Advanced Warfare: MP


I haven't been saying anything, but your AI shots over the past few pages have been phenomenal and I think it is some of the best stuff this threads ever had.
Your examples comparing it to the movie are really cool as well.
edit: Sorry for busting in between your posts N1ghtwalker!
Definitely! I've been putting screenshot ones in but commenting them out if they don't work completely. Having HUD removal at a games pause screen can be very useful for taking screenshots.Also I feel like at some point I should submit all these PSHash's I'm finding.
Randomly, after playing some games and watching some upcoming games, I just wanted to say, I fucking love PBR.
I assume you aren't talking about Pabst Blue Ribbon, or Pokemon Battle Revolution, so what is PBR?
I assume you aren't talking about Pabst Blue Ribbon, or Pokemon Battle Revolution, so what is PBR?
AC IV Avalin
If you want downsampling instead of the game's taxing and inefficent AA, GeDoSato works with AC4.
The OP should be updated to not include Minus as a hosting option. All the images that have been recently posted using it are broken on my end.
I assumed it was about Professional Bull Riders. =PI assume you aren't talking about Pabst Blue Ribbon, or Pokemon Battle Revolution, so what is PBR?
No.Just dicking around with DSR, really simple thing to use, do most people use it with 0% smoothness ?
Also: For such a big budget game from people like Rockstar. MP3 sure does look like ass