.
Further, Cuban was wrong on a couple of key things.
1) Athletes certainly care what's being said about them, the best athletes are masters at tuning it out. But a lot of guys get really bothered by flack at times.
2) LeBron checked out, his numbers mattered. Everyone was eating this up last year. Yes, the Mavs should have gotten credit for their defense, but Cuban came on the show and merely said the exact opposite of what Skip said, all the while wagging his finger about generalities and using generalities as well: "all the media does," "you NEVER use facts," so on and so on. Skip's a joke, but that doesn't mean Cuban isn't either.
I mean this is the dude who quipped, "well gosh, I wish Steve Nash played like a MVP when he was with us!" I guess Nash didn't want to play like an MVP hard enough when he was with the mavs, right Mark?