dark10x said:I really wish I could have found another copy for you, B'z. I really looked hard (I had a helper who overturned virtually every case) for another copy of Disgaea, but I had no such luck. I found a ton of great stuff when I went back on Sunday, but that was not among them. ZOE2 was also a no show (that was not available at ANY of the four locations). I'd imagine the ZOE2 sale earlier this year probably was responsible for that (remember, it had been $4.99 this past spring).
Anyways, here's my final list...
Disgaea - Hour of Darkness
Grandia Xtreme
Guilty Gear XX
Burnout 2
Chaos Legion
Voodoo Vince
Grabbed by the Goulies
Forver Kingdom
Drakan 2
PaRappa 2
The Bouncer
Legaia 2
Dark Cloud 2
War of the Monsters
Spyhunter 2
Crimson Sea
Fongul said:Is there anyway I can get that Grandia Xtreme off your hands?I do have a copy of ZOE 2 that I'm willing to trade straight up if you're interested. PM me or something *crosses fingers*
dark10x said:I really wish I could have found another copy for you, B'z. I really looked hard (I had a helper who overturned virtually every case) for another copy of Disgaea, but I had no such luck. I found a ton of great stuff when I went back on Sunday, but that was not among them. ZOE2 was also a no show (that was not available at ANY of the four locations). I'd imagine the ZOE2 sale earlier this year probably was responsible for that (remember, it had been $4.99 this past spring).
Anyways, here's my final list...
Disgaea - Hour of Darkness
Grandia Xtreme
Guilty Gear XX
Burnout 2
Chaos Legion
Voodoo Vince
Grabbed by the Goulies
Forver Kingdom
Drakan 2
PaRappa 2
The Bouncer
Legaia 2
Dark Cloud 2
War of the Monsters
Spyhunter 2
Crimson Sea
elitehebrew said:Before I put my copies of Disgaea on Ebay i wanna know if any of you guys still need a copy. If so hit me up with a PM
elitehebrew said:Before I put my copies of Disgaea on Ebay i wanna know if any of you guys still need a copy. If so hit me up with a PM
johnnyboix said:i think the employees are hiding em!.. seriouslly.. theres so many young workers at my CC.. they all look like a nerd under that red shirt..
JC10001 said:I think so too. My conversation with some of them:
Employee1: So can I see that list of $5 games you have?
Me: No
Employee1: Why not?
Me: Because this place has already been picked over and if you guys get restocked I don't want you hogging all the games for yourselves. You already get first dibs and an employee discount. Do the work yourselves.
Employee2: Where did you find out about the sale? On the internet?
Me: Yes
Employee2: What site?
Me: I'm not telling you, because once again you guys will just hog everything up when the next deal rolls around.
So then they started to scan just about everything and if it was $5 and good they started pulling copies and putting them under the counter.
FortNinety said:I seriously hate news like this. I mean, is there even a Circuit City anywhere in America that even has 25% of all the games listed? Here in NYC, I think we have like 0.002%![]()
FortNinety said:I seriously hate news like this. I mean, is there even a Circuit City anywhere in America that even has 25% of all the games listed? Here in NYC, I think we have like 0.002%![]()
so do you not even need a receipt then? just tell them to call CC?Manders said:Well just hit up Circuit City again today. Slim pickens now. I was able to get 17 games and when I was checking out I mentioned to the salesman that I was disappointed because they didn't have a couple games I wanted and he told me Best Buy would price match it, and when Best Buy calls to check if they have it in stock they usually lie. Ha...I love CC.
Anyway, I headed over to Best Buy and was able to find a copy of Disgaea and a couple of other games.
johnnyboix said:u went to the back area?, shoulda took EVERYThING
Wario64 said:Haha nice, you should have tried to get more games though just to screw him
There was a terrential down pour on my way home so I stopped by CC to get out of the rain to see if they had anything left. There were no employees behind the counter so I went around back and low and behold... 1 copy of MGS2:S and 2 copies of Disgaea along with about 2 dozen really good games (Viewtiful Joe, Dynasty Warriors 4, Pikmin, etc, etc... basically every good game on the list and multiple copies of several of them. There were 7 Viewtiful Joes!!! Too bad I already owned them all). There was a note attached that read "hold for Nick, will pay Friday". Now, I recall that this Nick was one of the employees that was snatching up the good shit left and right on Saturday and when I asked him then if they had Disgaea he said they didn't. So I said fuck it. I snagged MGS2S and Disgaea (1 copy), took them up front, and bought them. Fuck you Nick! You selfish pig. First come first serve. If you don't have the money to pay for it oh well. Get in back of the line.
I went to two, completely cleared out. Id assume the same for the othersFuture Trunks said:Houston people, I'm flying in tomorrow morning, any CCs in Houston by chance still got games?
JC10001 said:So I said fuck it. I snagged MGS2S and Disgaea (1 copy), took them up front, and bought them. Fuck you Nick! You selfish pig. First come first serve. If you don't have the money to pay for it oh well. Get in back of the line.